If you look back in history, you’ll discover that doomsday preppers have predicted the end of time on numerous occasions. Yet we’re all still here. This group of people believes the world is soon coming to an end. And for that reason, they have to be fully prepared for the apocalypse.
Diehard doomsday preppers go above and beyond to prepare for everything. They stockpile food, toiletries, weapons, ammunition, water, fuel, and much more. Many of them also adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Usually, preppers have some type of bunker where their family members will live until any danger passes.
Okay, there’s nothing wrong with having extra items on hand in case of a bad storm or power outage. But doomsday preppers are a different breed. Although some of them take a reasonable approach to getting prepared for the end of the world, others go to extremes. Thanks to them sharing photos and memes, the rest of us normal-thinking individuals get to enjoy a good laugh.
These 50 pictures explain it all.
1. Which way did they go?
We have to admit, this is a clever idea. When doomsday rolls around, whoever wears these shoes can easily escape by confusing the enemy. If the apocalypse never happens, these would be perfect for playing a prank on someone.
Well, perhaps on a much smaller scale and without all the animals. But considering doomsday preppers believe the end of time is coming soon, they’d better work fast or they’ll never get their ark finished in time.
A typical bug-out bag is supposed to contain enough supplies to last someone 72 hours after evacuating a disaster. But this guy could probably last months. We’re even betting his bag contains the kitchen sink.
This prepper thought of everything…including fiber. Hey, you never know when you’re going to need a little help in the bathroom area. After all, doomsday doesn’t discriminate.
Sugar is a common item that preppers stock up on. But with all these bags of “sugar-free” sugar, they’ll have to wait until doomsday to find out what’s inside. We hope they love surprises.
They’re not goofing around but trying out a unique escape route once doomsday rolls around. Unfortunately, we don’t think the middle of the ocean is a very safe hiding place. Then again, maybe they know something we don’t.
We thought the purpose of hoarding food was so that preppers could eat it when the apocalypse hits. According to this tee shirt, someone doesn’t understand that concept.
A female prepper would stack everything neatly and make multiple trips to take items to their doomsday hiding spot. But not a male. Nope, he’ll get it all in one load. Doesn’t he know if he gets pulled over by a cop that he’s going to have to reveal his address?
As part of being a doomsday prepper, not only do you stockpile food but also live off the land. With just one lure, the latter isn’t going to be easy. Especially if you lose it while fishing.
Either this prepper wants to make sure their cat is well taken care of during the apocalypse or they realized cat food is more nutritious than a lot of human food. At least they bought a nice variety of flavors.
And then when you add in Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and all the news channels, some preppers aren’t going to fare very well. Some of them might not have thought their decision through good enough.
If you’re going to raise livestock and small animals for food, you’d better make sure you know what you’re doing. Otherwise, you could end up with something like this. Whatever this thing is, it doesn’t look very appetizing.
After reading an article about stockpiling necessities, one prepper thought this would suffice. While this is convenient and it might last for a short amount of time, we don’t think this is what the author meant by saying, “be prepared.”
He might only be 12-years-old, but this boy has a pretty good doomsday plan. Once the zombies come out, make friends with them. Then, nuke them. We’re not sure it’ll work but we like the idea.
Perhaps she should be happy instead of mad. After all, she got a Christmas tree and now when the zombies come, her husband will protect her. We see this as a win-win situation.
Even during doomsday, some people will want to kick back and read a good book. For preppers, this is the type of reading material preferred. Ah, so relaxing.
If you’re going to be a prepper, you’d better get your act together. Otherwise, this is what you’ll be eating for supper. It has it all…crunch, juice, and lots of nutrients. Yummy.
For some preppers, that includes satellite. But wait. If cities are destroyed, who’s manning the television stations to keep them posted on the location of the zombies?
Hey, just because preppers have to hide out in bunkers doesn’t mean they can’t look great doing it. We think a mask covered in crystals makes perfect sense. Don’t you?
For all the preppers who stockpile guns and who enjoy a little late-night snack, they might want to be extra careful when reaching for something to eat at 3:00 a.m. One wrong choice could prove disastrous.
When it comes to preppers, there are two primary types — sophisticated and redneck. We bet you can’t guess which one came up with this brilliant idea for a fortress.
Anyone reading this sign should have no problem understanding its meaning. But we have just one question. Can zombies read? If not, these preppers are in for a rude awakening.
This is a genius idea. For preppers hiding out in a snowy region, they can easily camouflage themselves by repurposing their wife’s wedding dress. Let’s just hope it works.
If a doomsday prepper shows up at your house in this, you might want to jump on board and ask questions later. On second thought, perhaps you should ask a lot of questions first.
See…this photo proves that doomsday preppers aren’t crazy. Even nuns have joined the cause. But something about seeing these women with long rifles doesn’t feel quite right. Then again if they’re a good shot, who cares.
To fight off zombies during the apocalypse, most people arm themselves with long rifles, shotguns, and automatic assault weapons. But not this guy. He prefers a slingshot capable of firing machetes.
On the other hand, some preppers like to take a more low-tech approach. We’re sure in a fight against a mob of zombies, they’d have no problem winning. Okay, try not to laugh.
If an attack comes unexpectedly, like in the middle of the night, there’s no time for preppers to grab things. With this, they can take off while bringing their most important possession with them.
For someone to be a successful doomsday prepper, they have to know who the enemy is. With this handy tracking guide, they’ll have no problem. Although the ninjas might be a little challenging.
Non-preppers have no idea that different types of zombies exist. But as this chart shows, they do. When doomsday hits, these people need to know what they’re messing with so they can take the appropriate action.
Why should preppers carry bulky weapons when they can use this? Just a little bit of water and they’re ready to go. The only thing we don’t know is if this comes in different calibers. And what about the ammunition?
This dog probably can’t hit the side of a barn. But to a zombie, his getup might just be enough to scare it away. You never know. Regardless, he’s super cute.
…we think. But we have to admit we have no clue how this works. Does water rehydrate after opening the can or does a prepper have to add water to hydrate it? We’re so than confused.
Just because doomsday preppers end up in some kind of shelter or bunker doesn’t mean it has to be boring. As a perfect example, Italian preppers might think of doing something like this to make things a little homier.
There’s nothing worse than a nagging wife who claims her husband never lifts a finger to clean anything. These guns look pretty clean to us. Get over it.
Trying to find the ideal gift for a male prepper is harder than it seems. But a person can’t go wrong with ammunition boxes. Just think of them as doomsday Tupperware.
Preppers must always be on the lookout for trouble. That’s why most of them spend time each day scouring their land for anything that seems out of place. While this AK-47 made of bacon won’t fire, the person carrying it will never get hungry.
Those silly looking glasses people wear to watch an eclipse are also perfect for preppers. They can wear them to protect their eyes once the world starts exploding.
Somehow, it seems unfair to preppers for zombies to have access to smartphones. Doesn’t that give them a big advantage in finding people to eat during the apocalypse? Just curious.
Obviously, having the right ammunition during an apocalypse is vital to survival. When it comes to giving family ideas for Christmas gifts, this would be what a prepper provides.
Doomsday preppers always seem to find the most unique items on the market. Just take this one for example. Considering the future, it’d be nice to have a plunger to use when sh*t happens.
Rather than a hobby, prepping is a lifestyle. That’s why doomsday preppers are always prepared. That includes driving around with a giant slingshot on the roof of their car. Strange yet kind of cool.
Do you know how you can identify someone who takes prepping seriously? The answer is if you see this staring back at you when you visit them. That’s when you know it’s time to make different friends.
If you look back in history, you’ll discover that doomsday preppers have predicted the end of time on numerous occasions. Yet we’re all still here. This group of people believes the world is soon coming to an end. And for that reason, they have to be fully prepared for the apocalypse.
Diehard doomsday preppers go above and beyond to prepare for everything. They stockpile food, toiletries, weapons, ammunition, water, fuel, and much more. Many of them also adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Usually, preppers have some type of bunker where their family members will live until any danger passes.
Okay, there’s nothing wrong with having extra items on hand in case of a bad storm or power outage. But doomsday preppers are a different breed. Although some of them take a reasonable approach to getting prepared for the end of the world, others go to extremes. Thanks to them sharing photos and memes, the rest of us normal-thinking individuals get to enjoy a good laugh.