Before and afters are the same way – that transformation can help us see the beauty (or ugliness) that was lurking in something all along. And two pictures might say something very different about the very same person.
We’ve gathered 50 examples of photos that will raise your eyebrows, make you think, surprise you, or even just make you say “hm, well look at that.”
From adorable to historical, disturbing to otherwise uncanny, you’re bound to gain a new perspective on something by clicking through these 50 slides.
1. Between The Rock and a hard place
We know Charles Barkley is a solid guy and Shaq is really tall, but they make The Rock – who is 6’4″ tall and 260 pounds – look like an action figure.
Think this is Photoshopped? It came from the man in the middle himself, who posted it on Twitter for perspective.
2. Girl’s vs. Boy’s Life
Props to all the girls who overcame the low expectations that implied their hair, weight, fashion sense, etc. should be their defining features instead of their intelligence and ambition.
3. Real-life vs. Photoshop
This Photoshopped magazine cover – which went viral years ago – just goes to show that even the rich, famous, and gorgeous aren’t “perfect” enough for our glossy ideals of what a woman should look like.
(And, of course, men get Photoshopped into unrealistic versions of themselves too.)
4. The Beatles, Jr.
They’d sure make a heck of a cover band!
5. Polar bear vs. human hands
And we have to admit – we’ve never really thought of polar bears as quite so big. But we’re definitely going to skip the high five.
6. Two popes, two papal thrones
Choose your own interpretation of what this says about their worldviews.
7. Two bedrooms in the same house at the same time of day
We wonder how much their personalities differ as a result of such different conditions.
8. Smoking vs. non-smoking sections
That’s because on the left you have the smoking section.
That’s a lot of dirty air particles!
9. Two very different Valentine’s Days
And no one ever said you couldn’t romantically split a bottle of Jack Daniels and some fried chicken.
To each their own.
10. “Normal” vs. natural disaster-affected waterfall
But you’ll want to stay back a lot farther if you visit after a hurricane drops a ton of rain on the area.
11. Women’s vs. men’s bathrooms…and the men’s line is longer
Sadly, at a tech conference.
This Redditor took the photo at an IT conference.
12. Two chickens, two eggs
But it just so happens that the chicken that laid the egg on the left is a lot more experienced. She’s been laying eggs for years. The egg on the right is from a chicken that just started laying eggs.
13. Heirloom vs. “selectively bred” tomato
Of course, most of us just get the tomatoes we now consider to be “regular” ones at the store. These have been bred to look a certain way and be largely uniform in size and color.
What a difference some genes make!
14. 2018 phone vs. 1998 phone
How did we ever lug those things around?
15. Same photo, same place, different lighting
This photographer caught someone else’s camera flash when taking this photo of snow falling at Ginzan Onsen, which illuminated the snow for him.
If you had seen an entire photo that looked like the left-hand side, you’d have a much different idea of what the town looked like at night.
16. 1990 vs. 2018
Think of all the things you would have needed to carry around a couple of decades ago to get all the functions that one little smartphone has now.
17. Three Game of Thrones novels in paperback vs. braille
This is what just 3 of the many Game of Thrones books looks like in braille.
18. The Arctic 103 years ago vs. 2018
This photo is more powerful than any aerial view.
We kind of needed that ice.
19. Anemic vs. healthy
Now we know why grandma was always telling us how to get the color back in our cheeks!
20. Weedkiller vs. no weedkiller
But many people appreciated the au naturel look of the lawn on the right, especially since it probably wasn’t harming the local ecosystem in the process.
What a difference some poison makes.
21. Minnesota, mere days apart
They really know how to pack all their seasons into one week.
22. Husband vs. wife jeans
Not everyone has a size difference, but since women tend to be shorter and smaller, the jeans comparison often seems comical, even if there’s not that big a difference when you’re looking at a couple.
In this case, the husband is 6’ 3” and the wife is 5’ 2”.
So why are men’s jeans still cheaper even though they need all that extra fabric?!
23. Adoptee vs. pet
Just look at the difference in his posture and eyes!
24. Summer vs. winter
But we had no idea there were THAT many inches on those mountains!
25. Tornado vs. wind turbines
Either way, it goes to show how nature can easily dwarf most human efforts.
26. 1.5 year old phone case vs. brand new case
This is the same type of phone case, only one has been used for over a year.
And that’s likely more than dirty – that type of plastic can be permeable and absorb all sorts of stuff – like cigarette smoke and other pollutants.
27. Norwegian soldiers, 75 years ago and today
But do better weapons and protective gear make war safer? Or just easier to justify?
28. Post-Hurricane neighborhood
The bottom photo – post-Hurricane Florence – was taken in Surf City, North Carolina. That disaster resulted in 53 fatalities.
29. Lighting up the sky
Even those who live outside the evacuation areas have to be careful because that air travels. Just take a look at this photo snapped in San Francisco for proof.
30. Pluto vs. Australia
Whether or not you’re Team Pluto Is A Planet, it’s striking to see just how small it is compared to our own.
31. Ken 1985 vs. Ken 2018
It looks like Ken managed to find the fountain of youth in the last 30+ years (though he didn’t manage to find nipples).
32. Mother and daughter
It’s always nice to get a heads up on how you might age!
This one is pretty incredible – it just looks like the same person in summer vs. winter!
33. Moms and dads
34. Shark brain vs. dolphin brain
But this explains a lot about why we consider dolphins pretty intelligent creatures and sharks just violent eating machines. Oversimplifications of both, to be sure, but shark brains are only capable of so much, as you can see.
35. Resting vs. sleep
36. Dubai, then and now
It’s gone from a group of settlements to a prosperous, glamorous city funded by the oil discovered there decades ago.
37. Cosmetic enhancement
Don’t think of this as trying to hide behind makeup, just appreciate the artistry.
Do you think you’d recognize her if you had only seen her one way?
38. LED vs. traditional street lamps
While the LEDs seem to provide better visibility, there are always other effects to consider, such as how they interfere with the circadian rhythms of humans and animals.
39. The exact same photo, the same angle
We’re not sure why this bugs us so much.
40. What a difference a week makes
We just love to see the leaves turn – especially the climbing ivy, which is like a temporary new paint job for your home.
41. 98% Wolf Vs. 40% Wolf
If you think your dog looks wolflike, just try comparing him or her to the one on the left!
42. Cruise ship vs. Titanic
That’s a rendering of the Titanic in the front – and behind you can see Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas, current the largest class of cruise ship on Earth.
43. Michelin’s biggest tire vs their smallest
In case you were wondering, the big one is for those giant earth mover trucks (which are large enough to easily run over your average large pickup truck).
44. Blue Whale and 75ft boat
If you recognize just how majestic this creature is, you might want to consider how much waste you produce every year that ends up in its oceans.
45. Diane Keaton IRL vs. in L’Oreal ad
Still, we don’t believe for a second that L’Oreal managed to smooth her face that much with its products alone.
Here she is at the Golden Globes compared to the L’Oreal commercial that aired during that show.
46. First day of freshman year vs. last
We just hope summer came soon after this photo was taken and she got some good rest!
47. The same street, 71 years apart
The incredible part is that most of those foundations are still the same.
48. Flame on Earth vs. flame in space
Just take NASA’s word for it when they say a flame in a low-gravity environment will be less buoyant. However, they are able to spread in any direction, which is why there are some high-tech fire extinguishers on the International Space Station.
49. 4 children, one flower
We wonder how these different visions correspond to their personalities.
50. Beginning of school, end of school
We hope his future students are just as excited to go to school each day!
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