Have you ever seen a Normal Rockwell painting?
Rockwell was an early 20th century painter who was famous for the illustrations he did for The Saturday Evening Post magazine. For nearly five decades he churned out images that replicated early American family life.
Today, when people think of a Rockwell painting, they often equate it with a time of innocence. Innocence that we have lost.
But have we? Here are 50 times life has recently imitated the world the Rockwell painted or drew.

1. Buzzcut
Perhaps this was a quarantine cut, but it really doesn’t matter. This image resonates Rockwell 100%.
2. A moment he will remember
Look at his face. He is truly in awe. I wonder if he was meeting one of his heroes.
3. Those expressions!
Shock. Embarrassment. Fascination. Makes you wonder about that kiss.
4. Finding out mom is pregnant
This is from the ‘50s. Makes me think of Leave it to Beaver or one of those old shows. So prim and proper.

5. Sharing your pain
This is what makes a pet so special. They are there when you need them.
6. That balloon
I can’t tell if she’s holding on to it or if it’s tied to her wrist. Regardless, the elements of this pic are fantastic.
7. This is hilarious
The expressions on her face. I love her! I’m a little afraid of her! I’ll be in so much trouble if I drop her!
8. I wonder where they are
I love seeing little boys dressed up like this. And I hope the 3 of them are buddies—that will remain buddies and have this awesome pic of back in the day.
9. Time travelers?
I don’t even know what era her outfit seems to be from. And what on earth is that child wearing? Did those clothes come from that old fashioned suitcase?
10. I wanna help
I can just hear her insisting that she helps. And then crashing here.
11. Okay, not so innocent
But look at them, all tough and cool. I hope the recreate this pic as grownups.
12. They start so young
Trying to win the girl. It doesn’t matter that she’s taller and older. He’s on a mission.
My 3rd Grade son trying desperately to impress the 5th Grade girl with his “claw skills” at the skating rink. from r/accidentalrockwell
13. I’m talking to you!
That cat clearly has something to say. And it’s clearly being ignored in favor of whatever she’s looking at on the phone.
14. I’m glad it’s mud
At first glance I thought something else. Either the kid or the dog had a terrible accident.
Jude and his hound dog puppy “chicky-dog” after playing in the mud. (Flint, MI 2018) from r/accidentalrockwell
15. Is this a good idea?
Teaching 5-year-olds to wrestle, I mean. I’m sure they are taught a ton of rules, but kids that age aren’t known for their reasoning skills. So’s who is to blame when your kid pounds on someone in the schoolyard because they can?
16. Soldier homecoming
So cute. Mom is probably crying tears of joy. The girls are giggling like little girls do.

17. Glowing with happiness
This embodies Rockwell. Sweet, loving, family moments. And a little guy who will have a great memory of a grandfather who loved him.
18. Clever minds
They’ve locked the teachers in and themselves out. Who here thinks the teachers are too troubled?
19. Whatcha doin’?
Look at them, so sweet and curious in their school uniforms. This is just another learning experience for them. And that guy seems so patient about it.

20. The boys of summer
Their faces! One of them is entirely into posing for the camera. The other two—not so much.
21. Just wow
Sometimes getting the perfect shot is all about being in the right place at the right time. This seems to be one of those times.
22. Blissfully content
Isn’t that what her face says? And yet this is probably a lonely COVID birthday party. Good for her, gracefully dealing with harsh realities at such a young age.
23. Everyone is so intense
Remember Gameboy? Were there any age barriers to having a game console you could carry in your pocket or purse? Now our game consoles are our phones.
24. Shock and awe
I guess if you’ve never seen anyone push some jewelry through a hole in your earlobe it could be a bit disturbing. Or at least intriguing.
25. More like a wind machine
Look at the size of that fan! I think it’s something you would find on a movie set. And those kids fit right in.
26. Grandpa’s little girl
Hopefully, as she grew, she remained thrilled spending time on the farm with grandpa. He looks to thrilled.
27. Frame-worthy!
He’s so delighted with his catch. And the cat is trying to catch it too. For the kid’s sake, I hope he didn’t.
28. And they did!
At least they are getting fresh air. I’m sure many moms would count this as a win. There just needs to be a way to incorporate some actual movement.
29. My gift to you
Is this like the cat bringing home dead animals as a symbol of their love? Recording breaking worms?
30. The grass is always greener
I would love to know what’s on the other side of that fence. Whatever it is, boy and dogs are fascinated.
31. 1993!
I had to look. That’s when Jurassic Park came out. Now I feel old. But looking at those kids is hysterical.
32. Happy as a clam
Hopefully he doesn’t eat the whole bucket. Fruit is good for you, but too much of it at once is problematic!
33. Smart kid!
They’re wax, right? So they will burn. But will they burn rainbows? I think I need to test that out one day.
34. You couldn’t have staged this better
The dog knows he should have been in the family pic. And he’s parked himself dead center. So cute.
35. Summers at the lake
Or maybe you were lucky enough to live year-round at a lake. Either way, this is so sweet.
36. Such language!
His body language pretty much screams out his feelings. He’d doing the time, but he isn’t happy about it.
37. Closer. Closer!
I try to do stuff like this to get closer too. But it’s because my vision sucks.
38. Excuse me, I just sneezed
So is that field of gold, goldenrod? Because just looking at this picture makes my eyes itch and my nose run.
39. It looks like an actual painting
The glow of the fire in her face is awesome. And on the little one’s hair.
40. The irony
Or maybe it’s job security. Either way, I knowing how destructive fire—and smoking is—I hope he’s careful with that thing.
41. Well, hello!
Please come right in! The way they’re looking at each other is so precious.
43. Time warp
Doesn’t it seem as those these two are grandparents in kids bodies? Like a Benjamin Button thing?
Stretch your wings
It looks like someone isn’t ready to go. Or they needed to say goodbye before they left.
45. Teamwork
Only one of them is in the buggy, but they’re all having fun. The smiles prove it!
46. Grandpa, no!
All grandpas should be fun and tease their grandkids. Unfortunately, they’re not.
47. Are they asleep?
What do your toys do when you’re not there? I guess if you sneak up on them you might find out.
48. Aww, poor guy
I wonder what they beautiful boy did to his paw. It’s a good thing his mom is there to fix it for him.
49. He’s not a rocket scientist
But it does look like he might be about to set the neighbors backyard on fire. How stupid is this?
50. Power outage?
And is that good boy afraid of the dark? He face tells a story!
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