If we all paid a bit more attention we might not make big mistakes. But let’s face it, sometimes we just can’t anticipate everything.
Nobody’s perfect, but these 60 people have proof of that – and we have something to laugh about (or cringe over) as a result.
1. Dad fail
But in the meantime, he’ll have to learn that overalls should actually go OVER something.
2. Next time, hide the body better
Really though, shouldn’t you try not to leave things that look like dead bodies on your porch?
3. At least he tried?
That’s $10 down the drain. Literally.
4. Attachment fail
Can you imagine having to explain yourself?
5. When gouging your eyes out is the only option
And yet, some people really feel like they want to memorialize their naked bodies.
It’s hard to believe someone could be so cavalier with their nude photos that they could accidentally send them to the wrong person, much less to their SISTER.
6. Brain spasm
But now we can safely assume that there are, indeed, stupid questions out there.
7. When life gives you avocados
Technically, they were pummeling him from the sky – it’s just that it makes sense if you have an avocado tree in your yard.
8. Job application fail
We’re guessing he didn’t make it to the interview stage.
But he did make us LOL.
9. Tastes clean
But doesn’t everyone know at least some weird soul who has tried to find out if food-scented products actually taste good?
No, just us?
10. The whole baby
This person isn’t exactly mother of the year.
11. Slide show
We’re pretty sure we’d have to get this repainted once we saw when happened when the door slid open.
But at least he’s giving bystanders a good laugh.
12. Dads and diapers
We’re surprised she can even stand up!
13. Late onset common sense
We just hope this person had a full allergy workup and didn’t love carrots and almonds too much.
14. It’s the thought that counts
But don’t you think twice before buying flowers in the produce section?
15. Got the blues
3 years is an impressively long time for that protective film to stay on – we’re almost impressed.
16. A for effort
Hey, at least it wasn’t a nude!
17. So when do I start?
At least if she doesn’t get an interview she’ll know why.
18. He’s in a better place now
But at least dad probably got a laugh out of it on his new boat.
19. Nicholas Cage wants to know
This person accidentally sent a potential future boss this photo of the actor instead of their cover letter and resume.
Time to start naming files more clearly!
20. Panic mode
Just take a deep breath and double check those attachments!
21. Yes, it’s too late
We wonder how this face to face meeting went.
22. Four-letter words
Well, we’re sure they tweaked it right after this!
23. Butch, please
We just hope it’s the kind of office where everyone can laugh about it.
24. Fresh breath
We’re blaming the soap makers for this one. We would have assumed it was chocolate too!
25. Now with more fiber
We just hope they never ate those silver foil ones!
26. Beached fail
But don’t worry, it was only worth $80,000.
27. That’s what friends are (supposed to be) for
Can’t a good photographer Photoshop that out?
28. Door jam
We just hope that’s not a bathroom door because they’re going to have to find a way to cover that extra hole!
29. Think outside the box
The best part is it looks like he hasn’t even figured it out yet – he’s still just painting away happily!
30. Mind. Blown.
Ponies can be any age.
A baby horse is called a foal.
31. Parents and porn don’t mix
We suppose she could claim someone hacked the system.
32. Only God can forgive this
We’ll leave God in charge of the rest, but we’re definitely going to judgE him.
33. I see London, I see France
That’s because dad let her convince him they were shorts.
Who lets their kid wear booty shorts to school though?!
Geez, Brad!
34. Product design fail
This is a whole company fail.
How many people were involved in the design of this pool float and failed to notice that it looked like a giant maxi pad?
They just needed one woman to point this out.
35. Think harder
At least she realized her mistake and was appropriately embarrassed by it.
36. Make up your mind, dude
In this case, silence is golden.
37. You lose
Don’t you look for the stem so you know where to take your first bite?
38. Sunscreen fail
In this case, some genius is frying their skin AND looking ridiculous to boot.
39. It’s going to be a while
And we’re surprised it didn’t get towed!
40. One per person
Maybe you should just post a picture of your credit card while you’re at it.
41. Camera rights
Last time we checked Nikon didn’t make heavy artillery.
42. Fool me twice
Let’s all agree to be more skeptical about things – especially edible things.
43. When you’re too dumb to know you’re dumb
We’re starting to understand why people are “underestimating” this genius.
44. Permanent mistake
We think the last commenter is right – you just need to change the birth certificate at this point.
45. Watching paint dry
Now he’s trapped in the basement.
46. Matching tattoos
At least now they match.
And we think he should agree never to breed in solidarity with the dog as well.
47. Less than super
This is why you pay a graphic designer.
48. Rosy cheeks
Then again, the front wouldn’t be any better.
49. Get some
No one noticed where the doors divided when they put this on the van?
Or did they just know it would be hilarious?
50. Hoods up
But even with the hood up some people could still read it as “Anti-Animal Cruelty Club.”
We just think it’s an all-around bad name for a club.
51. Brain fart
And we hope this guy didn’t give him one.
Don’t you hate it when your brain and mouth don’t work together?
52. Fashion fail
Well that’s embarrassing.
Then again, how are you supposed to know what the subway is going to wear that day?
You could probably avoid this by buying a slightly less ugly shirt though.
53. Scenic
Props to the photographer for not letting that moment go to waste!
54. Would you like ice with that?
They’re going to have to drink A LOT of cocktails before they get over this one.
55. Research before you publish!
We’d want a front-page story and an interview to clear things up, not a tiny retraction and correction.
Poor “Good Kevin.”
56. Impressive response time
Hopefully the manager got a good laugh out of this mistake.
57. Not lovin’ it
That or he’ll need a scarf.
58. Never put a cat in charge
That’s one seriouly bone-headed move.
59. Wax on, wax off
But you especially shouldn’t use it to hold something that’s on fire.
60. Never download the updates
We hope this was an automatic one because we question the logic of someone who changes anything on their computer the same day as a presentation, especially since it can mess up your formatting.
We just hope he wasn’t getting an MA in a technical field.
We could all do with a little more thought before we put our ideas into action.
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