Nowadays, and especially since the pandemic started and made all of us stay home for longer than we could take, we are spending a little too much time on the Internet.
Sometimes we look stuff up, we often watch YouTube videos, but most of the time we pass the time looking at memes and jokes on social media. But, although these jokes seem obvious, there are some people who just don’t get them or miss the point altogether. Like in the cases that we have compiled below.
1. Color Blind
It might seem obvious that the whole joke is based on the fact that this person is color blind and that’s why there’s a color discrepancy there, but not everyone gets it. Like the person who commented below, pointing out that yellow is missing.
2. What Could It Be…
Come on, people! It’s obvious that this is a drum set and nobody could mistake it for a dog. How could someone even think otherwise?
3. Vikings
It’s so annoying when someone doesn’t get the joke and they try to make you feel bad about it.
4. Wait, What?
This was meant to be a sarcastic moment, but -yet again- someone thought they should show off their knowledge about the history of weapons. Clap, clap.
5. That’s Not Spanish, Bro
What was this guy thinking when he felt the need to explain that the message on the picture was not in Spanish? Isn’t it pretty obvious?
6. Respect The Law
Here’s another smartie, making sure we don’t misunderstand the signs. Well, thanks man.
7. LOL
Even though the first person was offended by the “political statement”, we are pretty sure they got the joke. No need for a grammar lesson there.
8. Oh, Really?
This was a good joke, but it seems it’s not as funny in everyone’s mind. Why would someone feel the need to clarify there’s no severed head under the helmet?
9. Whatever
The joke and the embarrassing comment are nothing compared to a comment on Reddit saying: “Both are stupid, it’s clearly two guys standing one on top of the other”.
10. Sarcasm Left The Chat
Does it look like this is clearly a joke? Well, not for everyone, apparently! Nice try, though.
11. Too Funny
Just when you think you’ve found the perfect joke to say, there has to be someone who ruins the whole thing. Like this guy here.
12. I Just Did
The joke is already there but this friend just can’t seem to get it. Actually, it’s more than one and it’s a pity the friend missed it.
13. Chinese To Me
It would be great if Chinese was that easy to read though! Anyway, some people just don’t have a sense of humor.
14. Not A Match
Right, so, if you don’t have the same sense of humor with someone, then there’s no chance you’re meant to be together.
15. Sarcasm Switch
This one’s by far one of the most embarrassing moments. I mean, the guy even added “/s” at the end. How could they make it more clear that it’s meant to be a joke?
16. Flying High
Well, gravity might be an issue there, but it seems someone felt the need to make sure it’s clear. Okay, thanks for the reminder, man!
17. Seriously, Though?
In case you didn’t know how broccoli is spelled… or if you didn’t know there are no dogs with broccoli heads!
18. Horse-boy
Technically, yes, it should be horse-boy, but you know, things don’t always work like they’re supposed to. Thanks for pointing it out.
19. Memory Problems
As someone pointed out in the comments, the smartie there must be having much sex, since they even forgot letter “g” exists! That was a good one!
20. Standing Still
You see, jokes are not meant for everyone. There always has to be someone to remind you you need to speak seriously all the time.
21. Just The Three Of US
It’s so funny this guy felt the need to explain it. What is not funny is that some people really lack a sense of humor! Sad.
22. Transformation
This is extreme makeover, no joke! Or maybe it’s a joke after all and it should be treated as one.
23. Gravity
Honestly, we didn’t expect that the problem would be the verb invent. Didn’t the guy have to say anything about how people are not supposed to float?
24. Sofa-nny
As if it’s not obvious the man is joking! Why do people have to come up with such comments?
25. App Store
Oh my! How can people be so annoying?! Congrats, bro, you explained it perfectly, we so much needed a business lesson.
26. Wifi
What? There’s no airplane wifi? Don’t tell me! That’s life changing, right?
27. I’m 0 Years Old
One must consider the person who posted this picture really stupid to write a comment explaining why you need 0 in candles.
28. Photos Can’t Blink
Photos can’t blink- everyone knows that. Or do they? Anyway, in case some don’t, here’s our friend reminding us how photos work.
29. Fake Story?
The funniest part is that this person was so serious about something that was clearly a joke. Or was it?
30. Busted
You caught him there. It’s not actually true that none of his parents were there, what an enlightening moment!
31. Facepalm
Dude, that’s exactly what we’re saying. But, wait a second… maybe social distancing did actually start three years ago?
32. Why?
In case you missed the point of the post, questioning everything was the instruction and that’s exactly what the comment is about.
33. Chemistry
Well, you might think people are smart enough to get the joke, but you’re proof they probably aren’t.
34. Yet Another One
Here’s another one who thought it was a good idea to start teaching a business lesson. Pretty sure he didn’t need to.
35. Beat Time
We’d so much rather it be the case that he slept less than 0 hours! It would be worth a Guinness record.
36. Relativity Theory
Well, according to science, the post is inaccurate, but is this really a science lecture here? Don’t think so.
37. Netflix
What would the “genius” who replied to the post have to say about the last comment?
38. Right
Oh, now we realized that there are actually people around him! Thanks for shedding light to the mystery!
39. Stop Vegans
Seriously though, how can someone be offended by something that is clearly meant as a joke?
41. The Law Is The Law
Here’s a law-abiding citizen who can’t even joke about drug possession.
41. American Spotted
No hate, but if this guy is an American, then the joke is quite accurate.
42. Spelling Mistake
Karen just spotted a spelling mistake there and finds it more important than the actual joke.
43. Asparagology
Even when making a joke, you need to be accurate- okay?
44. Grammar
How about focusing on the actual joke instead of correcting everyone’s grammar? That might be a good start.
45. Adorabowl
This was a really good joke to be honest and it’s a shame the girl didn’t get it. It’s sad actually.
46. Don’t Date Her
Well, this was another good pun there. Pity Alyssa didn’t get it- or maybe it’s for the best since it’s a sexist joke- right? Anyway, these two probably don’t share the same sense of humor.
47. Email?
Not sure who’s trolling whom here! Mail and femail, seriously?
48. You Don’t Say!
We would never have guessed that the handle made the hole on the wall! What a genius!
49. Clickbait
This would actually be a clickbait title- who wouldn’t click on the link to read the article? And, yes they’re playing chess and the cop is winning!
50. Doctor’s Handwriting
Man, everyone knows doctors’ handwriting is just indecipherable! It’s no surprise you can’t read it!
So, next time, instead of rushing to point the finger at someone for something they post, try thinking whether it’s a joke first!
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