Sometimes people would rather stick their heads in the sand than deal with the truth. But, what’s so bad about facing facts?
These 50 hilarious responses prove that when the truth hurts, it’s actually pretty funny!
There’s nothing wrong with giving a shoutout to your industry rivals. Sometimes they even help support the work you do in ways that you’re not willing to.
2. The BEST last name ever!
I wonder how that works in her family. Is each generation building upon the last so they are the best mom ever?
Class divisions are still very much alive and well. The rich get richer with all the fancy tax breaks, and the poor stay broke and can’t get out of debt.
4. Flawless “coming out” humor
Sometimes you just have to step away from all the craziness of the world and laugh a little. It makes “coming out” a whole lot easier!
5. Hey guys, size really does matter
This brother from the same mother is confirming the truth about size once and for all. He swears that his is a lot bigger!
6. “Hide your Christians!”
Yeah, but what do atheists know? It’s a lot cheaper to feed a Christian – all you gotta do is give them a loaf of bread and a fish, and they’re set for life.
“How do you feed a Christian? Communion wafers?”
@Pungent Sauce:
“But then what do I feed my lion?”
7. Who’s the smart one now?
I like the gym teacher’s math a lot better. The same amount of money = more fun!
The IT guy was just messing around. But, it looks like you’ve been put in your place twice now!
“I love the black I keys!”
9. For all you non-Americans
Sometimes non-Americans get confused about the way we abbreviate our dates. But, here’s some clarification that will totally clear up all that confusion!
10. “He expertly defied logic.”
Well if you’re going to spite someone, that’d be the best way to do it. Oh, and then there’s also this to consider:
“Daylight savings time?”
11. It’s a lot like life, actually…
It really is hard sometimes! And other times you just want to completely forget that it’s there.
“This is the definition of correct.”
No really. It’s NOT his president if he’s from another country!
It sucks, but it’s true. If you don’t have a garage, you can never be a billionaire.
Oops, let me take that back. It’s only 99% correct since there is a 1% error rate.
15. Donuts are good people
Great takeaway! When you compare them to a bottle of Coke, they’re actually saints of the sugar world!
“I would totally eat 6 donuts and be no worse off than drinking 1 coke.”
16. “Technically the much-more-impressive-sounding truth”
It’s just like a male peacock who fluffs up his feathers when he wants to make himself look good to the ladies. It’s all in the delivery.
17. “Well yes, but actually yes”
Well, he did kind of set himself up for failure. You can’t argue against that kind of logic!
18. “Just because it’s true, doesn’t mean I like it.”
The truth isn’t always pretty. But when your Disney illusions get shattered, just cheer yourself up with this question:
“The real question is, who had the best singing crab?”
19. “The truth behind the pyramids.”
Did aliens teach ancient humans how to build pyramids? Or is the real answer something less conspiracy-like and more practical?
20. “Why is this correct?”
It’s correct because dad jokes are inherently correct. Everyone knows that!
21. He got kicked out even after giving the right answer
It was the perfectly correct answer to give in that situation. It’s not his fault some people can’t handle his genius.
22. “Ask and you shall receive”
The answer is pretty clear. Also, you’re supposed to take ibuprofen BEFORE you get some Richard.
This is the most correct joke ever! No lawyer will be able to argue against this kind of concrete evidence.
24. Can’t trust anyone anymore.
How could we not see just how deceitful they’ve been? The media is built on lies, and this just proves it!
The truth is, we’ve had it backwards all this time. Everytime we have a funeral, it’s like we’re catering a dinner party for the plants.
26. “C’mon google assistant”
Google assistant is just doing her job and handing out dad jokes to those in need. Look, she’s even giving you that little winky face to prove just how smart and correct she is!
27. Too busy, that’s why!
Millennials don’t have time for that. They’re too busy trying to get a job and survive real life.
28. Oh Goolge, you silly goose!
Google totally should have waited for a sale. If only it had Googled itself to find one.
29. You only get one shot
Sure, you could probably do it with a jaguar. But it’s just a once-in-a-lifetime thing and you’re not likely to get a second chance, so make those last precious seconds last.
That’s what friends are for. They don’t sugarcoat the dark truth!
“Say what you like about Hitler. But he was the guy that killed Hitler.”
31. He really does travel for a living
He visits lots of different places during the course of his workday. Just wait until he tells her that he gets work bonuses every day too.
32. “An interesting new scientific discovery”
No need to do any additional scientific studies on this one. Science is 100% correct in their hypothesis. Just ask any kid of parents who had no children.
“It’s insane how many of my friends have or had parents at one point or another in their lives. It’s pretty much an epidemic in our country.”
33. The truth is out there
Sometimes you just have to read between the lines. But in this case, it’s written right there in front of you.
This is what happens when dad calls in sick to work. He starts puking up bad dad jokes like crazy!
35. “A Professor’s slide had this. Hmmmmmmmm.”
Sometimes you have to speak the truth in social media terms in order for some people to get it. But, it’s hard to really say who’s really winning here.
36. “It was filmed on location”
What better way to fake footage of a fake moon landing, than to film it on location… on the moon. That’ll really get all the conspiracy theorists all shook!
37. Well, she did ask for it.
Ask about a dad joke, and get a dad joke in return. That’s how dad jokes work.
“Don’t you think it should be fully groan before it becomes apparent?”
38. He’s got a good point
Even if we’re wrong about climate change, we’re still right. It’s about this only time where being wrong isn’t such a bad thing.
It’s true! Elon Musk on weed is much better than /r/showerthoughts!
40. Still technically the truth
Americans love to point out just how much we like to go to war with other countries. And yes, going to war with each other still counts!
41. “Color: orange. Taste: orange. Consistency.”
Orange you glad that there’s at least one fruit out there that lives up to its own hype? At least it’s being honest, unlike what happens with dates…
42. “It may seem sexist, but it’s the truth…for now”
Let’s reframe that in a positive way. Women are in the top percentile when it comes to being smart enough to hack the world from space!
“Space crimes are a thing now?? Excellent. One step closer to my dream of becoming a space bounty hunter.”
Yep, cursive writing went the way of the dodo. Some kids these days can’t even read grandma’s handwritten birthday card.
“I would say the least likely thing about that image is that the teachers are definitely not going to be that well protected against the virus.”
That’s why they call them girls when they come out that way. Maybe the reporter forgot to fact check?
45. Follows the definition of soup to the letter
It doesn’t sound very tasty. But, it certainly has all the right ingredients to make a pretty big batch with plenty of leftovers!
46. “I don’t need no dummy”
But speed is so much more fun than downers. Just ask any car junkie.
Sometimes the truth is pretty obvious. You don’t even need to test it out yourself to know that this is a correct statement.
48. “Go see for yourself. It’s true.”
Dude, it’s already happened. Just fast forward to the end and see for yourself!
If it’s not part of the original bill, it’s a tip. It may be a sucky tip, but it’s still money on the table that’s yours.
50. “Indeed life-changing”
Well, it’s true. That hundred bucks worth will definitely change your life.
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Sometimes people would rather stick their heads in the sand than deal with the truth. But, what’s so bad about facing facts?
These 50 hilarious responses prove that when the truth hurts, it’s actually pretty funny!