Technology moves pretty fast these days. It seems like the second we get some cool gadget, a new one is already being created to replace it. With phones, it’s no different. And if you grew up during a time that wasn’t so dependent on technology, it can be hard to keep up with all of the changes. Our grandparents are a perfect example–although they try to keep up with the constant technological advances of our time, they always seem to be a step behind. Check out this list of 50 examples of why grandma needs help using her new phone and be sure to take it easy on yours the next time that she sends you a ridiculously confusing text!
1. Practice Makes Perfect
Texting isn’t an inherent skill. It may seem like it is since we’ve been doing it for most of our lives. But as Granny shows us, there’s plenty to learn when it comes to navigating the world of texting.
2. Internet Text
Our phones can seemingly do everything–text, surf the web, take amazing photos. But sometimes, figuring out where to do everything on the phone is the hard part. This grandma tried searching Google, but instead, she texted her grandchild. Hopefully, they steered her back in the right direction.
3. Emoji Mistake
One of the best parts about texting is all of the emojis that are available to use. This granny decided that she’d give some of those fun emojis a try. Unfortunately, she chose the wrong one.
4. Got The Lingo Down
This grandma seems to have completely immersed herself in the world of texting lingo. She hit her grandchild with “Lol” in her first text. But that wasn’t enough for Granny. She decided to take it a step further to really show off her lingo prowess.
5. “It’s Interesting,” She Says
One thing that texting has allowed us to do is ask anyone, any question that you want, at any time. This is a luxury that the older generations never had access to. So don’t be surprised if your grandma sends you some pretty ridiculous questions from time to time–like this one here.
6. Justin Bieber
Grandma really lays into Justin Beiber on this one. She’s not shy about her opinion of him–both the good and the bad. The best part of this text is Grandpa’s guess at what a Bieber is…
7. Just Chillin’
You’re never too old to chill. This grandma reached out to her grandchild just to let them know that, in fact, she was “Just chillin’.” Sometimes, updates like these are exactly what we need to brighten our day.
8. Say It How It Is
Sometimes, social media can be a bad thing. In this case, Jessica’s life in college was being broadcasted to the world. When Granny saw it, she made sure to let Jessica know how she felt about it–and ask her what she wanted for Christmas.
9. Dropped From The Will
Messing with Grandma can be pretty fun. But watch out, because sometimes it can backfire. In this case, Grandchild just got straight dropped from the will.
10. Woah, Grandma
Our grandmothers just want what is best for us. But sometimes, they can take it a little too far without meaning to. I think this text conversation just about sums up what I mean.
11. Foxy Llama
First of all, this is an awesome prank to play on your friend. Second of all, I love how Grandma went along with it. If I were this person, I’d just keep her as Foxy Llama in my contacts.
12. Granny Got Your Back
Just because they’re old, doesn’t mean that grandparents can’t still throw down. When this grandma found out what her grandchild’s friend did to him, she was ready to go. It feels good to know that Grandma has got your back.
13. Casual Reminder
Religion usually isn’t the best topic to bring up with your grandparents since they are bound to have some differing opinions than you do. But you can’t help it when your grandma decides to send you a text with her religious views in it. Just respond politely and carry on.
14. Thought Stream
One thing that phones allow us to do is to put our thoughts down in an endless stream of consciousness–and send it to anyone that we want. This grandma decided that every thought she had deserved to be written down and sent. I don’t even want to know how long the entire message is.
15. Granny Got Poked
There are certain ways in which our phones make it easier for us to flirt and mess around with someone. That’s why they added the “poke” feature. But when someone doesn’t understand what this is, it can seem a bit invasive. This grandmother can relate.
16. Auto-Correct
Auto-correct can either save you time or cause you a headache. In this case, it was the latter. Instead of simply changing “Carol” to “Kyle” when her phone incorrectly auto-corrected, this grandmother decided to explain the issue in text and then set things straight.
17. Delete Your History
One of the first rules in the book regarding looking up porn on someone else’s device is to delete your history when you are done with it. It looks like this grandchild forgot rule number one and now grandma is paying the price for it. Rookie mistake, bud.
18. Good Lookin’ Out Granny
Grandparents are inherently protective. This grandma saw a ridiculous story on the TV and made sure to let her grandchild know how dangerous hair dye can be. This is one of those scenarios where you just say thanks even though you don’t mean it.
19. Granny Lingo
When you reach a certain age, you are kind of allowed to say whatever you want. This grandma decided that she was going to rewrite what “lol” means. In this case, it now means “little old lady.”
20. Nice Reply
There’s nothing more annoying than being stuck in text chains that you don’t want to be. Instead of simply responding in a way that would remove them, this person decided to have a little fun with it. I wonder what Verizon thought of their dog-face reply.
21. Fair Question
Sometimes, the real meaning of a message can be misconstrued over text. Like this message, where the message is hard to unpack. I think Grandchild’s reply is completely legitimate here.
22. Honest Grandma
Honesty is often the best policy. And apparently, this grandma agrees with that philosophy. Welcome to the world of group texting, Granny.
23. Dropping Bombs
When you have big news, you usually just want to get right to it. But this grandma was polite enough to ask about her grandchild’s day before dropping her news-bomb on them. I think she could have used a bit more build-up though.
24. Trivia Facts
You can never have enough trivia facts in your back pocket. And apparently, this grandma has got her grandchild covered. Let’s hope that the future facts are a bit more interesting.
25. Enjoy
It’s nice to know that at least one grandmother out there understands the point of texting. It really is a great time-saver and much quicker than sending a letter. Even so, it sounds like this grandma is still going to do both.
26. Just Set Out The Lasagna
Sometimes, it’s easier to just do something that isn’t even your job. This poor grandma just needs the lasagna set out. Although her grandchild isn’t the one who is supposed to do it, it would be easier for everyone if they just did it.
27. Cotton Candy Or Nicki Minaj?
I’m not quite sure what Grandma means by “cotton candy” here, but she seems to be mistaken. I wouldn’t expect her to know who Nick Minaj is, but I don’t see how that relates to cotton candy. Let’s just hope it was an auto-correct.
28. Where’s The Space Bar?
It takes time to figure out how to work with new things. Although phones don’t seem new to younger people, they do to the older generations. Give Grandma time, she’ll find that space bar eventually.
29. Dope
The best part about this interaction is that Grammy used “dope” correctly. But to her, it looked like she was using it in the original meaning of the term. I forgot people even called each other dopes.
30. Get It, Granny
You’re never too old to go out and hit the town. This grandmother sure isn’t letting her age get in the way of her having a good time. And what’s great is that she didn’t make the text just about her even though she could have.
31. Early Birthday Wishes
It’s never too early to wish someone a happy birthday… or is it? I think 9 months might be pushing it. By the time their birthday actually comes around, you better be sure to message them again because they certainly won’t remember the first birthday text.
32. Is This Facebook?
There are so many messaging platforms out there these days that it can be hard to know which one you are using. This grandma wanted to use Facebook but wasn’t sure exactly how to do so. I hope she figured it out so that she could send along her private message.
33. Toilet Proof
Honesty never seems to be too tough a policy for grandparents to adhere to. But sometimes, they can share a little bit too much truth. Like in this case, here. What is that brown liquid in the picture?
34. Random Facts
When you live a long time, you pick up random knowledge along the way. This grandma decided to share some of her old Nazi-knowledge with her grandchild. Probably not the best time to bring it up considering the circumstances of the day, but hey, the more you know…
35. All Caps
This is the funniest conversation that I’ve read so far. Not only does Grandma send a ridiculous message, but she also apparently has no idea who she sent it to. Oh, and it’s in all caps. Hilarious.
36. I Think I’ll Order Out For Dinner Instead
There’s nothing like adding a little “glop” to your salad to really spice things up. I’m not sure what Grandma was trying to say there, but even without the glop, salad and potatoes don’t sound like the most satisfying meal. Thanks, Granny, but I think I’ll order out tonight.
37. What A Bunch Of Hogs
Typos and auto-correct can sometimes make for some pretty hilarious messages. I’m not sure what Granny was going for on this one, but I think I like this message better than what she was actually trying to say. What a bunch of hogs, you know?
38. Free Mature Sex
Once again, typoes and auto-correct–it’s given us more gold. Obviously, Grandma was trying to say “premature text,” but “free mature sex” is way more fun to read. The best part is that Granny didn’t even notice her spelling errors.
39. Decent Nativity Set
Nothing says Christmas in America like a pine tree in the living room and a sub-par nativity set. To be fair though, Granny might have a point. A product depicting a religious scene is probably best-made by a company that actually ascribes to that religion.
40. Truth
Sometimes, the best way to say it is truthfully. Grandma doesn’t try to sugarcoat anything in this message. She just says it exactly how it is–confusing.
41. Auto-Correct
Auto-correct can be a bit confusing to use at times. At least this grandma was savvy enough to catch onto the fact that her phone was trying to use words that she wasn’t. I’d call that a win.
42. Lorde
The beauty of texting is that you can tell anyone your thoughts instantly. In this case, Grandma had something to say about the singer, Lorde. Apparently, she had some questions about Lorde’s biology.
43. Granny’s A Bit Tipsy
Phones can be hard enough for older people to use when they are sober. But add a few margaritas to the mix and all of a sudden, phones become a whole new struggle. This grandma seems adamant on getting it right, though.
44. Topless Event
This Grandparent reached out just to let her granddaughter know that she was happy not to see her at the topless event in the park. However, this begs the question, what was Grandma doing at the topless event?
45. Texting Lessons
A great way to bond with your grandma is to teach her how to use certain aspects of her phone. This grandchild will be teaching their grandma how to use hearts in her future text messages. I have a feeling that they’ll never receive a text from their grandmother that doesn’t contain hearts again.
46. Truth Hurts
Grandma knows best. And in this case, Grandma was concerned that her grandchild’s profile pic wasn’t flattering enough for them to be using. This came as a surprise, however, as the grandchild loved that pic of themself. Sometimes, the truth hurts.
47. Almost
It seems like this grandma is slowly learning how to text. She figured out how to type and send the message, but not quite how to make sense of what she is typing. Almost there, Granny, just keep working at it.
48. Talking To Herself
Sometimes, texting can feel like a one-way conversation. Especially when you type questions and answers to yourself on accident. Luckily, her grandchild was nice enough to clear up the confusion.
49. Usual Thanksgiving
Every family is used to their own traditions on holidays. For this family, having potato peels clog the sink is just as much a part of Thanksgiving as eating the turkey is. It’s comforting to know that some things will never change.
50. Entertain Me
When you have a phone in your hand, you expect it to entertain you. That’s why we are all constantly checking it. This grandma hasn’t figured out how to let the phone do the entertaining yet. She still relies on her grandchildren for that.
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