It’s really inspiring to watch people make such positive changes in their lives. It’s pretty normal to take before and after shots during a weight loss journey, but there are many other things to be proud of as well. Like building a dope career, getting a needed surgery, or even something smaller like cutting off facial hair.
Because we want to spread the inspirational vibes, we’ve compiled 50 before-and-after shots provided by different men. All of these guys have changed their lives in the best way!
This little guy
Has gone from the first day of primary school…
To his last day of teacher training.
He knew what he wanted to do from the very start!
This little boy dreamed of fighting crime alongside his dad.
In 2018, he made those dreams a reality.
This guy had a massive weight loss journey
He lost 81 pounds…
In just 6 months
Thanks to the keto diet.
This man had a major surgery
His strabismus surgery.
The joy in his face is evident!
No doubt about it.
This man went through a massive weight loss change, too
He went from this…
To this!
Over the course of 3 years. “Still have a ways to go, but really happy with my progress.”
This man underwent a different kind of physical transformation
He went from severely scarred, acne-covered skin…
To being the poster boy for flawless skin!
This is the guy to go to for skincare advice.
Someone’s uncle hiked the Appalachian trail
This is the before photo from May 1st…
And here’s the after photo
From December 16!
This man has lost a ton of weight
And he has the specific calculations to measure it.
“666 days without a drink, 100 lbs lost, 1,450 miles ran…”
“…And today is 4 weeks without a cigarette!”
This man’s transformation was beyond physical
It was mental.
He fought depression
“BvS came out when I had a year of depression. Seeing Superman overcoming his own depression, questioning his own existence and finding the right reasons to keep on fighting inspired me. Henry’s dedication to the character and Zack’s style saved me. I love them both.”
This guy made not one, but two changes
He went from a job that he hated to a job that he loved…
And he grew a beard
And he’s lookin’ great!
This may seem like a small change
But it’s just as important!
He trimmed his beard!
And we all know how important facial hair is to men!
This guy went from this tattoo
Of a skeleton…
…To this heart-stopping, colorful tattoo
What an incredible cover-up!
Maybe this guy didn’t undergo a transformation himself…
But something just as great happened.
His little puppy grew… A LOT
And in just 9 months!
These two are high school sweethearts
They are celebrating 13 years!
But here’s the best part
This is their first anniversary as doctors.
This man’s change might be visually subtle
But it’s a big deal.
Can you spot it?
He moved up from blue to purple belt!
Here is another weight loss journey
This is the before picture.
And here is the after picture
This is a man’s mug shot
It was taken after getting arrested for robbery.
And this is him now
Looking happy and healthy. Celebrating one year off drugs, specifically heroin.
Here’s another incredible haircut
He started with long locks…
And then chopped them off completely
“I feel weird.”
Some more dog-related transformations
Here’s two cute pooches with their owner.
And here’s them after they all got groomed
Yes, even the man got groomed, too!
This 5’9″ guy went from 165 lbs
To 130 lbs.
In just 10 months
After going vegan!
This man grew up with a single mother
And she could not afford to get him braces for his crooked teeth.
But he eventually grew up and was able to get insurance and pay for his own through work
It is truly never too late!
Instead of losing weight…
This man wanted to gain weight
And so he did!
A whopping 40 lbs in 8 months.
This guy also underwent a skincare transformation
His skin used to look like this…
And now it looks like this
“Never moisturized or cleansed – two weeks of moisture and my skin seems much happier!”
You won’t believe this one
This man went from this…
“4 years ago, I got a gym membership.”
And one more doggy transformation, because why not
Here’s a man and his adorable puppy.
And here they are a year later, after his pup turned one year old
He is officially massive!
So, did these transformations inspire you? Watching people embark on a journey to change their lives is truly giving us joy!
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