Did you know that sleep talking is one of the most common parasomnias? According to studies, up to 66% of people have experienced episodes of sleep talking. It’s also more common in kids than in adults.
Generally, sleep talking is harmless, however, if the person also sleepwalks or has an active dream, this can cause an inconvenience such as sleep deprivation, awkwardness, insufficient sleep, and even nightmare disorder.
But we aren’t here to discuss science. Rather, the funny stories of people who’ve first-hand experiences with sleep talkers. From biting a dragon to setting up a burrito trap, you’ll have a great time reading these people’s funny sleep-talking experiences.
1)Count me in
This is the tweet that started it all. Joanna mentioned that her partner bolted upright at 2 am and shouted: “Will there be a buffet?”
Well, with the way he said it, Joanna’s partner seemed very excited to go to this event if there’s a buffet, a very nice dream if you’d ask us.

2)Cloning dinosaurs
When it comes to dreams, this guy has a very active imagination. He even recorded himself and was surprised with what he heard.
When you want an additional workforce for Aldi, don’t just hire people, that’s the easy way.
Instead, you can clone a dino, cut their heads off, and glue them on headless corpses, and re-animate them. That should increase your manpower, or should we say, start a zombie-dino apocalypse.

3)Here to save you
Having an active dreamer for a husband is no fun. Imagine being kicked just because he dreams of the FA Cup. Well, at least he also dreams of saving her.

4)The job you hate
This man dreams of his “new” job, and he already hates it! Well, opening and closing blinds does not really sound like a dream job, right?

5)Time to sleep, honey
Isn’t it sweet when your partner reminds you to sleep? You can feel the concern and love, right?
However, waking you up to remind you to sleep is definitely weird and funny.

6)A warning to the cat
This looks like a threat to the poor cat. We may not know what the dream is all about, but she did try to warn the cat about being a “dead vegetable.”
What do you think is her dream all about?

7)Scrubbing him clean
He has been warned about goblins! However, it seems like he has fallen in love with one because he has a goblin, and they even take baths together, scrubbing him clean and all.

8)Magic washing machine
We all have wishes and who would have thought that when you put “it” on the washing machine, all your dreams would come true.
Now, the question here is what should we put inside that magic washing machine? He sure ain’t talking about clothes, right? Please, go to sleep again and tell us!

9)The twist
A real man will defend his wife. When a lorry driver insulted this man’s wife, he didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face! That serves him right!
However, everything was just a dream and the person he punched, full force, was his wife. She suffered a bloody nose.

10)Night time adventures
Dreams are limitless. From fighting aliens to chasing vampires and lions. The difference is that this guy acts on his dreams. It’s definitely more than just sleep talking.

11)The chicken
It looks like this kid is being transformed into a chicken, and he’s so scared! Poor kid, we hope mom hugged him tightly.

12)A gentle reminder
Being all lovey-dovey with your spouse is nice, but there are things that you shouldn’t do in public. Just a sweet, and gentle reminder from this loving husband.

13)The tiger
What should you do when you come face to face with a tiger? Well, this guy’s dream will give you an idea!
Just roar!

14)Building a chair
If you hear your brother yell in frustration while sleeping will cause anyone to ask what’s wrong. However, this brother seemed to have been irritated by the question.
In his dream, he’s very busy building a chair.

15)The angry musician
According to the person who posted the tweet, in his dream, he was angry and was yelling at a random choir.
It’s understandable, after all, music is music.

16)Burrito trap
Love burritos? Well, this guy seemed to love it, because even in his sleep, he wants to set up a burrito trap.
Maybe, if you are lucky, you can catch a burrito!

17)Kicking the dog
Waking up because you have been kicked at is not really the best alarm clock.
We just love the fact that this couple made “kicking the dog” their hanky panky call sign – clever!

18)Missing crisps
Kids will always be hilarious! This little boy was looking for crisps, and that’s cute. We are just happy that he was able to go down the stairs safely.

19)Fight for your life
Every one of us has our share of scary dreams. If you’re dreaming of being dragged by burglars, you’d definitely do the same.
Aside from kicking the walls, she also suffered from a broken toe – ouch!

20)Call the exorcist
What’s scarier than living with someone who sleeptalks? Well, someone who looks like he needs the help of an exorcist!

21)I seeeee you
Having a wife who sleeptalks and has a wild imagination is like getting unexpected adventures. From tarantulas to an alligator who frequently visits, to a very scary hide and seek game.
He can even create a book about this too!

22)A loud noise
This man’s gas release was so loud that he thinks someone is going to arrest him. Gave us a huge chuckle!

23)Like father, like son
We may have a winner here. Looks like dear son got his sleep talking habits from his dad. What happens when both of them are in the same house?
Well, they sure have an interesting conversation.

24)How to become a sandwich
We don’t know if this is a nightmare or what but imagining him with bread in his ears and slowly becoming a sandwich is really funny.

25)Choose one
It’s either she responds to his postcodes or she gets ready to cuddle a 30kg dog.
We’d go for the doggy cuddle, how about you?

26)Asking for permission
When you’re trying to go along with your husband’s sleeptalking habit and end up permitting him to punch you. Ouch! Poor grandma!

27)Shut up, self!
What will you do when you wake yourself up unexpectedly?
Tell yourself to shut up, of course!

28)Magic eraser
We may not know what that loud sound was, but we are pretty sure that it’s a magic eraser.
What else could it be?

29)Feeding the deer
This woman didn’t know if she would laugh or be upset when her hubby woke her up by putting his fingers on her mouth.
Turns out, his dream was all about him, feeding a deer. Oh dear!

30)Fluffy baby penguin
This is hilarious! His wife was seriously petting his leg as she thinks she’s petting a fluffy baby penguin! Priceless!

31)A good film
That must have been a really good film. Of course, we wouldn’t want to miss a good movie, right?

32)Mini heart attack
This one hits the award of giving a mini-heart attack!
Nothing like waking your partner and shouting “he’s got a gun” and then going back to sleep.

33)Ironed potatoes
This husband sleep talked to his wife saying he would iron potatoes! Maybe, that’s a new recipe? Wondering if he actually tried it.
Who knows? It might work.

34)Those tiny hands
He must have been dreaming of mice as he hears the floor squeaking. To add to that, he tells how mice have tiny hands.
Yep, we agree! Couldn’t imagine mice with big hands.

35)The numbed hand
No matter how big you are, there’s nothing like waking up with the feeling of a hand flopping in your face. Turns out, it’s just his numbed hand!
Still scary!

36)Poor mailman
We may not know the back story of this post, but it seems like he’s cheering someone in his dream.
It looks like a very naughty dream!

37)Too much bread
This guy seemed to be scared of too much bread. Maybe, next time, he can have fries or steak too.

38)Poking science
Who would have known that being poked by your boyfriend’s “stick” can help science? Wondering what type of theory he’s trying to prove.

39)The bread meeting
No one should be late for a “bread” meeting – no one! Did you know that all the types of bread would be there too? Where do I sign up?

40)Body parts
Waking up with your wife doing something with your feet, and asking you if it was an arm, is a bit alARMing, don’t you think? Get it?

41)Unforgettable ex-boyfriend
Her ex-boyfriend sure is unforgettable. Sleep talking is one thing, but being hilarious with your dreams? Well, that’s a winner. From looking for coconuts to protecting his naked girl, this guy sure has an active dream life.

42)Eject! Eject!
Being a pilot also means being alert. In any event that something goes wrong, you should be ready to act. Now, this captain sure is ready – even in his sleep.
Poor wife being forcibly pushed out of their bed, though, it is funny.

43)Pink elephants
Hearing your daughter shriek in the middle of the night would alarm anyone! That’s the reason why this mom went upstairs to her daughter’s bedroom to see what happened, only to be surprised.
Her daughter was sleep talking again, and as it turns out. There’s an emergency! The pink elephants couldn’t find their tutu’s! Oh no!

44)Hungry slippers
As an adult, she still talks in her sleep, and aside from helping pink elephants, she also warns people about hungry slippers.
Beware! These slippers are hungry for your feet!

45)Runaway, now!
Waking up abruptly is never fun. In fact, it will leave you confused, especially when your husband tells you things that don’t make sense.
To add to the confusion, he asks you to run away because they are coming for you. That’s really scary!

46)Dragon slayer
This woman bit her boyfriend in her sleep and then apologized because she thought he was a dragon.
Now, the question is, what type of creature bites a dragon?

47)Too many parachutes
It’s always nice to have some reserved parachutes, you know, just in case you need more, right?
However, Jake’s wife doesn’t seem to agree.

48)Scaring the ghost
Looks like her boyfriend was trying to scare a ghost in his dream or was trying to play a prank on his girlfriend. What do you think?

49)Horror movie material
This tweet looks like a very convincing horror movie scene. Just imagine your partner bolting upright, then, as if possessed, will turn her head towards you in slow motion.
Would definitely run for my life!

50)The model employee
This person is either a dedicated employee or a very exhausted one. He even dreams about his job!
What would a loving wife do? Of course, mess with him a little. This is too hilarious!

Which one made you laugh the most? Don’t forget to share your own stories!
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