Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday. It’s a day where we get together with family and reflect upon all blessings in our life. It’s also a day where, as Oscar from The Office would say, we can pig out in the name of the ceremony.
The original Thanksgiving was centered around eating. The first Thanksgiving is said to have been an autumn feast shared between Pilgrims new to America and the local Native American tribe. You can learn more about the origins of Thanksgiving here.
Now, we use the day to talk about the things we’re thankful for and eat way too much. It’s also a day where we fend off questions from intrusive relatives and try to not get into fights over politics. So, Thanksgiving just might be the funniest holiday yet.
Here are 50 of the funniest Thanksgiving memes we have the internet to thank for:
Corporate America loves to shove holidays down our throat before we’re ready. People get crazy with the Christmas music way too early. Can we at least have Thanksgiving first?
Thanksgiving is day we often spend with family. Most of the times that’s a good thing. But sometimes we have to entertain those relatives that are just a bit weird. Dare I say creepy.
Thanksiving is man’s best friend’s favorite holiday. That’s because there are always lots of leftovers. And often it’s food that is puppy friendly like turkey.
We hold our appetites all day long waiting for Thanksgiving dinner. And when the call to come eat finally comes… we run. Get out my way… I’m making my plate.
This person just learned the hard way that you can’t microwave a turkey. His mom wasn’t even about to entertain such nonsense. Three years… it takes three years, son.
Everyone knows that calories don’t count on Thanksgiving. So, why bother counting them? It might just be fun to see if you can crash your calorie counting app though.
Some people opt for chicken instead of turkey on Thanksgiving. And we all know what sound chickens make. And if their sounds had a face… this is what it would look like.
We have Halloween movies, Easter movies, and, of course, Christmas movies. But did you know there are Thanksgiving movies too? Spider-Man totally counts.
Relatives love to ask personal questions. Are you seeing anyone? When are you going to get married? How much money are you making? You must prepare yourself to deflect these questions before Thanksgiving so you’re ready for that barage of questioning.
If you don’t overeat on Thanksgiving, then what the hell are you doing? It’s great to be healthy and be mindful of what you eat. But blowing your diet is well worth it on Thanksgiving.
You know THAT relative. The one who is just straight up rude and don’t know how to act right. It’s best to just ignore them. The alternative: have some fierce comebacks.
Sometimes Thanksgiving means that you have to go to work. You have to go to work as the family IT guy. Be prepared to field all the IT questions your family has while you’re there.
This is a hilarious parody on Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe. According to, Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast in 1621 which was known as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations. They two groups held an alliance for more than 50 years.
Sometimes being alone on Thanksgiving isn’t all that bad. You get to avoid annoying questions that you don’t feel like answering. If you really need to get that effect, give this guy a call.
Thanksgiving Eve is the night where everyone is home and goes out to get drunk. You often see all your old high school friends that night. But that also means there’s people you want to avoid.
On Thanksgiving, we’re granted a magic stomach. One that tells us we’re full after eating way more than we usually do. Then it magically gets less full when the pie comes out.
Most of us fast before Thanksgiving dinner. You want to leave as much room as possible so that you can fill it to the max with delicious food. But sometimes holding out is hard.
This is a play on Miley Cyrus’ song Wrecking Ball. But instead he’s a Butterball… get it? Turkeys do come to Thanksgiving ready to wreck you and your diet though.
It’s one thing to eat a lot on Thanksgiving. It’s another thing to eat a lot every day for the next week because you have leftovers. You might have to set the scale back for that one.
What goes hand-in-hand with Thanksgiving? The itis… it’ll get you. The itis is formally knows as postprandial somnolence, which is the food coma or feeling of sleepiness you get after eating.
What’s almost as good as Thanksgiving dinner? Leftovers. You have to make a plate to take home with you. And you must be prepared to guard that plate with your life.
50 hilarious Thanksgiving memes that perfectly sum up glutenous holiday
D.G. Sciortino
Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday. It’s a day where we get together with family and reflect upon all blessings in our life. It’s also a day where, as Oscar from The Office would say, we can pig out in the name of the ceremony.
The original Thanksgiving was centered around eating. The first Thanksgiving is said to have been an autumn feast shared between Pilgrims new to America and the local Native American tribe. You can learn more about the origins of Thanksgiving here.
Now, we use the day to talk about the things we’re thankful for and eat way too much. It’s also a day where we fend off questions from intrusive relatives and try to not get into fights over politics. So, Thanksgiving just might be the funniest holiday yet.
Here are 50 of the funniest Thanksgiving memes we have the internet to thank for: