People embark on DIY projects for a number of reasons. Some do it because they love being creative, while others are just penny pinchers who think they can do a better job making their own version of whatever.
But, there comes a time when some of these hilariously tacky, tasteless, and flat out crazy projects are no longer about the how-to’s, but rather why these brain fart monstrosities were even created!
So go ahead and check out these 50 crazy DiWHY’s, but for the love of all that is normal and sane, please don’t get any ideas and try this at home. You may think that shower nozzle bidets and spur-heeled flip flops are what’s been missing in your life, but you’re probably just missing a few brain cells in your head.
1) No hairbrush? No problemo!
If you have a bunch of Barbie dolls, you’re set. Just rip off her arms and legs and craft your own hairbrush.
“Looks like she’s wearing a heel. Great, another thing to go right through my skull.”
2) Badass urban cowboy sandals
Want to ramp up your urban cowboy vibes from /DiWHY to /deadlyDIY? Then add some spurs to your flip-flops and no one outside of Texas will eff with you!
3) Nothing says you’re excited like a forest chandelier.
Got a piece of wood? A sticky-on LED light? A ceiling that’s just begging for some action? You go girl, do your crazy DiWHY thing!
“This is the first post I’ve seen on here in a long time where I was legitimately convinced I was missing something. Nope, literally a piece of wood on the ceiling…”
4) Boom-boxing bicycle
But why this madness, you ask? Because this is the cool portable boombox we all wish we had back in the 80’s when we were riding our bikes to school!
5) A bird face corona-mask made from an old CRT monitor?
Who’s bird brained idea was this? It’s probably from a new, as-yet unnamed hackers group trying to best Anonymous and their Guy Fawkes masks with this well-played atrocity.
“The Venetian plague doctor x hockey goalie crossover we never knew we needed.”
“Seriously, the vision it took to see the mask beforehand and cut the pieces to intersect perfectly along curved angles is mind blowing.”
6) The board game that rocks
This Monopoly board game is for hardcore enthusiasts only. Instead of getting out of jail for free, you risk get stoned to death on that little Alcatraz island every time you pass GO.
“So you can smack your siblings with one of the rocks when you go bankrupt.”
7) There’s only one reason to ask “why” with this one.
If those bottles aren’t filled with liquor, then WHY NOT? Having a chandelier alcohol dispenser within reach is every daytime drinker’s dream.
8) Bambi?
Now this is some messed up redneck taxidermist sh*t! They forgot to include the broken beer bottles, lawn chairs, and used heroin needles in this trailer park deerhouse scene.
9) It’s a rare kitten-heel-nosed seagull!
So this is what happens when DIY crafters go crazy during quarantine. They get so sick of constantly washing the dishes, they make these disposable shoe-cups to drink their Bailey’s out of.
10) Legit Crocs
Now this is what manly man’s Crocs are supposed to look like! Not that wussy, cleaned-up, vegan-friendly stuff with the head, tail, and appendages chopped off.
11) Groovy lava lamp idea
If 60’s lava lamps are too cheesy for your liking, then add a side of beans to the mix. This half-baked idea will make this fava lamp taste that much funnier!
12) X-Bong 420
‘Cause…why not? Gamer stoners just want to get to the highest level like everyone else!
13) Movie theater chair ski set
You won’t even have to worry about breaking a leg when you go for the gold because you’ll already be sitting down. Can’t wait to see this guy put his barstool on ice skates!
14) Commercial grade lawnmower
Mow your lawn double-wide in double the time with this souped-up mod! Sounds good in theory, but that gap in the middle is going to give your grass a Mohawk cut every single time.
15) Human molar tooth ring???
So this is what the tooth fairy has been doing with all the teeth she’s been collecting from unsuspecting kids. She’s been turning it into a side hustle on Etsy!
16) Levi’s ipper mask
This is a DiYES! Because this is what we all should be doing right now to be happy social distancers.
17) Bootie bird nest
Some Brit is actually abusing their 100% feedback rating to fool you into buying one of these. Just go nail a boot to a plank of wood and quit being so lazy!
18) Toilet seat mirrors
Want some affirmations to start off your day? These mirrors will make you look and feel like a piece of toilet dung every single time.
19) Got Jeep envy?
Wish your sucky car had 4WD and a floodlights? Then fake it ’til you make it with this DiWHY getup.
“Sometimes, I wish I had one of these mounted on the back of my car, hidden inside a fake spoiler or something, and then I could blast people behind me who don’t turn their brights off or tailgate me.”
20) “Didn’t understand what was going on at first.”
Still trying to wrap your head around why there’s an old phone duct-taped to the wall? It’s the new security camera at this guy’s grocery store.
21) Baby truck spotted in Stockton, California
Just like little girls like to try on their mom’s makeup and shoes, baby cars dream of the day when they’ll fill out and look like a bonafide contractor’s truck. In the meantime, they just look silly!
“Gotta piss with the c**k you got.”
“There are bigger crackheads in Stockton than this guy. He’s totally normal for that place.”
22) “Real wrenches not fake.”
Yeah, but what would Jesus do if he found out about being crucified again? He’d act just like a Latina mom and throw it like a flip flop at your head!
“The CruciFix-It”
“So is Jesus a nut or a tool?”
23) Car insurance scam
Too cheap to pay for a 4-door sedan? Make it a 2-door and call it even!
“Welp, that’ll have the structural rigidity of a wet paper bag in a high speed crash…”
“This is a 5th door rescuers make for extrications. Good to see this guy did it for them before the crash.”
24) “I don’t know if this is a German thing but why?”
So when you pour water into the planter and it dribbles out the bottom, does that mean the plant looks like its peeing its pants? That would be a pretty cool visual!
25) “Porcelain with handpainted ants”
Because when you’re not sweet enough to attract the real thing in your life, you just have to make do with your pretend ant friends.
“All fun and games until you get used to it and real ants start a pool party in your cup of tea.”
“I could own these and use them for years and they would still make me jump every time I got to the bottom of my cereal.”
26) Finally, a great use for an Apple product!
It’s a computer desk. No really, take a closer look – it’s a pair of computers + the top of a desk!
27) Enema bag necklace
How could wearing a pink enema bag necklace that’s been trimmed with dainty lace possibly get any worse? Put some gaudy chandelier crystals on it to make it look like it’s crapping out diamonds!
“It’s like an artistic illustration of passing kidney stones. It shouldn’t be made.”
28) The perfect corner coffee table trolley
Been needing a place to set your 2-foot tall cup of coffee? Whatever you can think of, someone who did lots of LSD back in the 60’s has already made it!
“I like to refer to it as the ankle penetrator 2000.”
29) Fan-powered mixer
How could you not be a fan of this stand-up mixer? It has KitchenAid “beat” for ingenuity!
“Like straight up “Nope” and get out.”
30) “My girlfriend’s “trinket tray” she made by heating and bending a record.”
It’s not a terrible idea, but the execution is way off. It looks like she tried to shape it by hand, and now it’s not even worthy of being an ash tray.
“Probably it’s not the most valuable Elvis record but Jesus Christ why would you start practicing this for the first time with an ELVIS record. There’s tons of any other non-interesting vinyls to destroy.”
31) “I’ve been slowly re-decorating during this mess and in my search for inspiration I stumbled across this monstrosity.”
Whoa, dorm chicks are hardcore! Most people can’t even imagine having to drink that many White Claws in a single lifetime.
“Someone likes to get White-Girl-Wasted and is damn proud of it!!!!”
“They are covering the holes punched in the drywall.”
32) Cinderblock cup holder
Whatever works, right? And this one comes with enough holes for a 6-pack of Starbucks and a place to hold a pencil, too!
“Until you’re in a collision and that thing goes flying toward you…”
“Yeah. Get into a rollover and your seat belt will hold you in place while that brick repeatedly pounds your face to a pulp.”
33) “A custom barn fan turned coffee table.”
The asking price will absolutely “blow” you away! It’s running at a “cool” $450.
“And there’s some doorknob somewhere that’ll pay it.”
34) “I have no words to describe it.”
I know, right? How dare they use a couple of sticks instead of ghetto cinderblocks to keep this poor man’s Airstream from rolling away. There goes the neighborhood!
“The word you looking for is Envy. That thing is an awesome solo camper for a small car to tug.”
35) “The head just fits perfectly.”
I bet you never thought you’d blush at the sight of an ordinary houseplant. But don’t worry, you’re not the only one to think she looks so darned sexy!
“She’s stunning. Reminds me of the tree nymph in Hercules!”
“Nothing confusing about it, mate.”
36) Chicken foot kickstand
Have you ever seen a chicken fall over? Well there you go, the logic here is totally sound!
“It’s a Baba-Yaga-cycle”
“Fun fact: In Colonial America kids would use chicken feet as toys. You know those grabby-claw toys? Same thing. If you cut the foot off you can fish around and find the tendon that controls the toes. Give it a yank (no pun intended) and grabby-grabby.”
37) “Burn it. Burn it now before the curse takes hold!”
This is what happens when voodoo meets high-tech photo face technology! Now you can curse the most-hated people in your life as fast as the inkjet can dry.
“Actual nightmares incoming.”
“I’d like to meet the person who thought this was a good idea.”
38) All it needs is a futon and beer cup holder.
Would it be politically correct to wheel yourself into work in one of these, even if you’re not mobility-challenged? Because this looks like too much fun to pass up!
“Bigger wheels make it easier to roll over stuff.”
“Plus you won’t get that one weird wheel that just does its own thing.”
39) “This is the United States’ secret torture method on suspected terrorists.”
If you thought walking on regular heels was torture, consider yourself lucky. At least your wee little piggy toe isn’t being crushed by LEGOS corncobs all the way home.
40) “Found this gem in an old metro bus”
It’s just your everyday Appalachian dime-store deer hoof shifter. It’s good for scaring out-of-state tourists when they start squealing like piggies in the back of the bus!
41) “My key broke so I burnt a screwdriver onto it.”
Hey, if your car key breaks off, there’s an easy fix for that! As long as you have a broken screwdriver, you can marry the two in this melted plastic abomination.
“Lol a couple months ago I had the same problem. I sandwiched it between two quarters and jb welded them together.”
42) “Just built a 2006 MacBook out of spare parts.”
It’s obvious this modern-day Dr. Frankenstein has a lot of free time on his hands. And if he ever decides to sell, it’s already its own clever bulletin board.
43) “What is this a grill for ants?”
It’s supposed to be a grill for a single hot dog, but eve then the hot dog would be too long. So it must be an econo-sized grill for party ants!
“What sort of sociopath only eats one hot dog?”
“Just get multiple single hotdog grills then.”
44) “Can’t do squats if you kill yourself trying”
No, it’s fine, really. Those two flimsy buckets are like keystone rocks that will hold it in place!
45) “Ever seen a meth powered car?”
These country bumpkins have the wrong idea about how money works. They’d have to pay other people that much just to haul this away, even if it is hard-to-find Hummer Centipede from Chernobyl – with extras!
“In a police car chase: What is the model? I….it’s……..I quit.”
46) Backyard summer glamping at its finest!
Don’t toss out those old trampolines. Convert them into every girl’s dream playhouse, with fairy lights and everything!
“Thank god for this idea, I am just completely flush with unused trampolines.”
47) “I’m at home all day, but Casper would rather cuddle the creepy cardboard man I made.”
Don’t blame Casper one bit! Anyone who makes a creepy cardboard cuddle mannequin for their kitty has graduated to “psychotic cat lady” status!
48) This is just cheating
People in some countries still use open pit toilets to do their thing. But sometimes you get old and your squatting knees aren’t what they used to be!
“Creative solution to a sh**ty problem.”
49) “Meanwhile in Russia…”
Dude almost had a clean getaway! Maybe if he wasn’t being so indecent in public he could have gotten away with it.
“To the Bath-mobile!”
50) “Bidet on a budget”
There’s no need to worry about running out of toilet paper ever again. Just duct tape a flexible shower nozzle to your toilet, set it to “pulse” and you can clean your bum for free!
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