Life can sometimes be a little bit more challenging for people who have lost an arm, leg, or pinky toe, but just because they’ve lost a body part doesn’t mean they’ve lost their sense of humor. In fact, some amputees are uniquely suited to having more fun than “two-legged freaks” with their cheeky jokes!
Amputees can bring it on during Halloween by dressing up as one-legged pirates and flesh-eating zombies, get tattoos of the little piggy that went to the market, make stubby snow angels in the snow, and even wear hilarious T-shirts that poke fun at their lack of body parts.
Check out these 50 people who lost their limbs but have no problem laughing about it!
1) “Gonna request a refund.”
Some people are so impatient! Doesn’t he know that it takes a couple of applications before you can the pinky finger will start to sprout?
Save the wrong hand jokes for someone who cares. It’s not like she had a choice in the matter!
“Every year for Halloween (and occasional comic cons), I like to do something fun that uses my arm as something empowering :D This year I chose adventure time and I got to have a flipping fLOWER BRANCH ARM!”
First Sharknado, now this. When will the madness stop? At least it didn’t take this guy very long to get over his missing leg and start laughing about it!
This proves that Walter White didn’t really die from a gunshot wound at the end of Breaking Bad. He’s just enjoying his retirement years at a nursing home for former high school teacher meth lab kingpins.
He got sick of telling his story over and over again, so now he’s charging money. But when you think about it, his leg story will cost you less than it cost him!
Well, the good news is that when he becomes a dad, he’ll have a built-in pacifier for his baby! The bad news is that his finger is going to be stuck at”loading…50%” pretty much forever.
Better watch out! It’s all fun an games until the little kid takes off with your foot.
“We had a family friend who had his leg amputated just under the hip. The first time he came to visit us in California, we all went to the beach together. He goes in to swim, waits for a good long while, and comes hopping out of the water yelling “SHARK! SHARK!!!” I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that funny in my entire life.”
18) “My amputee brother didn’t appreciate his Christmas present”
I guess this Grinch doesn’t have any patience for snarky brothers who constantly walk all over them. Hopefully one day he’ll will realize that his bro was just pulling his leg.
This is what happens when you keep skipping leg day at the gym. But, don’t kick yourself for making this very common mistake! Just go for a run to make up for it.
This guy is just re-enacting what happened to him on the surf that fateful day. He got away with his life, and the shark got away with a very full belly.
Amputee’s are lucky. They don’t have to think about what they’re going to do for Halloween every year. All they have to do is pick a classic horror movie and bust out the chainsaw!
“I work at the 13th Gate Haunted House and during “Hell week” we have a costume contest every night. Here was the costume I threw together in less than 48 hours for “cult classic/classic horror film” night”
23) “Being an Amputee makes for some cool photoshoots”
Nothing says it’s picnic season like a pretty girl in a summer dress cutting into a juicy piece of BBQ meat. Oh wait, that’s her leg. Never mind.
“So my family is pretty morbid, I mean we crack really awful jokes about my missing a leg all the time. My mum and I were at the Spirit store and we found a fake leg, and well.. we came up with this freaky ass photoshoot. Why sit around an wallow when you can disturb the normal folk to no end?”
I don’t think this fine example of a man (Brad Ivanchan, USMC) will have a problem getting anything he wants in life. Even with that polycarbonate and steel, he’s all kinds of beautiful!
“Got both his legs blown and and still more ripped than 80% of people. Like a boss.
When you don’t have a cool story to go along with your missing limbs, do like this guy did. Get matching tattoos to make up a story for you!
“A few years ago, I had my little toes amputated. It matters not why, suffice to say the reasons were really boring. Ever since then, when I have been walking around barefoot, I have had to answer the question, ‘So what happened'”
I’m still trying to figure out if this is just a giant thumb, or is he giving everyone the finger? Either way, this tattoo may have crossed the lines of good taste.
31) “Just a friend doing Halloween right as an amputee”
Okay, so this pirate outfit is probably the obvious choice. But by default he probably looks good in any Halloween costume he decides to wear. That’s so unfair to the rest of us two-legged freaks.
You can make all the jokes you want about his missing leg. But, don’t even think about making any snide remarks about his golfing game. You might tee him off!
Out of all the amputees out there wearing this shirt, this one’s the best. And it’s not just because she’s pretty. She’s totally rocking that 70’s Staying Alive pose!
38) “Amputee prosthetic leg made with Lego bricks”
A leg made from Lego’s couldn’t be any funnier if you made it up. Her new nickname: Lego-less from Lord of the Rings!
“Watch Christina Stephens—a practicing occupational therapist and clinical researcher who lost her foot after a crush injury—build herself a working prosthetic leg out of Lego. She explained: “Someone in my research lab jokingly suggested I make a prosthetic leg out of legos. The joke’s on you—I went home and did it. Please don’t do this yourself, I don’t want you to fall and get hurt!”
The Queen’s Guards are famous for maintaining a blank expression no matter how crazy the tourists get with their shenanigans. But, how did this guard not crack when a couple of amputee’s started waving their legs at him?
“I trying to get a reaction…for the record the Guard didn’t blink. (Sure he had a good laugh after his shift though).”
This kid lost his leg to bone cancer when he was just 16. It’s not an easy thing for someone so young to deal with, so he relies on dark humor and loud laughs to keep him from getting down on himself.
“While my life and situation is less than optimal and at times get hard I do my best to play with the cards I’ve been dealt. So what’s the first thing I did when I recovered enough to go out a bit? Had my roommate take a picture making it look like I got ran over by my own car.”
There are very few people who can just grab a lamp shade and call it a Halloween costume. Most of us have to go to Spirit Halloween to fake that sort of genius.
Instead of getting mad at the shark for doing its thing, this guy has come to terms with his shark-nemesis in a very funny way. Making use of the little stub on his shoulder as a shark nose is pure genius!
50 people who lost their limbs but not their sense of humor
Marilyn Caylor
Life can sometimes be a little bit more challenging for people who have lost an arm, leg, or pinky toe, but just because they’ve lost a body part doesn’t mean they’ve lost their sense of humor. In fact, some amputees are uniquely suited to having more fun than “two-legged freaks” with their cheeky jokes!
Amputees can bring it on during Halloween by dressing up as one-legged pirates and flesh-eating zombies, get tattoos of the little piggy that went to the market, make stubby snow angels in the snow, and even wear hilarious T-shirts that poke fun at their lack of body parts.
Check out these 50 people who lost their limbs but have no problem laughing about it!