4th grader heads to bank – then empties out his life savings so he can help the homeless
This selfless 4th grader teaches everyone a lesson on giving!
Randy Aragon

With the homeless epidemic only getting worse, we’re in desperate need of selfless individuals to change the tide. This 4th grader sets a great example when he decides to empty his life savings in order to go shopping for the homeless. What a generous kid, he gave every penny he had to the homeless!

His father also matched him, so he spent double the money he had.

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4th grader, Nathan Simons, emptied his entire life savings to go shopping for the homeless

It all started when Nathan came across a string of YouTube videos, the videos featured different YouTube personalities donating to the homeless. That’s when it clicked in his head, he wanted to do something to help

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This gave Nathan an idea, he wanted to actually take the money he’d been saving at the bank and go shopping for the homeless. So he took the idea to his dad Ethan, unsure of what he would say.

Ethan couldn’t say no, what would that be telling his son, “don’t give to those in need?” It was settled, they headed to the bank to withdraw the money

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Nathans kind act inspired his father, he decided to match his son’s savings giving him double the money. When they got to the bank, even the teller was surprised but he counted out the money none the less.

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The 4th grader walked out of the bank with nearly 300 dollars in his pocket and already had a list of needs from the local homeless shelter. Nathan and his father hit their local Walmart to load up with things from their list.

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“I mean it feels good, I wish I could have it myself but I have to think about other people sometimes,” Nathan told Fox 8 WQAD.

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Nathan went through the store packing his shopping cart with the items on his list

From shoes to loads of barbeque sauce, Nathan calculated down to the last dollar and spent it all on necessities for the homeless community. He admitted it wasn’t easy, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

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“It’s hard to give it away, but I’m just thinking ahead of myself and thinking about other people.” Said Nathan.

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Now with the shopping done, it was time to deliver the goods to the Christian Care homeless shelter

Nathan and his father headed to the Christian Care to drop off the donations, the development coordinator at the shelter was blown away by the young boy’s gesture.

“To know that somebody that age is thinking about other people in his community and what they don’t have and what he can do for them is pretty awesome.” Said Cindy Gramenz, Development Coordinator at the Christian Care homeless shelter.

Cindy is right, it’s downright awesome to see this out of a 4th grader, what a fantastic young man! Nathan just hopes his actions will be an inspiration for others to give, we have a feeling they will. To see Nathans shopping spree for the homeless, watch the video below!

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