Mothers-in-law often add color to one’s life. This is not always a welcome addition to one’s life, but in this article we take a look at 45 examples of Mothers-in-law making life more fun or enjoyable for those around them. Or, at the very least, these Mothers-In-law keep things entertaining.
Cat Lady/Mother-In-Law
If your Mother-in-Law is also a cat lady, consider yourself very lucky. You might even end up with a few photos like this sent to you throughout the day.
Wearing Gifts From A Mother-In-Law
Mothers-in-law give gifts. Often, these gifts are no good whatsoever. The man in the photo below was not going to allow himself to be embarassed by the gift he received from his Mother-in-Law. He’d wear it proudly!
Mother-in-Law With Photoshop
If your Mother-in-Law has discovered Photoshop, this could result in some interesting photos being sent to you. Take the woman here who photoshopped herself into some royal photos.
Slipknot Fan Mother-In-Law Takes A Cruise
Doesn’t this photo make you want to be a senior? Who knew that while we were out working jobs and not being retired, older folks were rocking out to Slipknot on giant cruise ships. This Mother-in-Law is about to rock out in international waters!
Knitting For A Snake Mother-In-Law
This snake doesn’t know how lucky it is to have an adoptive Mother-in-Law who knows how to knit! A person posted this photo to Reddit and stated that their wife’s mother knitted their snake a sweater.
Interesting Bathroom Photos Mother-In-Law
Sometimes, Mothers-in-Law put up interesting photos in the bathroom. This curious giraffe knows little about respecting personal space.
Taking Things Too Far Mother-in-Law
Mothers-in-Law sometimes take things too far. Save an injured baby squirrell once and you may get squirrel-related gifts for the rest of your life. That’s what happened to the man in this photo!
Interesting Christmas Tree Ornament Mother-In-Law
Sometimes, your relationship with your Mother-in-Law is related to the holidays. That can mean weird Christmas ornaments like this one. Is that the baby Jesus? Or is it a severed toe? Who can tell?!?!
Editing Photo Mother In Law
A user on Reddit posted this photo saying that every time he misses a family gathering, his Mother-in-Law sends him photos like this. I guess she’s hoping that doobies, chicken hats, and magic mushroom pizza will make him sorry he missed out!
Pokemon Go Fan Mother-in-Law
Doesn’t this Pokemon Go chocolate cake look delicious? No, it doesn’t, you say? Ok, no it doesn’t look delicious, but at least this Mother-in-Law has a hobby she really enjoys. Gotta catch em all!
Archer Mother In Law With Arrows In Her Hair
In general, having a Mother-in-Law who is good at archery is concerning. It might be especially so if they hold their spare arrows in their hair. That seems to suggest they plan at firing on more than one target. One of them could be you!
Mother-In-Law With Pet Goat
If you have a Mother-in-Law who has a pet goat, consider yourself lucky. Not only do you have a cool, animal-loving Mother-in-Law but you have a goat relative to play and talk with at family gatherings.
The Funny Mother-in-Law
This sign is only funny to read if you and your partner have already given your Mother-in-Law grandchildren. If you haven’t, consider it a threat.
Strange Gift Mother-In-Law
Mothers-In-Law, as has been dicussed, often give strange and concerning gifts. Take this sloth wearing a top hat, monocle, and suit. No literally, we mean take it, it’s yours now. Strange stuff.
Funny Sign On Car Mother-In-Law
Sometimes Mothers-in-Law truly want what’s best for you. Take the person from this photo here. They posted that their Mother-in-Law put this on their car without asking. Now, they will never get pulled over for speeding as the police will understand why they are doing so.
Advice From 30 Year Old Liquor Bottle Mother-in-Law
Sometimes Mothers-in-Law drink. Sometimes people drink because their Mothers-in-Law drink. The person who posted this photo noted that their Mother-in-Law makes them read this label from a 30-year-old alcohol bottle before they do so.
Uncomfortable Joke Mother-in-Law
If your Mother-in-Law makes a crude joke, you can’t really call them out on it, you have to just cringe and pretend it’s all in good fun and laugh. The Mother-in-Law who made this joke likely doesn’t care if you think her joke is funny or not.
Zooming Before Zooming Was A Thing Mother-in-Law
Don’t you miss the times where someone attending a holiday virtually was strange and unsual? This family got a kick out of a Mother-in-Law attending Thanksgiving via video but I bet they had a different attitude in 2020. Then again, maybe they didn’t.
Mother-in-Law With Pot Holders
Look, sometimes pots get hot. You will need pot holders or else you will burn your hands. This Mother-in-Law gave these “pot holders” as a gift but the real winner might be the pun-loving cannabis lawyer who put out this amazing promotional product.
Maybe Don’t Go Camping With This Mother-In-Law
The Mother-in-Law from this photo attempted to pass off silly string as bear repellant to their child-in-law. To be fair, do we really know how bears react to silly string? It might cause them to run away.
Do NOT Play Cards Against Humanity With Your Mother-in-Law
This was discussed in an earlier entry in this article, but for your sake, avoid playing Cards Against Humanity with your Mother-in-Law. Due to your relationship with their child, you are forced to put up with crude jokes like this without recourse.
The Family Planning Mother-in-Law
A Mother-in-Law left this out at their place for their child and child-in-law to find. Whether this Mother-in-Law wants grandchildren or definitely does not want grandchildren, they are going to impose their will.
The “Given Up On Grandkids” Mother-in-Law
If your Mother-in-Law has a bumper sticker like this, you are in the clear! They have given up on grandkids and seem to be quite willing to dog sit for you when you need her to.
Sometimes Mothers-in-Law Give Fudge Along With Crude Jokes
Even if you don’t play Cards Against Humanity with your Mother-in-Law, they will still find ways to make crude jokes. It’s their version of Dad jokes. This Mother-in-Law went to the Uranus Fudge Factory and brought home some gifts!
The Mother-in-Law Who Really Likes Elves
If you’re Mother-in-Law buys you clothes, you have to wear them at least once. That’s, like, the rule. Unfortunately, you have to have your photo taken when you do wear her gift. If your Mother-in-Law feels like dressing you up like an elf, either do it, or pay the price for the rest of the year.
The “Concerning Level Of Approval” Mother-In-Law
Look, it’s good to be accepted by your Mother-in-Law. If, however, you find a photo of you above your Mother-in-Law’s toilet, as was the case in the photo here, your “Mother-in-Law might be too accepting of you.
The Mother-in-Law Who Reuses Boxes
The Mother-in-Law from this photo was re-using old boxes when they gave an interestingly-labeled box to their child-in-law. Needless to say, scratching out the label from the box was probably something everyone wished they had done here.
The Helpful Mother-in-Law
The Mother-in-Law featured in this photo really wanted to make sure their child’s wedding was fun. When you need a dolly to carry all the alcohol you’ve purchased, you know you’re doing it right.
The Vampire-Hunting Mother-in-Law
If your Mother-in-Law is serious about people not drinking the Holy Water she keeps in the garage, she might be a Vampire-hunter. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course, unless you happen to be a vampire.
Mother-in-Law Who Just Cleaned Out Her Garage
When Mothers-in-Law clean out rooms that haven’t been cleaned in awhile, they often give away useless hand-me-downs. Take this Mother-in-Law who asked her kids if they needed any of these floppy discs. How long had it been since she cleaned out that room???
Mother-in-Law Who Wants You To Know Your Other Options
If your Mother-in-Law sends you a message like this, it might mean they are friendly and like you. It might also mean they want you to divorce their child.
What Are You Trying To Say With This Pie, Mom?
If you are hosting a family function and your Mother-in-Law shows up with a pie that has an unhappy face carved into it, you might want to make sure she’s not still holding the knife.
Mother-in-Law Who Gives You (a) Pot
If you’re Mother-in-Law picks you up a little pot from Colorado, it might not be as fun as you think. Regardless, there are lots of practical uses for a pot like that, for instance, it can store your pot.
The Helpful International Traveling Mother-in-Law
Having friends or family located in other countries has its advantages. There are products you can get in some places that you can’t get in others. This Mother-in-Law knew this all too well and brought some Australian chocolate with her as she traveled back to the United States.
Passive-Aggressive Bedding Sheets From A Mother-in-Law
If you find these bed sheets on the bed you are sleeping in while staying with your in-laws, they don’t like you. It might be best to just pack up and go home. You might even file for divorce. Regardless, you’ll sleep better after.
The Tom Selleck Fan Mother-in-Law
If your Mother-in-Law has a perfectly framed picture of Tom Selleck on the wall, this can be either a good or bad sign. If you have a nice moustache, it is a good sign, otherwise, it’s probably not.
The Not Afraid of Hurricanes Mother-in-Law
The Mother-in-Law here sent this photo to her family to let them know how prepared she is for Hurricane Irma. She’s got her possessions tied to her back and a couple of beers in her hands. She’s good.
The Inappropriate Gift-Giving Mother-In-Law
The Mother-in-Law from this photo gave a poster of what she thought was Disney princesses to her granddaughter. I mean, the girls might be Disney princesses but that’s not really what was featured on the poster.
The Overly Concerned About Social Media Activity Mother-in-Law
Watching people older than you try to navigate social media can be really fun. This social media post is from a Mother-in-Law who accidentally “liked” an ad by Budweiser and wanted to make sure all her contacts know that she does not like beer.
The Fake News Believing Mother-in-Law
Somtimes fake news can be harmful but other times it can be really funny. Take this Mother-in-Law who clearly believed this post online that said tattoos were comprised of 90% sin and a little bit of the Rubella virus.
The “Thanks So Much For Your Help” Mother-in-Law
Even when you’re in the hospital, don’t expect your Mother-in-Law to be helpful. They might be a little helpful, however, but only if it’s funny. For instance, if you ask to be brought straws, they’ll bring you straws that look like, um, well just look at the picture.
The Satire-Believing Mother-in-Law
There’s a difference between believing fake news and believing satire to be true. The latter is even more funny than the former. Take this woman who believed this article from “The Onion.”
The “I’m Done Trying To Cook For You” Mother-in-Law
This photo was posted after a Mother-in-Law put out this plate of what was generously referred to as Hors d’ouvres. Maybe after many years of trying, this Mother-in-Law has just given up on trying to feed people.
The Suprisingly Good Idea Having Mother-in-Law
The Mother-in-Law who posted this has evidently had enough of memes. She wants to be able to block only them from her Facebook feed. Sometimes, Mothers-in-Law can be friggin geniuses!
The T-shirt with Slogan Making Mother-In-Law
What exactly do you say when your Mother-in-Law gives you a t-shirt such as this? Have a look at this son-in-law’s face. He doesn’t know what to say either.
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