Most men like to act like they can fix anything. We pretend to have all the DIY knowledge out there and we never, ever, get lost while driving. The truth is, however, that we don’t have all of the answers. Some of us may be more skilled than others when it comes to handyman jobs, but at the end of the day, no single guy can know how to do everything–but that sure won’t stop us from trying. Check out this list of 45 men who faced-off against the laws of nature and failed and be sure to share it with a friend!
Do you know what’s worse than making a bad decision on your own? Having someone there to make that same bad decision with you.
It’s important to have a clear workspace and plenty of room. This is why.
Two on a motorbike isn’t that uncommon. However, this isn’t normally the way it’s done.
We wonder what the weight limit of an air conditioning unit is. We somehow doubt it’s intended to support a person.
#5 Not the proudest driver
To be fair, car accidents happen. Egos don’t even need to be involved.
What do you do if you need to work under a large boulder without getting crushed? Shove two sticks under it. That should work.
There are methods for accessing the outside of buildings safely. This is not one of those methods.
#8 It’s not just construction
There are other hazards in life beyond high heights. There are also relationship pitfalls to avoid.
Smoking on the job is bad enough usually. He takes it to a whole new level of danger.
Summer can suck when the air conditioner is broken. However, it’s probably not worth risking your life over it.
#11 Good thing he’s wearing a helmet
The first thing you would notice here is how did this guy got up there, and the next question would be, how can he stay up there and not fall? It’s either he’s really good with his balance, or it’s just luck. Good thing he’s wearing his helmet, right?
There are so many things that can go wrong in this one picture. How did he ever think this was a good idea?
Well, if it doesn’t set his jeans on fire, it might only heat up the tubing that the fuel is going through. There’s no way that could end badly…
We’re not really sure what he’s up to, maybe he’s trying to repair something, or perhaps he’s just goofing around. Though one thing’s for sure; it sure looks like fun! Look at that made-up swing!
It seemed like a good idea when they saw it on YouTube. Note: Not everything on YouTube should be tried.
Okay. We don’t actually know what is going on here. Whatever it is, this doesn’t seem like the best way to do it.
This is just plain dangerous. Even looking at it is enough to make most people too nervous to try it. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to faze this guy.
We understand that sometimes it takes some innovation to reach difficult areas. This is not innovation. This is insanity.
Aren’t there safety harnesses and ladders for these types of situations? What are they thinking?
#20 Just cleaning the windows
He just needed to step outside for a moment to get the bird poo off the outside of the window. No worries. It’s not as if the window is more than twenty stories up.
Oh, wait. It’s exactly like that.
We do not know how they came up with this idea. We’re not even sure we want to know. As for how it turned out, we can only assume that it went badly.
Here we have another man with a little too much bravery. At least he doesn’t have as far to fall.
Well, it seems to be almost tall enough for whatever he is doing. So, there’s that.
This guy at least acknowledges the need for safety. How he applies that knowledge is another matter.
That is not even remotely stable. He is aware that doors swing, right? There’s living on the edge, and then there’s this.
This is why women live longer than men. There may be no other reason.
He clearly wanted the perfect photo, and he managed to get it. However, we have to wonder if it was really worth the risk.
It’s a nice job when everyone gets to stand around all day acting as a ballast. Well, it’s nice for everyone who isn’t the guy on the other end of the board.
Getting the car in the garage with only the press of a button seemed like the best idea ever. However, all it took was someone pressing the button at the wrong time just once to result in this.
They wanted to have lunch in the shade, so they made themselves some shade. This was not approved by and safety organization ever.
How they have elaborately stacked everything together is impressive. However, risking your neck on it might be going too far.
There is pushing your limits, and then there is just plain pushing limits. Something is going to go wrong.
#33 Getting under the truck
Sometimes, you need to lift a vehicle up to do some repairs. Usually, one would use a lift or a car jack.
Yes, carrying the sofa down the stairs will probably take longer. However, those extra three minutes could help you avoid a trip to the hospital.
Is that a ladder? How did they climb it?
He needed to spray paint something. It should have been a simple job. Unfortunately, the nozzle was pointing in the wrong direction. And, yes, that’s red paint.
There is something about working on windows that makes men everywhere forget the fear of death. We don’t know what it is, but it’s hard to deny.
What is better than one man who is sure he can get anything done without a ladder? Two men with no ladder. Yikes.
When you’re working all day with the same people and equipment, you may begin to trust them. However, there are still some cases when you shouldn’t put all of your trust in them.
Was that really the best way to reach the skylight? We have to wonder.
It’s always nice to have a friend who will help you move. Next time, find a friend who will help you rent a moving truck.
Somehow, we do not think this was listed anywhere in the job safety manual. In fact, it might have been listed in the “never do this” section.
At least he will survive this. Probably. We have to admit it’s a pretty bad sweater.
It’s not the level of relaxation of guy at the top you should be looking at. It’s the amount of effort the guy at the bottom is putting in that should be concerning. That’s not going to hold much longer.
Does he even work for the electric company? We’re starting to wonder.
The reason a jackhammer is held with the hands is so they can be used to grip it. This is not going to end well.
Here’s a question. What painter shows up to a job without a ladder?
The most concerning thing about this picture is a woman and child are about to walk in front of that. Don’t do it!
Usually, when you’re asking for something to be held up, it’s a screwdriver or a lightbulb. It’s not usually the ladder you’re standing on.
They wanted to lift the car up to get a look beneath. This is how they chose to do it.
This *might* be slightly safer than the other. Maybe. Possibly. Actually, probably not, but we have to admit it’s a creative way to get the hedges done.
Clean windows are important. So are basic safety measures. Only one of those is happening here.
Most men like to act like they can fix anything. We pretend to have all the DIY knowledge out there and we never, ever, get lost while driving. The truth is, however, that we don’t have all of the answers. Some of us may be more skilled than others when it comes to handyman jobs, but at the end of the day, no single guy can know how to do everything–but that sure won’t stop us from trying. Check out this list of 45 men who faced-off against the laws of nature and failed and be sure to share it with a friend!