Being a baby can be tough — or at least, we assume so. You’ve just been pushed from a warm world where you were comfortable and safe (not to mention never hungry). Now you’re out in the bright sunshine, trying to acclimate to all the noise ad “hot and cold” nonsense.

That’s not even the worst part of it. Your body is so tiny that you can barely use it — you can’t lift up your head, walk on your two feet, or feed yourself.

On top of all of that, you can’t see very well and your skin is wrinkled, making it look like prunes. What we’re trying to say is that there are a whole lot of similarities between being an infant and being a senior citizen.

Every baby is beautiful. But not all of them look exactly — well, like a baby. With the wrinkles and the squinting and the occasional grumpy face, a lot of babies look more like your grandma or grandpa than like a newborn.

No parent is completely sure what their baby will look like before they’re born. Here are 45 parents who realized their baby looked like an old person.