Being a baby can be tough — or at least, we assume so. You’ve just been pushed from a warm world where you were comfortable and safe (not to mention never hungry). Now you’re out in the bright sunshine, trying to acclimate to all the noise ad “hot and cold” nonsense.
That’s not even the worst part of it. Your body is so tiny that you can barely use it — you can’t lift up your head, walk on your two feet, or feed yourself.
On top of all of that, you can’t see very well and your skin is wrinkled, making it look like prunes. What we’re trying to say is that there are a whole lot of similarities between being an infant and being a senior citizen.
Every baby is beautiful. But not all of them look exactly — well, like a baby. With the wrinkles and the squinting and the occasional grumpy face, a lot of babies look more like your grandma or grandpa than like a newborn.
No parent is completely sure what their baby will look like before they’re born. Here are 45 parents who realized their baby looked like an old person.
1. This newborn already looks like she wants kids off her lawn
This is the face your grandma makes while she’s looking out the window, watching teenagers pass outside. She only stops once she’s sure they’re not loitering.
2. This baby with hair as white as snow
This tiny boy was born with a head of pure white hair! That, combined with the fact that he’s got a bit of a bald patch on top, makes him look about 80 years older than he is.
When this baby gets mad, he morphs instantly from an infant to an old man grumbling about — well, any of the things old men grumble about. Let’s see: kids these days, spouses, work, traffic, neighbors…
This furious baby looks like he’s about to explode at the seams, and hilariously, it also ages him — a LOT. Have you ever seen an infant become 60 years in three seconds?
This baby is only minutes old but she’s already got that old lady look on her face. This is the face your grandma makes on Christmas morning when everyone is done opening their presents.
6. A wizard is never too early…
Cute as this little guy might be, there is no denying he looks a lot like Gandalf the White. And no, this isn’t Sir Ian McKellen’s baby — sorry to disappoint you all.
7. When Grandpa forgets to put his teeth in
If you’ve ever seen an elderly person without their dentures, you might’ve been surprised to see how much it alters their face. To be fair, this little guy or gal doesn’t have teeth, either.
8. Those kids are up to no good again
The parent who posted the picture of their baby called this expression her “are they using the driveway to turn around?” face. Laugh all you want, but that description is spot on.
9. Is this a baby or an ancient wizard?
With the shocking white hair, this little one looks like a magical being. Maybe they’re a wizard or a fairy, though I’m presuming they poop like a human infant.
10. Every old man waiting in line too long
One parent found their son’s expression on the way home from the hospital absolutely hysterical, and we don’t blame them. This is the exact face our dads and grandpas make when the line at the grocery store is too long.
11. Orville Redenbacher: the early years
Remember the guy on the popcorn, Orville Redenbacher? This baby looks exactly like him! To be fair, the bow tie, calico shirt, and high-waisted trousers probably don’t help.
12. Hang on, I need to get my glasses
This baby is crying because it’s her first day out in the world! But that wrinkly face does look a bit like the expression your grandma makes when she doesn’t have her glasses on and she’s trying to look at a phone screen.
13. Male pattern baldness can start earlier than you think
It happens to most men as they age: that hairline starts to creep up and before they know it, they’re bald. But this baby had male pattern baldness hit before the age of six months.
14. Next thing you know, he’ll be saying the risotto is undercooked
This Welsh baby looks so much like Gordon Ramsay that his mom actually tweeted the celebrity chef. Ramsay is only 52, so he’s not exactly “old” but the resemblance is uncanny.
15. When I was your age, we used to walk everywhere
This little guy doesn’t just look old — he looks downright ancient. Somehow, it’s hilariously adorable, although I don’t think you’ll see many grandpas wearing a cute, fuzzy lion suit.
If you’re a fan of the cult classic film The Princess Bride, you might recognize this baby. He’s a dead ringer for Wallace Shawn who played the irascible Sicilian Vizzini.
17. This toddler is also an elderly librarian
The haircut, the glasses, and the expression all lend to the impression that this isn’t actually a toddler, but rather a middle-aged librarian. Come to think of it, the ruffles on the blouse probably aren’t helping.
18. He’s about to lecture you on kids these days
This is the grumpy look your grandpa gives you when he sees someone acting really “modern” — for example, using a vape, sporting an unnatural hair color, or texting on a cell phone. Okay, not every grandpa reacts like this, but you’ve definitely seen it happen.
19. He just doesn’t understand today’s youths
This little cutie is just old enough to walk, but that receding hairline along with the squint and the puffy cheeks make him look like he’s really getting on in years. It’s fascinating to see how someone can be both a baby and an old man!
20. He looks like he works in an office and calls Wednesday “hump day”
Some people dubbed this little guy a baby Chris Farley, but whether you think he resembles the actor or not, you can’t deny that he looks much older than he is. To be fair, the collared shirt and tie probably have something to do with it.
21. You know exactly how he’ll look when he’s 90
Some babies look middle-aged, some look old, and some look downright ancient — like they might be an old wise man who knows the secrets of the universe. This baby falls into the third category.
22. Those forehead wrinkles, man
This little guy has almost no hair, but it’s the wrinkles that really make him look like he has a silver savings discount. Who knew infants could be so wrinkly?
23. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed
Have you ever seen such a glower on a baby’s face? This little one was born and he already looks like he’s fed up with the world. That’s definitely something that ages you.
24. I wish those dadgum telemarketers would stop calling during dinner
This little baby is not too happy about being born and that face they’re pulling makes them look a lot older than just a couple of minutes. Poor kid — being born is rough!
25. It’s the big toothless smile that does it
Babies and seniors have a couple of things in common: they don’t have a lot of hair, they have no teeth, and they have plenty of wrinkles. This wee little old man is flashing a gummy grin.
26. Her name is Karen and she’s a receptionist
We all have an old family photo with this exact face in it. It was usually a great-aunt we remember meeting a couple times when we were little, but we don’t remember her name.
27. It’s always great when you manage to make Grandpa laugh
This is the happy laugh that your grandpa broke into whenever one of the grandkids had a sassy response. Sure, the parents never thought it was funny, but you didn’t mind as long as your grandparents laughed.
28. I tell you what, I’m getting too old for this
When you’re a kid, snow is so fun and exciting! But this baby has clearly reached the age where he feels the weather in his hip, so he’s less than thrilled.
29. The stare of an old man who’s had it with these disrespectful kids
This is the zoned-out look that seniors have at family reunions when they don’t know what’s going on. The next time you see Grandpa with this expression, make sure you go talk to him.
30. She just wants everyone to be quiet so she can watch her soaps
Someone in the family keeps talking over Grandma and she’s trying her best to concentrate on “Days of Our Lives.” She never misses her soap operas.
31. Grandpa doesn’t care for bath time
This little one might not actually be a baby, but an old sage in an infant’s body! Maybe we’ll never know, but we can make an educated guess they really don’t like baths.
32. He’s mad AND disappointed
This little guy has an expression to end all expressions. That, plus the addition of the vest and bow tie, make him look a little less like a baby and a little more like a wise bartender.
33. A man gets to a certain age when he just wants to appreciate life
One parent spotted their son smelling the roses, metaphorically, during a camping trip. He looks exactly like every dad who finally got a chance to go fishing alone.
34. She’s tiny, she’s angry, and she looks a little like Steve Buscemi
Before you say it’s mean — her parents were the ones who compared her to Buscemi. She’s still a little darling, but that resemblance is uncanny.
35. Do we have a real-life Benjamin Button?
This little baby has the comically-large baby head thing going on, and it just emphasizes how much he looks like a little old man. That plus the perturbed expression completes the image.
36. He looks like he’s thinking about the millennial work ethic
This sweet baby can’t even hold himself upright yet but he’s already thinking about his pension. Just 64.75 more years and he’ll be eligible for retirement.
37. Look, it’s Kevin Malone
If you’re a fan of the show “The Office,” you might recognize this baby who looks quite a bit like Kevin Malone. I half expect him to start cooking some chili.
38. I’d like to speak to your manager
This baby’s face, as he waits for his breakfast, is just hilarious. You’ve seen this exact expression on the face of every old man who isn’t satisfied with his server at a restaurant.
39. I don’t have as much hair as I used to
Lots of babies lose their hair shortly after birth, sometimes in patches. This baby has a receding hairline look that unfortunately makes him or her it look like they’re thinking about how the grandkids don’t call anymore.
40. It was a hard day at work
This baby looks like he’s just coming off a long day at his warehouse job and just wants to sit on the couch with a cold brew while watching the game. What game, I don’t know. Guys who look like this always watch the game.
41. This baby is going to pour you a pint of Guinness
This baby resembles a friendly neighborhood bartender who invites you to pull up a chair at the bar and tell him your troubles. It’s enough to get you humming, “Where everybody knows your name…”
42. Don’t bother Grandma while she’s napping
This teeny-tiny baby hasn’t been outside the womb very long, but he or she already has a senior citizen look. It’s easy to do — they both have wrinkles and might be missing a few teeth.
43. He’s trying really hard to figure out Facebook
Okay, maybe not, but the expression is pretty similar to the one Grandpa makes while he’s looking at a cellphone. But man, oh man, is this teeny tiny little baby adorable.
44. Kids these days have no respect
Here’s another thing that seniors and babies have in common: they tend to look grumpy. That might be because of the wrinkles or perhaps they’re all judging the rest of us.
45. When you show your grandpa how to take a selfie
This adorable baby is making that same expression that elderly people make in photos. It’s cute when they do it, and it’s cute now, too.
Being a baby can be tough — or at least, we assume so. You’ve just been pushed from a warm world where you were comfortable and safe (not to mention never hungry). Now you’re out in the bright sunshine, trying to acclimate to all the noise ad “hot and cold” nonsense.
That’s not even the worst part of it. Your body is so tiny that you can barely use it — you can’t lift up your head, walk on your two feet, or feed yourself.
On top of all of that, you can’t see very well and your skin is wrinkled, making it look like prunes. What we’re trying to say is that there are a whole lot of similarities between being an infant and being a senior citizen.
Every baby is beautiful. But not all of them look exactly — well, like a baby. With the wrinkles and the squinting and the occasional grumpy face, a lot of babies look more like your grandma or grandpa than like a newborn.
No parent is completely sure what their baby will look like before they’re born. Here are 45 parents who realized their baby looked like an old person.