Puns tend to be polarizing–some people love them, while others find them to be downright dumb. But no matter how you feel about them, they aren’t going anywhere. There will always be that one clever kid in the group, ready turn something that you said on its head. And with the internet giving us access to millions of clever people all over the world, you’d be hard-pressed not to run into a pun or two now and then. Check out this list of the internet’s best (or worst?) puns and be sure to share them with a friend!

1. Chick Magnet
This is a pun that you’ve probably heard before. But the image is so cute, it’s worth seeing again. Puppies can make even the simplest of puns that much better.

2. Just-Ice
Pun or no pun, this simply is an impressive sculpture. Just as impressive, however, is the clever wording of the pun that some passer-by added to the image. If you want to make something that’s already cool even cooler… make a pun to go along with it.

3. Quick Jokes
When it comes to jokes, the quicker and simpler they are, the better. This one here is a perfect example. It’s quick, easy, and pretty hilarious.

4. Bike For Sale
What’s great about this pun is that it was used during a potential sales transaction. Usually, the seller is more concerned with making the sale than a good joke. But who knows, maybe it was what convinced him to buy the bike.

5. Under Control
The beauty of a good pun is that it makes you wonder why you didn’t think of it first. The more obvious they are, the better. I use my laptop keyboard almost every day I never once thought to do this.

6. Happy Now
Witty humor is all about making people think a bit before they understand the joke. At first glance, this can be read as a normal statement. But once the wheels upstairs get spinning, the humor in it comes to the surface.

7. Pile-On Pun
Puns only get better when more people pile on. In fact, this pun would have never even been thought of if it weren’t for all of the participation on this comment. For the sake of puns, if you’ve got something to say, say it.

8. Losing Focus
If there’s anything that I’ve learned about puns, it’s this: literally, anything can become a pun. When I first read this, I wasn’t sure where it was going. But by the end, it was all too clear.

9. Poor Posture
There’s nothing better than a well-delivered dad joke–the dumber the better. When and if I ever become a dad, I’m going to be throwing these out constantly.

10. Buzz Him In
I’m not sure what’s better, the pun or the fact that this bumblebee set off the security camera. It’s good to know that there are well-made security systems out there… and ridiculously clever people.

11. Illegal Taping
The internet is great for a lot of reasons. One of the best being that it allows us to see what millions of people do when they are bored. This guy sure had a lot of time on his hands.

12. Mac And Cheese
Comedy is great for making light of a bad situation. This girl’s laptop ports may very well be ruined now. But at least she got a good laugh out of it.

13. Sweet Carol Line
Sweet Caroline is the song that my local bar plays every time that they are about to do their last call. So this song is one that I love and know all too well. Someone needs to buy this pun-creator a beer for their wonderful work.

14. A Lot For Christmas
I have no idea how many times I’ve heard this song, but I imagine that it’s been more than a hundred. However, even after all those listens, I never once thought of it this way. This is why I love puns.

15. Um… Brella?
Can we just acknowledge how strange of a word umbrella is even without this pun? I mean seriously, it doesn’t sound like any other English word out there. This may be one of those rare times when a pun is not only funny, but it is accurate, too.

16. Wand Wrist-Straps
One of the great things about puns is that not only do they make us laugh, but they sometimes even bring up good points as well. I’ve seen all of the Harry Potter movies and I never once had this thought. But now that someone has brought it to my attention, it makes a lot of sense.

17. Concrete Evidence
Once again we see how puns can make light of a bad situation. I’m sure the owner of this car isn’t happy, but after reading this pun, I’m sure she couldn’t help but crack a little smile.

18. In A Cent
This is a two-for-one pun. Not only is the pun worthy of a laugh or two, but the reaction of the Park Ranger is hilarious as well.

19. Raisin Cookies
Carson, you are a comedic genius. I consider myself a pretty clever person, but after reading the first half of this post, I had no idea where the pun could be. Well done, man.

20. Explain Everything
There are two types of puns: the ones that are funny based on how clever they are, and the ones that are funny based on how dumb they are. This is an example of the latter.

21. Rises In The Yeast
One of my favorite things to see when I’m walking around town is a good pun-sign. If I see a cafe, brewery, or any other business that put the time into creating a clever pun for passers-by to read, I’m stopping in.

22. Huge Metal Fan
When it comes to making a good pun, the simpler you go with it, the better. This pun is great and it didn’t need any dressing up or shiny bells and whistles to make it funny. It’s just straight forward and hilarious

23. We Will Rice
A pun is only as good as the opportunity that arises for it. When these commenters saw the typo in the top sentence, they knew a pun-opportunity had arisen… and they took full advantage. Well played, guys.

24. Got Ham?
No matter how many times I saw the word Gotham in the Batman comics, I never once read that word as Got-ham. That’s why puns are so great, they open our eyes to the things that are right in front of us.

25. Stable Relationship
Sometimes a good pun can leave you speechless. This is one of those times. I’ve got nothing to say and plenty of admiration for this pun creator.

26. Watching A Trailer
First of all, I’d like to acknowledge how great of an idea this is. All truckers should be doing this. Also, that comment was the perfect response to this picture.

27. Handicat People
I’m telling you, just like in the first slide, cute animals make all puns better. This one is pretty clever on its own, but it wouldn’t be half as enjoyable to see without that ridiculously adorable cat-in-a-sleeve.

28. Loose Canine
The best puns are the unexpected ones. When most people saw this image, they probably just gawked at the cute puppy. It only takes one clever person to open our eyes to a joke that was hiding in plain sight.

29. Die Late
There’s no shame in building a pun into existence. Although this joke only works if you ask the question first, it’s still great. The only way that it could be better is if someone happens to ask that exact question without being prompted to.

30. Leave Me Alone
This perfectly sums up how most people react to puns. For some, they are just too dumb. But for others, they are a source of neverending pleasure.

31. Leave A…
Sometimes, jokes are so good that you don’t even have to finish the punchli… Sorry, too soon?

32. Palm Tree
Puns only get better when people react to them, and this reaction is priceless. There’s nothing better than making a pun to someone who hates puns.

33. Glass Coffin
Alright, this is a great pun. But I’m more interested in the glass coffin. Is this a real thing? If so, I’m in.

34. Fallout 4
I can only hope that this was a real breakup conversation. If it was, then she should take him back for that incredible pun. I mean, it can be hard to find a guy with a good sense of humor these days.

35. The Stables Have Turned
The best puns aren’t only funny, but they make good points as well. I can honestly say that I’ve never thought about horses and cars this way. So thank you to however came up with this one.

36. I’m Stuffed
I’m not sure that this would make eating along feel less awkward. If anything, it would make it feel more awkward. But hey, at least we got a good pun out of it.

37. That Means A Lot
If the pun is good enough, it doesn’t need to be short and sweet. This one is a perfect example. It may take a while to reach the punchline, but it is well worth it once you get there.

38. Rock Music
You know that you’ve found the right person to spend your life with if they can make you laugh. If my girlfriend said something this funny to me, I would propose to her right then and there.

39. Dasani
This was my favorite pun out of this entire collection. It takes a second to get it, but once you do, you’ll be laughing out loud.

40. State Of Denial
Some people on this planet go around looking for opportunities to insert clever puns into conversations. I can only imagine that the last commenter on this post was one of those people. Thank you for what you do.

41. Operation Pothole
There’s nothing quite like a good joke that doubles as a great idea. I think that this pun is a great idea first, and funny second. Let’s get that pot-tition signed.

42. Lab Results
I suppose that since we started this slideshow with a cute puppy, we should end it with one as well. If only we all had jobs that required us to carry cute little dogs with us to work. That’s when you know you’ve made it.

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