Most marriages start out with such hope and dreams of a happy life spent living happily ever after. Couples who have been married for a while know that marriage seldom doesn’t stack up to these ideals. And while marriage is more difficult than people realize, it is usually all worth it in the end.
Some people resort to making memes to show their frustrations with many of the situations that marriage can bring about. Some examples include how mundane happenings become exciting events, how some spouses can be so oblivious, and how their significant others love them regardless.
Here are some memes that sum up married life perfectly. These memes do a good job of showing the true side of marriage in all of its glory.
1) Parachutes and Marriage
Comedian Bill Burr might be on to something with a bit from one of his comedy routines. I mean, if you knew there was a 75 percent chance something would fail, would you keep doing it over and over? Luckily with marriage you can try again. Not so much with parachutes.
This meme illustrates perfectly the dynamic between a husband and wife. Most wives know that their husbands still want to hang with their friends even after they are married. Smart husbands will ask their spouse regardless of whether it is normally okay or not.
Many married couples know how important it is to mark major events on their calendar, especially as they get older. For example, knowing when the ham expires is a very important life event. No one wants to eat bad ham and get sick, so it is important to make sure and mark it on your calendars!
Here is another meme, this one dealing with the penchant for certain spouses to miss the basket when changing their clothes. This wouldn’t be that big of a deal if not for the fact that sometimes the misses al most seem intentional.
Ignorance is a defense claimed by many spouses. This meme plays off that fact, mixing it in with a worthwhile spouse being behind a woman. Well, in this case the woman is angry and we all know who is to blame, the husband.
It can be said that crazy people don’t think they are crazy. It is also true that most people are generally good people, so it is hard to stay mad at a husband or wife for very long when they mess up. Also, craziness can come in handy when they really, really mess up.
Whether you are a man or woman, a cold body part in the middle of the night can wake you up fast. Then again, it is hard to get mad at your significant other for taking advantage of your warm body. They should keep this in mind the next time you need to warm up in bed.
A wife needs to keep in mind that for someone who doesn’t normally do the dishes, doing them once is a big deal. And while it is not always the case, that would be like a wife changing the oil in the car once.
I’m sure many couples follow this same line of thought and keep their respective toothpaste tubes separate. This helps to avoid a lot of anger on the part of the person who doesn’t like to use a mangles tube of toothpaste.
This meme is some good advice, especially if you are a husband. When speaking to your wife, go into the conversation with the understanding that anything you say will be remembered and probably be used against you at a later time.
This meme explains this particular situation beautifully. Talk about a long winded conversation. If this is what is wrong when nothing is wrong, I would hate to see the conversation when something is actually wrong.
12) It Doesn’t Get Any Easier
It’s funny how high school students think life gets easier once they graduate. Little do they know of the trials and tribulations that await them. Not only does this escalation of responsibility go up as you move through the various stages of life, it also gets harder and harder.
13) What Are We Yelling About?
This meme perfectly illustrates what happens between many couples who have been together for any length of time. Most often an argument starts only for both parties to forget what the argument was actually about. Trust me, this gets worse as you get older.
The trust level between many couples is at such a point that one or the other doesn’t think twice of telling the other about some juicy bit of gossip they’ve learned. It is almost like they feel they are holding a secret from their significant other.
You can usually tell the couples who have been together for awhile and those who just met. The Couples who have just met are so in love that they tend to share food gladly between themselves. Couples who have been together for a while tend to keep to themselves when eating.
Woe be to the husband or boyfriend who tries to make up with his significant other after getting into an argument. Not only must they time it right, they must also make absolutely sure that their S.O. is not still mad as demonstrated in this meme.
Here is a funny meme which asks the question, who is crazier, the crazy person or the person who married the crazy person? I mean, if they really know their significant other, then they also know how crazy they are, but still married them anyway.
According to this meme, the key to success in life is obviously to listen to your wife and do something they way she told you to the first time. This can save many a husband the embarrassment and heartache of doing something the wrong way.
These magazine covers explain the life of many Hollywood relationships perfectly. The start with the proposal, proceed to the marriage, and eventually end in divorce. In fact, many similar Hollywood relationship scenarios such as this can play out over a relatively short period of time.
For any husbands out there who think their wife will easily forget something they said, think again. Many wives have such a clear memory of all your misspoken words that it is almost as if they have a file tucked away somewhere.
Husbands are notoriously bad at listening when they need to. This leads many wives to have to repeat themselves, sometimes even multiple times. When will husbands ever learn that it is better to take the time out and listen, and get it right the first time.
The quickest way to many a heart is through the stomach. Some would argue that the actual fastest way to someone’s heart is through the rib cage, or the sternum to be more accurate, but I digress.
Before speaking always second guess yourself. This can keep you from saying something you might regret later. This cat seems to have gotten that piece of advice and has wisely decided to just shut up, like many of us should in similar situations.
24) Mom vs. Dad When Sick
This meme speaks to the realities between a dad and mom getting sick. Dad’s will almost always make a big show out of it, acting like they are on their death bed. Moms, on the other hand, are expected to continue taking care of the kids, even while seemingly deathly ill.
The expectations of men in society are obviously out of step with the realities of modern life, as demonstrated by this meme. When a man says he wants a wife to cook and clean and do everything around the house, more often he means that he wants someone to be his mom and pamper him.
Here is a good thing to keep in mind when dealing with the decisions your wife makes, no matter how questionable they might seem at the time. Not only are wives usually correct in their assumptions on how to do things, but keep in mind that she also chose you.
This meme is a perfect example of the main difference between a married couple and a couple who are only dating. The dating couple is very selective on how they are feeling. A married couple on the other hand shows no hesitation in going into the raw details of how they are feeling.
A lot of things change after you get married. So, be careful the next time you ask your significant other to talk dirty to you. You might get far more than you bargained for and probably nothing you were expecting.
This meme is a perfect example of how some couples act in private compared to how they are in public. Chances are, that sweet couple who seem to be so in love in public are actually at each other’s throats behind closed doors.
30) Seven Years of Marriage
This phot of Prince William, Prince Harry, and their respective spouses is a perfect example of the stark differences between a couple who have been married for years in comparison to a couple who has only been married for a couple of months.
This meme makes fun of the belief that many married men have lost all interest in life and feel down and out. So, keep this mind the next time you see someone looking down and out on the street as they might not actually be homeless, but married instead.
Any man should be worried anytime their wife or girlfriend winks at them after giving them something to eat or drink. This is especially true following an argument. Realistically, it is probably harmless, but what if it’s not?
Many husbands have made the mistake of asking their wife what is worng. This is most dangerous after letting her stew for a day or two, lost in her own thoughts about why she is mad, most often at her husband. At this point she is usually just waiting for her husband to ask so that the show can begin.
The quickest way to get a woman to understand what it is like for a man to have to travel to the tampon aisle at the store is to ask her to pick up some oil for the car. Not only are their many different brands, but there are also different types of oil according to the time of year, among other choices.
This is the look that many wives give their husband after he returns from work and asks how the kids were. This is sometimes followed by an icy death stare as she gives him the silent treatment, or a tongue lashing if the kids were especially troublesome.
A favorite tactic of many men, and women, is to mumble something after an argument is “supposedly” over. Depending on the mood of the wife, this could start a whole new argument or an awkward silence as she gives the husband the death stare.
37) Happy Wife, Happy Life
In marriage, it is most important to keep your wife happy. Not only does her happiness directly affect your, she also controls some of the more important side benefits of married life. The wise man keeps his wife happy, thus ensuring his own happiness.
Making a person use a computer with slow internet is one of the quickest ways to see how a person really is. Another is to ask yourself if you consider your partner your best friend. If the answer is yes, then you are two more times likely to have a happy and satisfying marriage.
It seems this husband is willing to risk the high winds of a tornado and get the yard mowed before the storm gets there than run the risk of making his wife mad. He must have big plans for the weekend. I just hope he lives to see it.
This husband and wife compromised with their wedding cake. One side is a traditional cake, while the other has a superhero motif. Not only does this spouse have a pretty cool significant other, but it sounds like their marriage is heading in the right direction.
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As these memes show, marriage is often a delicate balancing act between being mad at your partner while loving them at the same time. Hopefully, your relationship is strong enough to survive these situations. At least we can sympathize with the makers of these hilarious memes.
Most marriages start out with such hope and dreams of a happy life spent living happily ever after. Couples who have been married for a while know that marriage seldom doesn’t stack up to these ideals. And while marriage is more difficult than people realize, it is usually all worth it in the end.
Some people resort to making memes to show their frustrations with many of the situations that marriage can bring about. Some examples include how mundane happenings become exciting events, how some spouses can be so oblivious, and how their significant others love them regardless.
Here are some memes that sum up married life perfectly. These memes do a good job of showing the true side of marriage in all of its glory.