Apple cider vinegar is like nature’s magical elixir and it seems that there is nothing you can’t do with it. One bottle can have so many different uses, from cooking to cleaning and even preventing disease.
Moms who love to keep it natural with their families have come up with a list of over 100 different ways they utilize apple cider vinegar. Here are the top 40 weird but genius ways you can put this miracle in a bottle to use in your home.
#1 Eczema
Apple cider vinegar works wonders on eczema, especially on babies. The apple cider vinegar works to balance acidity levels in a baby’s skin. Adding it every time you give your child a bath will help to calm down any flare up of eczema and it will moisturize their skin as well.
#2 Skin Toner
Using apple cider vinegar as a skin toner will save you money and have your skin looking way better in no time. It can rid your face of blackheads, blemishes and provide you with a more even skin tone. All you need to do is mix it with some distilled water in a small bottle and you’re good to go.
#3 Acne Astringent
Acne can be ugly and can leave you with some unsightly scars. Using apple cider vinegar will help to dry up the acne breakout and the natural antiseptic properties will work to prevent infection. Apple cider vinegar will also work to fade any acne scars you may have, restoring your confidence again.
#4 Makeup Remover
Some makeup can be hard to get off, but it doesn’t have to be when you have apple cider vinegar in the house. Diluting one-part apple cider vinegar with two-parts water will get even the toughest makeup off of your skin with ease. Because it is diluted, it shouldn’t cause any irritation.
#5 Sunburn
Getting a sunburn is never any fun and it can be very painful, especially at night when you are trying to sleep. You can take the burn and the sting out of the sunburn by applying straight apple cider vinegar to it. It may sting on contact, but it will provide cooling relief and prevent any infection.
#6 Cleaning Spray
Apple cider vinegar makes a great cleaning solution and is good for disinfecting in your home. It can also be used with a coffee filter to clean windows and mirrors with a streak-free shine. You can add essential oils to the blend for added benefits.
#7 Keep Ants Away
If you hate ants and do not want them anywhere near your home, apple cider vinegar is the answer to your prayers. Ants absolutely hate it! Mixing it in a 50/50 ratio will keep the ants at bay all summer long. You can spray it along windowsills and around the baseboards in your home or anywhere they may enter. Once they smell it, they will stay away.
#8 Fruit Fly Trap
Fruit flies are pesky and annoying, and nobody wants them in their home. If you find that you’ve been invaded by these tiny nuisances, you can get a jar and fill it with apple cider vinegar, water, and dish soap. You can make a cone out of a paper towel and put it in the jar. They will enter the jar and your problem will be over.
#9 Humidifier Cleaner
Humidifiers are a great way to keep your sinuses clear. If you want to prevent bacteria from growing inside of yours, you can add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the water. You can run the humidifier with the vinegar inside, or you can use it just to disinfect the filter. Either way, you’re killing germs and working towards a healthier you.
#10 Drain Cleaner
Clogged drains can cause many problems. If you are tired of waiting for the water to go down, mix up some apple cider vinegar and baking soda and pour it down the drain. It will work to remove the clog so that everything works perfectly again.
#11 Jewelry Cleaner
Wearing jewelry everyday can make it dull and tarnished, rather than sparkly and pretty. By soaking your jewelry in apple cider vinegar mixed with baking soda, you can bring back the shine once again. After your jewelry has finished soaking, simply wipe it off with a soft rag and you’ll be back to rocking it again in no time.
#12 Weed Killer
Nobody wants weeds plaguing their yard. Fortunately, you don’t have to let them get the best of your garden and choke out the plants you really want. Simply pouring apple cider vinegar on the weeds will kill them off and prevent them from coming back. It is a great alternative to toxic weed killers and is safe to use around kids and pets.
#13 Flea Spray
There is nothing more annoying for a dog or cat than getting bit up by fleas. If you notice that your pet is scratching, and you do not want to spend a small fortune on over the counter flea medication at your vet’s office, try apple cider vinegar. Simply dilute some vinegar in a spray bottle with water and spray it on their fur. It will kill the fleas and prevent any infection that their bites may have caused.
#14 Prevents Parasitic Infections
Dogs are prone to getting parasitic infections, such as hookworms, ringworms, and tapeworms. Since parasites can be so difficult to treat, it is best to just prevent them from the start. Pouring a capful of apple cider vinegar in your dog’s water every day can work to prevent parasites without the use of costly medicines from your vet.
#15 Carb Breakdown
Pasta is awesome, and pasta is life for many people. The sad thing about eating pasta is that it contains so many carbs. Fortunately, if you add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your pasta, you can slow the breakdown of carbs and prevent your body from absorbing them too quickly.

Dulamae via Flickr
#16 Aids Arthritis Pain
Arthritis in one of the most painful conditions you will experience, and it comes with aching joints. Some pain medications do not work as well as they could, but apple cider vinegar can do a great job at providing relief. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed into an 8-ounce glass of water can relieve your symptoms all day.
#17 Helps Control Dandruff
Dandruff looks unsightly and can be super itchy. There is no need to run around with an itchy, dry scalp. If you’ve tried everything else to no avail, give apple cider vinegar a try. It will rid your scalp of those hideous flakes and keep the itch at bay, as well.
#18 Breaks Up Cellulite
Cellulite is ugly, and it can be hard to get rid of once you get it. While there are numerous over the counter treatments and lotions you can use to hydrate the skin, drinking a cup of water with two tablespoons in it can work to break cellulite up from the inside out. You can also rub some onto the cellulite with a cotton ball for added benefits.
#19 Prevent Hair Dye Fading
Getting your hair dyed can be expensive and time consuming. Once you have your hair the way you finally want it, you don’t want that color to fade. Washing your hair with apple cider vinegar will prevent the color from fading and keep it looking fresh for longer.
#20 Helps Aid a Sore Throat
If you have a sore throat, apple cider vinegar can be your best friend. Germs cannot survive in acid, so by gargling with apple cider vinegar, you are doing yourself a huge favor. Mix apple cider vinegar with salt and gargle twice a day to help cure your throat and get back to yourself in no time.
#21 Kills Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus is no joke, but many people have it. Whether you already have toenail fungus, or you just want to prevent it, soaking your feet with apple cider vinegar can do the trick, plus it’s super relaxing! You should soak your feet for at least 10 minutes a day to reap the full benefits.
#22 Kills Candida
Candida, also known as a yeast infection, is very common. To kill the infection, you can soak in apple cider vinegar. The candida can’t survive, and the infection will clear up in no time at all.
#23 Cures Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is easily one of the worst parts of pregnancy. If you’re suffering, and the thought of food alone has you wanting to throw up, try mixing some apple cider vinegar in a glass with stevia. It will neutralize the acid in your stomach and have you able to function normally.
#24 Clears Painful Fever Blisters
If you’ve ever had a fever blister, you know how painful they are. To get rid of that unsightly fever blister, apply some straight apple cider vinegar. Your fever blister will heal quickly.
#25 Cradle Cap Cure
Babies get cradle cap, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. It can look bad, but fortunately, it is easy enough to treat. By applying some apple cider vinegar to your baby’s head and using a small comb, you can get rid of the yellow crust and have your baby’s scalp looking brand new again.
#26 Great Produce Wash
Fresh produce gets handled by tons of people before you actually get a chance to eat it. Just imagine how many people touch it at the grocery store before you even purchase it. Washing it with apple cider vinegar will kill the germs and remove the waxy film as well, making your produce ready to eat.
#27 Makes Great Buttermilk
If you have ever needed buttermilk and had to run to the store in the middle of cooking, you obviously didn’t know about apple cider vinegar. Simply adding 1 tablespoon to one cup of milk can create buttermilk that you can use to cook with. You’ll just need to let the milk sit until it thickens and you’re good to go.
#28 Lowers Blood Sugar
Apple cider vinegar is great for lowering blood sugar in people who suffer from diabetes. If you consume a tablespoon in water after a meal, it will help to prevent blood sugar from soaring to high levels. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting, however, so the vinegar doesn’t affect any of your medications.
#29 Aids in Weight Loss
Many people take either a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or even apple cider vinegar pills to help aid with their weight loss efforts. Apple cider vinegar makes you feel full, so you will not want to eat as much. It can also help you to lose belly fat and help to shed some extra pounds when combined with a healthy diet.
#30 Preserves Food
Apple cider vinegar is a great preservative for foods. In fact, many people use it to pickle veggies and it makes them more acidic. The vinegar deactivates enzymes and kills any bacteria that could cause the food to go bad.
#31 Makes a Great Vinaigrette
If you love vinaigrette salad dressing, you should know that one of the base ingredients is, in fact, apple cider vinegar. You can make many different kinds of delicious vinaigrette dressings. The dressing will be much healthier for you than bought salad dressings, which can be packed with calories.
#32 Lowers the Risk of Cancer
Many people claim that apple cider vinegar can actually lower the risk of cancer. In fact, in some clinical studies, vinegar has killed cancer cells. If you think you may be at risk or if cancer runs in your family, try vinegar – along with regular medical care – to lower your risk.
#33 Helps Eggs Boil Better
The next time you are making hard boiled eggs, be sure to add a bit of apple cider vinegar to your water. The acidity of the vinegar will make the egg whites harden better. This will make your eggs easier to peel and they will keep their shape.
#34 Makes a Great Marinade
Apple cider vinegar works great as a marinade for meat. It gives the meat a nice, tangy flavor and also works to help tenderize it prior to cooking. You can add your own spices to make the apple cider vinegar marinade your own, such as soy sauce, garlic, or even cayenne pepper.
#35 Great for Cleaning Dentures
Dentures get dirty just like teeth do and they need to be cleaned. Some of the cleaning solutions you can buy in the store are harsh and can actually do more harm than good. Cleaning your dentures by soaking them in apple cider vinegar and water can leave them clean and a few shades whiter, as well.
#36 Toothbrush Cleaner
If you want to have clean teeth, you need to start with a clean toothbrush. You can clean your toothbrush by mixing apple cider vinegar, water, and baking soda together and leaving your toothbrush to soak in it. It will kill any germs and bacteria and keep your mouth clean and healthy.
#37 Whiten Teeth with Ease
Apple cider vinegar can work to whiten your teeth. You will not see results instantly, but if you apply the vinegar to your teeth with a cotton swab, you’ll notice they are a few shades whiter in no time at all. Be sure that you rinse your teeth well after, as the acid could damage the enamel if left on them.
#38 Lowers Risk of Heart Problems
Apple cider vinegar can help you to have a healthy heart. By implementing it into your diet, you can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. You’ll be less at risk for heart disease simply by adding some ACV to your diet.
#39 Your Muscles Will Be More Energy Efficient
If you have ever had a cramp, someone may have told you to drink pickle juice because it would help. Yes, it will help, but the real helping ingredient in the pickle juice is the vinegar. Vinegar contains potassium and will prevent cramping and give you a boost of energy.
#40 Freshens Breath
Apple cider vinegar will help you to have fresher breath if you swish with it daily. The acidity kills any microorganisms that may be in your mouth causing your breath to smell less than appealing. Be sure to swish with water when after you’ve swished with vinegar to make sure it doesn’t damage your teeth.
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