Dogs need to go to the vet, it’s a fact. As much as we hate taking them, we can still enjoy the little things that come along with it. For instance, their adorable and hilarious ways of dealing with the news.
1) Cun We Ger Huume?
This cute corgi tried his best to escape his crate through the bars when he found out what the day would hold. No, he didn’t do it, so sad. But he looks absolutely pitiful yet somehow adorable trying.
2) Back in My Day We Didn’t Go to the Vet
This dog with Heterochromia is one tough cookie. But it appears the war colonel is too old for the vet. His fix to everything is Old Yeller style. He looks terrified and terrifying when he pulls into the vet.
3) Oh No, Linda
This dog is sure they are at the wrong place. He usually makes this face at home, but this time, they took a different route to work and boy was he shocked when they turned that last corner.
4) Talk to the Hand
This little boy is so scared and it’s just his first visit to the vet. He himself is just nervous to be out of the house. He can’t even look at his owner due to his discomfort and loss of trust.
5) Is This Really Necessary?
You can tell this guy has been down this road more than a few times. This is the moment he realized that this isn’t a park day. You’ll be happy to know that his checkup turned up all clear.
6) We’re in This Together, Kid
For once in their lives, this dog and cat are going to rely on each other to ease their pain. They both agree that going to the vet is no fun. Just look at how put out that canine is.
7) You Promised A Good Day
This dog looks so sweet! HE was all happy until he figured out it was vet day halfway there. Don’t worry though, his owner said he loves the people at the vet, he just won’t let them take his temperature.
8) Well Shucks
How can you ruin such a good girl’s day with something like a vet visit? You can just hear the driver saying, “wanna go to the park?” in the first picture and, “time to go to the vet,” in the second picture.
9) You Lied To Me, Susan
At first, this dog was wary of where they were headed. Skeptical even. But the moment his eyes met that building, he became quite upset. Why would they do this to him?
10) I’ve About Had It With You
This dog has none to give and she is fed up with these trips that she does not deserve. She does everything she can to be a good girl. She’s great when friends come over, she only sits on the couch when you’re gone, and she only tears the toilet paper to shred once a week!
11) Girl Better Turn On That Next Street
This dog knows exactly what is going on and he is not pleased. He would have much preferred to go to that Mexican restaurant over there, no matter how bad it made his trips outside later.
12) There, There, There
How cute can two dogs be? The younger is getting comforted by the older who has been to this rodeo more than once. He knows what is about to happen. But plot twist, they really are going to the park, the older dog just thinks it’s a vet trip!
13) You Yanking My Chain, Chad?
This dog was ecstatic when he found out it was going to be a fun day out with his favorite person in the world. That is, until that person told him they were going to the vet.
14) It’ll Be Alright, Buddy
Another dog comforting his friend who must be left at the vet. You can just see the connection the two have, how hard it is for them to be seperated, knowing what the other is going through.
15) Let Me Live A Little
This 10-year-old Corgi was not pleased when he found out where they were going. He’s been there before and he will have no more. Must he spend his last years on nonsense like this?
16) You Mean To Tell Me
We’re not going to the park? This poor boy has been excited all morning waiting to jump out of that car and run on the green grass. This is the moment he realized that time would never come.
17) The Vet Will Never Find Me
If you can’t see them, then they can’t see you, right? That’s what this dog thought. She thought the perfect hiding place would be behind a chair in the waiting room facing the wall.
18) I Wanna Hold Your Hand
I’ll shake your hand at home if you’ll hold mine at the vet. This dog was not ready for his visit, but it was at least tolerable if he could hold his bestest bud’s hand while he waited.
19) You’ll Never Catch Me Alive
This dog has got it all figured out. They can’t take you to the vet if you never move again. Who cares if you’re in the middle of the street? Anything is better than getting your temperature checked.
20) Don’t Let Them Take Us, Mommy
These siblings are not ready for their shots. The vet seems to think that they need them, but do they really? Can’t they just stay here with their mommy in their happy place?
21) Slow Down, Carol
That moment when you realize that in mere hours, your manhood will no longer be a part of you. Your urge to mark: gone. Your ability to impress the ladies: missing. How did anyone ever think this was a good idea?
22) I’m Just A Lowly Pillow
If you blend in with your surroundings, maybe no one will notice you. Become the belt. Be the belt. You are the belt. Hide your face from the fear in front of you, and it can never touch you! Never!
23) Carry Me, Papi
This big old Chow Chow needs his daddy to hold him while waiting at the vet’s office. After all, he’s been without him all day while he worked. He’s just a little puppy, anyway.
24) To Think I Let You Pet Me
Not all dogs can handle the news with grace. Some dogs get quite aggressive when they’re told it’s time to go to the vet. This little girl in particular is not at all pleased with her best friend.
25) You’re Telling Me, Kid
When this kid started talking about the vet, this dog realized what was going on and wanted off at the very next stop. If he was able, he would have unbuckled himself and jumped right out the window.
26) Can You Repeat That?
What a boy he is! The second they pulled up to the vet, his eyes about popped out of their sockets. He wasn’t the least bit amused with the situation and badly wanted it all to be a dream.
27) Do I Trust You?
This reminds me of the girl who thought she was getting Orange Fanta and ended up drinking apple juice. Never has someone been more disappointed or looked more betrayed…until now.
28) Look How Cute I Am
How could someone this beautiful ever need to go to the vet? He’s perfectly healthy with the shiniest coat you’ll ever see. Have we convinced you to take him to the park yet?
29) You’ve Abandoned Me
Don’t you care about your poor little pup anymore? You left him with strangers, let them poke and prod, all while you sit their on your phone like nothing is wrong! What a disgrace.
30) Shirley, You Don’t Mean That
This Spaniel was ready for his day out with his favorite human. Until, of course, he realized that this quick stop at the vet was for him. Can we at least get doggy ice cream after?
31) Just You Wait
If I were this human, I wouldn’t go to bed without checking it first because someone is mad! His brother seems perfectly fine over there but he’s just a rookie. This old coot knows the dangers that they face.
32) Jack Isn’t Here Today
This retreiver named Jack thought the best strategy was to hide from the vet in his very own office. Well, we’re not sure how that pans out but we have a feeling he’ll still be leaving here a little lighter.
33) How Could You?
Good lukc getting this guy out of the car after he figured out it wasn’t park day. He’ll do his best to hide under the seat no matter how hot or cold you get the floor heaters. He shall not be moved!
34) Can’t Find Me
Smart dog when he hurries and escapes while his owner is getting ready to go. That outta do it. By the time she’s found, it will be too late and the vet will be closed. A boring day, but it’s all worth it.
35) You Think I Like That?
Oh, so you may think pets and treats will help me like you again? You think a little cuddle with calm the anger I feel towards you for taking me to this horrid place again? Maybe tomorrow! But not today!
36) Nothing But a Pole Here
It’s just me, your friendly neighborhood pole standing in the middle of the room. There are no dogs here so you might as well leave now, Mr. Vet. I can see this working out just fine.
37) Don’t Put Me Down
This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. This big dog can’t handle the vet. He needs his mommy to not only hold his hand, but carry him around when he finds out where he is at.
38) I’m Not Here
This dog is lucky. He’s actually small enough to hide. Too bad he’s not so good at it. Maybe he thinks if he can sneak into someone’s pocket, they’ll forget all about him until it’s time to take their coat off. Crank up the AC!
39) Can We Just Not Today?
This pup is cute enough that it would be hard to tell him no. He has the serious eyes just begging you to take him home before it’s too late. You can always reschedule it for five years down the road.
40) I’m Not Scared
This scared boy is waiting to see the vet and pretending he is helping his daddy cope with the seperation they will soon face. Nothing to see here, just move along. They’re going to the park after this anyway. Right? Right?
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