Even a big act of kindness or a sacrifice can feel like nothing sometimes. For a group of men, what they did to improve a woman’s day and get her home safe seemed like a heroic act to witnesses. But for them, it felt so natural to do everything they could to help a stranger, and their humility makes this an exemplar for everyone.
An elderly woman was stranded and it looked like she was alone in her struggle…until some heroes showed up.
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The woman was the resident of a nearby retirement home who had gone out on her scooter to do some grocery shopping. She was returning to the retirement home with her groceries when a storm hit in the middle of her Florida town. Then, to make matters worse, her electric scooter completely broke down.

Fortunately, just the right people were driving by and were able to save her day. Four young men saw her struggling and hopped out of their car to help her out. For the entire journey back to her home, these four guys pushed the woman and all her items up hills and through the storm without a single complaint. If they hadn’t shown up, who knows how the woman would have fared!
One pleasantly surprised witness saw the whole thing go down.

Katty Castro saw much of this kind act take place. She told Fox News:
“Since this is a very quiet neighborhood I was surprised to hear a commotion, laughs and four gentlemen pushing one of my lady residents under a heavy storm in Florida…They were pushing her up the big slope toward her residence. These heroes were so focused on helping regardless of the inclement weather and they were even covering her with an umbrella, which showed more compassion on their part.”

She later posted about the whole interaction on the community-based app Nextdoor.
Although the men looked young, they turned out to be employees of an adventure park. Their boss spoke on their behalf.

JohnMorgan Massa was with them as they were heading out for the day and recalls their state of mind as they saw the woman:
“We were tired, dirty and wanted to get back to the hotel; but, knew without a doubt that regardless of our long day, it certainly wasn’t worse than the day this lady was having. She literally had a plastic bag on her head to keep her hair dry…We knew we couldn’t leave her in the rain, in the middle of the road, frantically trying to get her scooter to work again.”
All in all, the men escorted the older woman for about three-quarters of a mile.

That’s a long way to push a scooter in the rain! But the helpers were not complaining. They knew they had to get this woman home safe.
It wasn’t an easy journey though.

Massa tells WKMG News 6 about some of the challenges they faced going uphill:
“The tires on the back were also flat, the motor kept shorting out. The motor kept trying to stop the wheels, so every ten feet or so we had to stop and try to put it in neutral and keep pushing it.”
The men who went out of their way to help the older woman didn’t think much of it.

After Katty Castro posted about them on Nextdoor, their story went viral. They were not prepared for the attention, and they don’t entirely agree with their hero status. For these men, it was a given that neighbors should help their neighbors out. In fact, Massa, considers this act of kindness to be among the group of small but mighty things that we can all do for the people around us.
He told Fox News:
“Holding a door, smiling, picking up someone’s spilled groceries, reaching for an item on the top shelf in the grocery store; and, yes, helping someone whose electric wheelchair broke down in the rain are things almost anyone can do.”
Watch the video below to learn more about this sweet story!
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