Netflix has been an instrumental part of life for millennials and Gen Z. Since it improved its streaming services and selection, it’s become the “Thing” we all do in our spare time. To quote a viral tweet: “Don’t ask me what I do for fun. We all watch Netflix. Let’s not make it weird.”
To understand the popularity of Netflix, simply look at the online hysteria after the company announced it would be removing “The Office.” Or you could look into the origins of the phrase “Netflix and chill.” But let’s not go there.
Netflix’s remained the popular choice for TV streaming for many years. There are no commercials and the choice of shows is pretty extensive. Additionally, for most people, it’s relatively affordable. The basic plan is only $8.99 a month, less than a cable package.
The other thing about Netflix is that it allows up to four users on one account. With a plan like that, it’s only natural for people to share login info. And of course, the “Netflix leeches,” as they’ve come to be known, crawl out of the woodwork. Here are 35 of the worst Netflix leeches of all time.
1. You’re not even going to offer to split it?
Usually, when someone asks to share a Netflix account, they offer to pay a portion of the cost. It’s not fair to ask someone to use their account and assume they’ll pay the full fee by themselves.
Apparently, this person asked quite a few people for their Netflix password. Her conclusion… everyone else is a stingy, selfish person. Why won’t anyone just give her a hand?
This poster honestly thought everyone would be jumping at the chance to share their login information. Breaking news: people don’t care enough to volunteer that kind of data.
As you probably guessed, this is from the poster’s ex. Can you imagine having the gall to continue leeching off someone’s Netflix account after you broke up?
There’s a bit of a backstory to this one. This leech was a friend to the Netflix account owner’s ex. Apparently, that made them feel entitled to use their Netflix for years after the breakup.
Cousin relationships can be great — or in some cases, not so great. For example, cousins try to steal your Netflix account and then insult you when you put your foot down.
I’m going to guess the relationship with “Cheating Hoe” didn’t end so well. But that didn’t stop them from continuing to use their Netflix account …until their ex abruptly changed the login info.
Normally, it would be pretty rude to point out someone’s cigarette habit. But I’m going to give this person a pass since they were calling out a lying liar who lies.
Yes, there were a lot of good things said about Birdbox. If you want to watch it, there are a couple of options. The easiest one is to just get your own Netflix account.
Ah, siblings — they’re never above using some good old emotional manipulation to get what they want. But it’s pretty low to drag the niece and nephew into it. At least they didn’t fall for it.
A word to the wise: when someone offers you something specific, it’s not because they want to do a random good deed. It’s not the time to start asking for other things.
This person can’t get their story straight. They don’t use Netflix very much, but their life revolves around it. And they’ve been completely abandoned by the last three people they leeched off of.
Honestly, this exchange belongs on r/niceguys. This person turned mean the moment they didn’t get what they wanted. And who has the entitlement to buy for someone else’s shared account info?
Apparently, when you refuse anything to a person it’s because you hate them and everyone in their country. It couldn’t possibly be due to the fact that they’re a weird stranger who wants your private account info.
I always thought once you broke up with someone that was the end of talking to them. Maybe a “hello” if you see one another on the street. Apparently, this girl thinks it’s okay to reach out to her ex like this…a year after their breakup.
Apparently, this Netflix leech mistook this person for another guy at school. But that doesn’t excuse his weird blowup. It takes a delicate individual to go from “buddy buddies” to “stupid piece of crap.”
This woman’s ex had no problem cheating on her, so it stands to reason he’d have no issue doing this. It really takes some self-confidence to assume your ex would let you keep leeching.
I’m no spring chicken, and maybe kids need Netflix for school these days, but something tells me no teacher would assign something that requires a paid subscription. Even with today’s fast-forward thinkers, that seems off kilter.
This woman was insistent she continue to use her friend’s account. The kicker? Her fiancé makes close to $100,000 a year. They can afford a streaming service subscription.
Social media influencers are the worst. Just because you have an online following doesn’t mean that someone will share their personal account information with you. No one likes you THAT much.
Dear Netflix leeches: we’re not worried about you giving out our account info. We just know how to draw boundaries. It really doesn’t matter how loyal you are.
The person who wrote this one-star review is extremely unhappy about the whole “charging money in exchange for services” thing. I’m sure Netflix cried itself to sleep on its millions and millions of dollars.
After one Netflix user changed their password, their ex emerged. Needless to say, he was irritated. Why do so many exes think they have the right to keep using the Netflix account?
This is why no one likes social media influencers. This isn’t how the real world goes, guys. Can you all just stop being so horrible and pay for your own TV?
You know how they say that beggars can’t be choosers? This person thinks otherwise. They want free Netflix and only authentic Netflix, please — none of those knockoff sites.
Look, streaming services just aren’t something that everyone can afford and that’s okay. But if that’s the case, you have to accept that you don’t get TV at the moment.
This person went to Whisper to make their request, which seems like an odd thing to do. I guess deep down, they knew they were being an annoying leech.
It takes a lot of entitlement to mock someone for being poor, this after asking to leech off their Netflix. Well, either a lot of entitlement or a total lack of self-awareness.
This girl is the definition of a choosy beggar. Not only does she want someone to give her streaming services for free, but she also wants to have a premium account with no commercials.
I’m not sure who this guy thinks he is but I can give him an answer. No — no small business (or large business) has ever been interested in giving you a price reduction on Netflix.
Ah, brothers, always fighting about everything. There was no reason this needed to be such a long, drawn-out issue. But one brother had to get offended.
Look, we all had issues with social status in high school. All of your friends would understand if you just said your parents don’t allow Netflix. If they don’t, you need better friends.
35 times people thought it was okay to leech off someone else’s Netflix account for free
Cedric Jackson
Netflix has been an instrumental part of life for millennials and Gen Z. Since it improved its streaming services and selection, it’s become the “Thing” we all do in our spare time. To quote a viral tweet: “Don’t ask me what I do for fun. We all watch Netflix. Let’s not make it weird.”
To understand the popularity of Netflix, simply look at the online hysteria after the company announced it would be removing “The Office.” Or you could look into the origins of the phrase “Netflix and chill.” But let’s not go there.
Netflix’s remained the popular choice for TV streaming for many years. There are no commercials and the choice of shows is pretty extensive. Additionally, for most people, it’s relatively affordable. The basic plan is only $8.99 a month, less than a cable package.
The other thing about Netflix is that it allows up to four users on one account. With a plan like that, it’s only natural for people to share login info. And of course, the “Netflix leeches,” as they’ve come to be known, crawl out of the woodwork. Here are 35 of the worst Netflix leeches of all time.