Sometimes people in our lives tell us something and it just sticks. These are the pieces of advice that come in handy throughout the years and improves our quality of life. Below are 35 pieces of life advice that you might find quite useful.
Work for the better company.
Daniel here knows that it is better to work for a company with a history of success and room to grow. Thinking long-term when choosing your employer is never a bad idea.
take an okay job at a great company over a great job at an okay company. you'll eventually end up with a great job at a great company.
— Daniel Pipski (@dpipski) March 22, 2021
People are better when they’ve eaten.
No matter who they are, what line of work they are in, and what you want out of meeting with them, people are always better after they have eaten.
Don’t spend too much time doing laundry.
You need clean clothes, but you also need to spend your life doing things you enjoy. These are tough choices we all have to make.
as my grandmother was dying, i asked her if she’d do anything differently. she said “i wish i hadn’t spent so much time doing laundry.” whenever i’m doing something that i don’t like that’s taking up too much of my time, i find a different approach.
— karyn spencer (@KarynSpencer) March 22, 2021
Some people aren’t looking to understand.
To some, a debate or conversation is an exchange of ideas. To others, it’s a competition. Talking with the latter group is like running in a hamster wheel sometimes.
Some people are philosophers and some are politicians. Philosophers want to reach truth/understanding. Politicians want to win.
Helped me rethink some relationships, how hard I was working to reach the other person and find understanding with them when they just wanted to win.
— Gennifer Hutchison (@GennHutchison) March 21, 2021
Pick your battles.
There are very few hills you should be willing to die on. Pick them wisely.
Asking myself “Is this is a hill I am willing to die on?” has given me energy to really focus on what matters most in my career & life. And most of the hills are sticking up for my own 2 children and students and I’ve never regretted one battle I have fought for them.
— NostalgicallyHip (@Hip_stalgia) March 21, 2021
Do your best but don’t expect it to be the same every day.
We should always strive to do our best but we should also understand that somedays our best will be better than others.
The secret to being happy in your work is to do your best every day and never compare today’s best to yesterday’s best. Some days you will change the world and other days your best will be the fact that you just showed up.
— Kimen Petersen (@Kimen_RMT) March 22, 2021
Tell stories to be remembered.
People remember stories more than lists of accomplishments. This is some wise advice for people going into job interviews.
When prepping for a job interview, get ready to tell some stories to illustrate the points that you want to make about yourself. People like stories more than assertions and generalizations.
— Steve Tracy (@DrStephenTracy) March 21, 2021
The LAST thing you see is the FIRST thing they see.
This one is pretty interesting when you think about it. How many other things in life are like this? Your FINISHED product is the FIRST thing most people will see of it.
In college I worked as a hotel housekeeper. My boss said I should always turn around and look at the room before I left. The LAST thing I saw was the FIRST thing the guest saw.
Works w/*every* kind of deliverable, including everything I did in grad school and in my career.
— The World is My Piñata (@Embroiderista) March 22, 2021
You have to take care of yourself too.
People who strive to help others often suffer from caregiver fatigue. You have to care for yourself as well or you won’t be of any help to others.
Don’t escalate things before you have to.
These are some wise words about not letting situations get out of hand too quickly. If things are escalating, it might be best to calm them down until a later time.
You can almost always escalate a situation at some point in the future, but you can rarely deescalate once you go down that road.
— Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) March 22, 2021
Be as much like Keanu Reeves as possible.
How much time in your life do you want to spend debating things with people? There are over 7 billion people on the planet, and all of them are wrong about at least a few things. Just let them be.
— Amanda Wong (@amandawtwong) March 21, 2021
If you lend money, prepare for it to be gone.
If you are lending money to someone, there’s a chance they might not be able to pay you back. This doesn’t mean don’t lend it to them, but it does mean you should consider it a gift and then just be pleasantly surprised if you get paid back.
My uncle told me whenever a family member (or friend) asked to borrow some money I should only ever give an amount I'm comfortable not getting back.
— Toks 4.2 🇵🇸 (@Toksyk27) March 21, 2021
Your family doesn’t get a free pass just because they are family.
Although this is MUCH harder with family, it is important to let people know you won’t tolerate being treated poorly or with disrespect.
Your work might be better than you think it is.
We are all our own worst critics. This can have positive or negative impacts. Just because you feel something wasn’t your best work, doesn’t mean others won’t be able to appreciate it.
I had decided not to submit an essay to a journal, feeling it wasn't good enough. A friend reminded me that it's not my job to decide that. I submitted it and got my first academic publication. I've had lots of rejections since then, but never pre-judge my own work.
— Dr. Mike Sell (@mike_sell) March 21, 2021
A shower relaxes everyone.
Sometimes we all just need to take a little break. A shower can sometimes be that break. It can be soothing for you and a newborn baby.
If the newborn won't stop crying and you are completely overwhelmed, put them in a baby chair or something else safe on the bathroom floor and take a shower. Either the running water will calm them or the shower will calm you. Either way, you both will be better for it.
— Heather M. Jones (@hmjoneswriter) March 21, 2021
Wait to post your vacation photos.
Don’t spend a moment of your vacation on social media. It’ll be there when you get back and you can post your pictures then.
A late addition, but:
Don't post about your vacation on Social Media until you've returned home
— CMj is looking at the sun. (@CMjohnson77) March 23, 2021
Sometimes the right attitude is all you need.
You have to love the confidence this girl had. If you are confident in yourself, you don’t need anyone else’s approval, affection, etc.
Not so much advice, but back in HS, I told this girl I was on and off friends with that some freshman girl was sitting on her boyfriend's lap, and she literally just shrugged and said "Whatever. I don't compete." Totally changed my entire life.
— Robyn Pennacchia (@RobynElyse) March 21, 2021
Dress like the people you need to convince or impress.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. Also, ducks are more likely to listen to other ducks.
The day before a big presentation to senior management, the best boss I ever had told me, "Dress like them. If you look like them, they'll think you're one of them and they'll listen to what you have to say"
— Mike Babulic 🐀 (@MikeBabulic) March 21, 2021
Not making a decision is a decision itself.
Life can seem like a series of never-ending decisions we have to make. There are no days off.
My Dad: not making a decision is in fact making a decision
— Dr. Caroline Madden, LMFT (@cmaddenmft) March 21, 2021
It’s none of your business what other people think of you.
Other people are going to think what they will of you. It’s none of your business, and it doesn’t matter.
“What people think about you is none of your business”
This always stuck with me, and I find myself relieved when I’m reminded of it.— Michael Park (@park24hrs) March 22, 2021
Cat people over dog people.
This is an interesting thought. In fairness, the guy could be allergic to cats and not dogs, so best to ask them if that is the reason first.
Your kids do want you to be happy too.
It might not seem like it when they are young and causing chaos in your life, but your kids want you to be happy. Think of how they will view your decisions when they become adults.
I was hesitating leaving my marriage. I knew it was going to break my kids' hearts, because (despite all the awful shit he did to me) they adored my ex. Someone asked me how they would feel as adults if they knew I'd stayed in an awful marriage for them.
— Sunny, gently (she/they) (@Sunny_One_143) March 21, 2021
Ask for as much money as you can without sounding ridiculous.
If your worth it, ask for it. Don’t go into a salary negotiation thinking you have no leverage, they want you on their team and they need to pay for that.
When negotiating a salary, ask for the highest number you can say with a straight face.
— Laura Norkin (@inLaurasWords) March 21, 2021
Don’t pester your boss.
If you are constantly bringing problems to your boss for them to fix, then what good are you to them? Also, making mistakes and fixing them is the best education anyone can receive.
You don’t have to answer your phone.
To some, this advice has been taken to the extreme for years now. For many others, however, learning that you don’t always have to answer your phone when it rings is more difficult.
Revenge hurts the avenger too.
If you go to get revenge, you will lose something. It might just be your time or it might a whole lot more.
“When you set out for revenge, dig two graves.” Meaning broadly to me that doing anything with negative energy will bury you in the process
— BuddyBear (@un0r1g1nal1) April 1, 2021
Never judge a person before you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.
If someone has done something you haven’t, they know things you don’t know. You might think you know better but you don’t.
Socrates still knows that he knows nothing at all.
Taino Tim here is relaying the philosophies of Socrates and his Dialogues of Plato. If you ever reach a stage in your life where you think you’ve got it all figured out, you’ve never been more wrong.
The wisest man realizes he knows nothing at all…
— Taino Tim (@TainoTim) March 21, 2021
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
In other words, figure out what you were doing to get yourself into the spot you are in and then stop doing that.
Speak to your kids like they are adults.
Kids are smaller and less experienced versions of fully grown people. If you talk to them like adults, it provides a good example for them to learn from.
Talk to your children constantly from the minute they're born and as if they can understand you. My kids had college-age vocabularites in elementary school.
— Opponent of American Christofascism (@UnabashedMisfit) March 21, 2021
Consider who you are debating against.
If the person you are debating with is never going to listen to you or have an open mind to your ideas, then why are you wasting your time?
You can win an argument with a smart person, but you'll never win against a dumb person.
— Never Noob (@xNever_Noob) March 22, 2021
Sometimes you should just listen, not try to fix the problem.
Most of the time, your friends and family need to vent and need someone to listen to them. They don’t need someone to try and fix all their problems, even though it sometimes feels like that’s what you should try to do. Being a good listener is being a good friend.
If you don’t know what to do, ask for help.
Be it asking for directions, asking for further instructions, or something else, if you don’t know how to proceed, it is best to get some advice.
IF you have been working on something for 15 minutes and have no idea how to go about it, ask for help. Pride is stupid.
— Gabe Owens (@hawknado) March 22, 2021
When to lend a hand and when to kick in the face.
It is good to help people. The people who do this are truly the best of us. Sometimes, however, you have to be on the lookout for people who will take advantage of others’ good nature.
Think before you speak (and then probably don’t say anything)
We all talk way too much and it causes a lot of conflicts. Having this 3 question filter before you say something is probably a good idea.
— Herostratus (@Herostratus356) March 22, 2021
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