Pets just make our lives better. They always seem to be doing things to cheer us up or bring a little fun and laughter. However, on the flip side, our pets can also get into a little mischief from time to time. I don’t know about you, but my pets seem to always be up to something. Fortunately, their cuteness makes up for it! Even when they make things difficult for us, their love and care make it all worth it!
We’ve scoured the net for some of the most ridiculously funny pictures of pets that have been caught red-handed. The look on their faces is priceless. See them for yourself!
Which of these pets do you think has the funniest ‘caught red-handed face?’ Let us know in the comment section!
1) Maybe he got a little hungry?
This dog totally demolished an entire wall! Maybe he has separation anxiety or perhaps just wanted a snack. Either way, he was determined to gobble it up.
This picture series tells an interesting tale. Apparently, the cat was stealing thumbtacks and putting them in her owner’s shoe! Sneaky, indeed.
3) “I’ll just be taking that…”
That’s quite the catch! Too bad his four-legged comrade is trying to snatch it from him!
4) If this doesn’t melt your heart then I don’t know what will.
This dog KNOWS he upset his owner. Sometimes it’s impossible to resist the stench of garbage.
5) When your plan almost pays off
You have to admit, these cats really put in some effort for this! They almost made it all the way to the food bag! Good try, guys.
6) “I’m not sure what happened here.”
This pup looks like he just wants to move on from the situation. His sad eyes make it impossible not to forgive him for tearing whatever that was to shreds!
It’s obvious this guy has no idea that the evidence is all over his face. The bearded look is actually pretty cute.
This kitty has it all figured out. He may be in trouble, but it looks like it’s totally worth it!
9) He looks like he’s sorry.
Whatever this pup did, he looks like he’s very, very sorry! So much so, it appears as though he’s put himself in time out.
10) Do we really blame him?
So, maybe the owner was surprised to find his cat chomping away on a cake. Before juding this kitty, perhaps we should ask ourselves if we could resist it?
Cutting new teeth for pups can be hard word. This little guy is caught in action, but can’t seem to help himself.
12) “Oh. You’re still here.”
This dog looks absolutely mortified to get caught with his paw in a purse. Maybe he’ll give it a second thought next time.
13) Someone is after that cookie!
That little paw is getting suspicously close to that cookie. The owner has about .05 seconds to grab it before that paw snatches it for good.
14) “You said you hated this wallpaper, right?”
This wallpaper looks a little outdated. Maybe this pup was actually helping his owner out by tearing it to shreds.
As if we needed any more evidence of his guilt, check out this cat’s face! You can totally tell he MAY have had something to do with the mess behind him.
16) This cat knows where to find the good stuff!
This kitty definitely has his sights set on one of those delicious cinnamon rolls. Too bad he got caught before he could take one.
17) Well this is awkward.
This little guy is determined to get whatever is on that baby’s highchair! He definitely stretched it quite a bit. Hope it was worth it!
18) This one is determined!
Check out this kitten trying to catch a fish! He’s using every muscle in his little body to hang on there.
This pup may be a cucumber thief, but he’s still pretty darn cute. I say we forgive him of his transgressions.
20)He’s just trying to help!
This adorable pup looks too cute standing on the dishwasher door. However, it might be trouble in a few years when he’s about forty pounds heavier!
21)This looks comfortable.
You have to admit, this dog’s bed choice is pretty innovative. It seems to fit him just right!
It looks like this guy prefers to drink his water straight from the toilet! If only he realized how disgusting that is!
23)When the evidence is too obvious to miss…
Apparently, this dog has a thing for his owner’s lipstick. It’s actually the perfect shade. He looks adorable (messy, but adorable).
This kitty has a thing for hair ties. I wonder what he plans on doing with that thing?
25)How in the world did this happen?!
Cats can be destructive, but this takes it to an entirely different level. Too much catnip maybe?
26) This dog loves to dig!
Many dogs like to dig, but usually keep it to their own yard. This dog will dig anywhere, anytime.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been digging in the trash, but look at him! Someone help this poor baby.
28) This cat has no self control.
All I’m saying is, try not to eat the cake in the break room before you cast judgment on this cat. He couldn’t resist the goodness of his favorite kitty treats!
Neither of these guys are about to fess up to this one. Which one do you think did it?
30) “Can we just forget this ever happened?
This dog’s owner may be upset about the blinds, but I doubt he ever tries that again! Some things just work themselves out..
31) It looks like this may be a regular thing.
This cat may be caught, but the look on his face and the condition of the couch says he does this all the time!
We can never be certain if this dog was involved, but the look on his face says he might have been!
It’s obvious the owner knows who is resopnsible for this, but the cat is keeping it together pretty well. Never play poker with this guy!
34)”Oh wow…who did that?”
Maybe the longer this cat acts concerned the longer the owner will think it wasn’t him. Yeah, nice try!
This dog is definitely trying to butter up his owner. Do you think it worked?
[slideshow_stop]Pets can definitely get into some trouble now and then, but they are so cute we usually forgive them pretty easily![/slideshow_stop]
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Pets just make our lives better. They always seem to be doing things to cheer us up or bring a little fun and laughter. However, on the flip side, our pets can also get into a little mischief from time to time. I don’t know about you, but my pets seem to always be up to something. Fortunately, their cuteness makes up for it! Even when they make things difficult for us, their love and care make it all worth it!
We’ve scoured the net for some of the most ridiculously funny pictures of pets that have been caught red-handed. The look on their faces is priceless. See them for yourself!
Which of these pets do you think has the funniest ‘caught red-handed face?’ Let us know in the comment section!