Keeping a marriage going can be serious business sometimes, but any seasoned wife can tell you that nothing accounts for a peaceable marriage more than a good sense of humor, and sometimes the burden of being hilarious falls on to wives! If you can make each other laugh and appreciate the rare-but-funny eccentricities of your significant other, you’ll be bound to bond more than you will be to break. When you think about the benefits of a good laugh….it makes sense.

When we laugh, we are actively combating all the wickedly stressful thoughts that are trying to rent space in our heads. Laughter is proven to stimulate the release of endorphins, which counteracts the cortisol (stress hormones) and increases our overall health. Not only that, but it increases your oxygen intake as well as your circulation, which helps us relax, improves our moods, and strengthens our immune systems.

When you think about it, it’s no wonder that people who laugh together tend to stay together. Our bodies instinctually gravitate to what makes us feel good. So, having a partner who’s willing to let her freak flag fly just to give you a good laugh may actually help you live longer. These women know the value of being funny and the life and longevity it can bring into a marriage. Here are 35+ hilarious wives who keep their marriages interesting, and that men secretly wish they married.