A lot of people like to stay busy because when they don’t, their minds wander. What does it mean for a mind to wander? It means that they start to think about crazy and weird things that they normally wouldn’t have time to think about.
Thinking about these strange things is OK sometimes, but if you aren’t careful, you can become obsessed with this type of thinking and spend more and more time wondering what other strange occurrences and situations are out there. Eventually, it becomes overwhelming.
The trick is to just laugh at things like this and then move on with your thoughts. You might have to train your brain not to go down the rabbit hole of weird thoughts. Sometimes, the more you know, the more you want to know.
These 35 weird and strange facts are the kinds of things that most people never think about. Someone thought of them, though, and they wanted to share them with others. Once you start thinking about them, you will see how weird and funny these little things can be.
1. The Only Part Of Your Reflection You Can Lick Is Your Tongue
Go ahead, try it. Look in the mirror and try to lick something other than your tongue. You can’t do it, right? Your tongue just won’t reach anywhere else. It’s nothing too shocking, but it’s pretty strange.
If you have ever rinsed your mouth with cold water after brushing your teeth using minty toothpaste, you have probably felt that spicy feeling. No, you aren’t crazy. For some reason, cold water makes mint taste spicy. It’s crazy but true.
3. Cucumbers Taste Like Watermelon Rinds
You don’t eat the white part of the watermelon because it doesn’t have a sweet taste. If you think about it, it tastes just like a cucumber. Why is it OK for cucumbers to taste like that but not watermelon? Go ahead and eat that white part.
4. Air Conditioning Repair People Never Get To Be Cool
If you think about the kind of work an air conditioner repair person has, it’s never-ending and cruel. They have to work in a hot building with no A/C. As soon as they get the air working, they have to leave to go to the next hot building.
5. Most People Have Seen More Of The Moon Than The Earth
If you look up at the night sky during a full moon, you can see almost the entire moon. At least, most of it. That’s more than you have probably seen of Earth. Weird how you can see more of something you don’t even live on and can’t touch than the very place you live.
6. There’s Little Security At The Baggage Claim
It’s necessary to have security throughout the airport, but why is it so relaxed around the baggage claim? Don’t they need security there to make sure nobody’s bag is getting stolen? Guess not. Just take whatever one you want.
7. Women Like To Switch Their Hair
For some reason, when a woman is going to a special occasion, she has to change their hair to look completely different. Women with straight hair curl it, and those with curly hair straighten it. Has anyone ever asked why?
8. Graduations Are Like Movie Credits
If you think about it, when you are sitting through a graduation listening to the announcement, it’s like hearing movie credits. It’s just one name and title after the other for hours. It’s a little insane.
9. There Is No Physical Evidence To Prove The Day Of The Week
Sure, we know it’s Thursday because the calendar says so, but where does it start? Who chose the first Thursday, and how do we know we never once got off track? It’s a system based on honor.
10. Does Snoop Dog Age In Dog Years?
You probably don’t think about this much, but it’s true. If Snoop Dog keeps track of his age in dog years, by the time he is 60, he will be 240 in dog years. He looks pretty good for his age.
11. Dragons Might Think It’s Neat That Humans Produce Water In Their Mouths
We all think it’s pretty cool that dragons could make fire in their mouths and blow it out. Does that mean dragons would be just as impressed by humans being able to produce saliva and spit? Probably not, but it’s something to think about.
12. Was The First Person Who Inhaled Helium Terrified?
They probably did it on accident, and when they started talking with a high-pitched voice, they must have been scared that it was permanent. We all know it wears off, but the first person didn’t. Imagine their relief when their voice returned to normal.
13. Only 1 Percent Of Animals Are Pets
If you love your cat and dog, just think that he or she is in the 1 percent of animals that made it to being pets. The others just couldn’t hack it or didn’t want to. Who has the better life, the wild and free or the pampered pets?
14. Medication Warnings Apply To Cars, Not Construction Trucks
When you read a warning on a medication bottle that says not to operate heavy machinery while taking the medication, it really means don’t drive. Most people assume it means forklifts and cranes. Why can’t it just say, “Don’t drive?”
15. Han Solo Is Like Chewie’s Pet
We know that wookies can live to be 400, so that means Chewie has probably had several best friends like Han Solo in his lifetime. So, does that make Han his pet?
16. You Could Draw On A Sleeping Vampire’s Face, And They Would Never Know
Vampires can’t see their own reflections. If you were able to sneak into a coffin and draw on a vampire’s face while they were asleep, they would have no way of finding out. That is, unless another vampire told them.
17. Think About How Rich You Would Have to Be To Have Music Playing In Your Kitchen 200 Years Ago
It’s the simple things we take for granted. Most of us play music in the background while we cook, but 200 years ago, you would have had to have been really rich to do something like that. Like is good!
18. College Students Are Accused Of Not Getting Enough Sleep And Sleeping All The Time
If you have ever heard anyone talk about the way college students sleep, it ranges from them not getting enough sleep to them sleeping too much. Which is it? It can’t be both, can it?
19. Young People Sneak Out Of Their Homes To Go To Parties; Older People Sneak Out Of Parties To Go Home
Why does it have to change? Remember how fun it was to be young and get invited to parties? When you get older, you keep your fingers crossed that you don’t get invited to do something every weekend. If you do have to go to something, chances are you will sneak out early.
20. Our Bed Positions Change With Age
When you are a kid, you want to have as much room as possible to play and have friends over. You probably have your bed pushed back into a corner. As an adult, your bed is the main feature of the room, so you pull it right to the middle of it.
21. Everyone Knows A Different Version of You
We are different with every person we meet. That means everyone who knows you has a different understanding of your character. Even if it’s just a slight difference, it’s strange to think you can be so different to so many people.
22. Water Tastes Like Its Temperature
Most drinks taste the same whether they are hot or cold, but not water. Why does its temperature change its taste? Hot water tastes nothing like cold water, and we even talk about them like they are two different drinks.
23. Movies That Are Based On A True Story Are Part Of The Same Series
If you really think about it, all these movies could be played one after the other and still be tied together. They are all part of real life and intertwine one way or another. It’s kind of mind blowing if you really think about it.
24. Adults Don’t Outgrow Their Clothing
When you become an adult, you can almost always wear your clothes you bought the year before. Unless you lose or gain a significant amount of weight, you can’t really outgrow them. It looks like adulthood isn’t so bad after all.
25. When You Have A Typo In An Online Argument, It’s Like Your Voice Cracking During A Real One
There is nothing worse than trying to prove your point and sound serious just to have your voice crack. Anyone who has ever been in an online argument and made a typo knows the same feeling. You instantly lose all credibility. The internet is cruel.
26. Corrupt Cops Are Undercover Criminals
When a cop acts like a criminal, they are just undercover, so when they really are corrupt, it’s like they took it too far. They are really criminals pretending to be cops just to get away with the crime. It’s not fun when your own tricks are used against you.
27. There Is A Tree Growing The Wood For Your Coffin Right Now
Who wants to think about something like this? Nobody, but it’s probably true. The wood has to come from somewhere, right? Some things are just better left unknown. This is one of those things.
28. If Your Identical Twin Got Plastic Surgery, You Would Feel Insulted
If your identical twin isn’t happy with their own looks, that means they aren’t happy with the way you look, either. If they think they’re ugly or overweight, they might think the same of you. Wow, that’s a lot of betrayals and hurt coming from a twin.
29. When You Are Sick, You Are Told To Skip School And Do Drugs
Apparently, the only time it is OK to do drugs and skip school is if you are sick. No wonder it feels so good; you feel like you are getting away with something bad. You also get to lay in bed and watch TV all day. It’s not so bad.
30. It Makes Sense That The Fidget Spinner Fad Was Over So Fast
If you think about the target audience for fidget spinners, it makes sense that they didn’t last long. After all, they were made for people who can’t focus and are always on to the next thing quickly. It’s amazing they lasted more than a couple of days.
31. Almost Every Mirror You Buy Is Used
It’s impossible to look at a mirror without using it. Unless your mirror has been wrapped from the time it was produced, chances are, it’s been used. Someone had to look at it to stock it on the shelf. All mirrors should be discounted.
32. A Successful Marriage Ends With Watching The Other Person Die
Doesn’t seem so romantic now, does it? When you think about it, when you get married, you agree to stay together until one of you dies. If you make it to old age together, you are probably going to be watching your partner wither away to nothing.
33. Orchestras Are Just 1800s Cover Bands
If you listen to orchestral music, it is just the music of artists from the 1800s being replayed. It’s like a modern-day cover band, only a little less exciting. I guess the classics can last forever and never get old.
34. When You Buy And Eat Half A Chicken, You Are Sharing A Meal With A Stranger
You have probably never looked at it this way, but where did the other half go? Someone else bought it to eat. You may never meet them, but you have shared a meal with them. Is it creepy or beautiful? You decide.
35. The Object Of Golf Is To Play As Little Golf As Possible
It’s one of the only sports where you want a low score and to participate as little as possible. You want to hit the ball as few times as possible. If the person beside you is hitting it more than you, you are better than them.
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A lot of people like to stay busy because when they don’t, their minds wander. What does it mean for a mind to wander? It means that they start to think about crazy and weird things that they normally wouldn’t have time to think about.
Thinking about these strange things is OK sometimes, but if you aren’t careful, you can become obsessed with this type of thinking and spend more and more time wondering what other strange occurrences and situations are out there. Eventually, it becomes overwhelming.
The trick is to just laugh at things like this and then move on with your thoughts. You might have to train your brain not to go down the rabbit hole of weird thoughts. Sometimes, the more you know, the more you want to know.
These 35 weird and strange facts are the kinds of things that most people never think about. Someone thought of them, though, and they wanted to share them with others. Once you start thinking about them, you will see how weird and funny these little things can be.