Design, marketing, architecture – there are reasons we make people go to school for this stuff.
From font faux pas to design disasters, we can’t imagine how some of these products and ads passed inspection.
Check out these 35+ photos that will have you shaking your head and wondering just what people were thinking when they designed or purchased these masterpieces.
1. Don’t worry, just…yeah, go ahead and worry
Sweet design fail, bro. Or maybe the designer was just a fatalist. Either way, we’re worried.

Creative Market
2. Gucci turd
We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt that the Gucci belt is a sign that she’s wearing some fancy cashmere weekenedwear. Our second best guess is that some awesome designer is now making “Turd” sweaters, in which case we’ll take one for every day of the week.

Whisper & Trouble
3. Flamingo fail
Anyone who has wanted to get drunk in the pool has considered the floating cup holder. We all know what disaster might strike if the balance is even slightly off. Or maybe the bathtub genius who posted this photo filled their coffee mug with pebbles. We await further studies.

Whisper & trouble
4. That’s some workout!
Someone give this guy our Apple Watch because he’s working out so hard that he changed his ethnicity. How many kettle bell swings does it take to turn an overweight white guy with frosted tips into a buff black man with a glorious mane? And can we keep the sunglasses even if we don’t get the desired results?

Whisper & Trouble
5. Too close for comfort
Just because people tend to go to the bathroom in flocks doesn’t mean that they want to sit next to each other while they do the deed. We can only imagine these toilets have yet to be installed, otherwise we’re concerned for everyone who enters, but especially the poor person sitting on the right, who will also get quite an eyeful from their urinal-using neighbor.

22 Words
6. Space limitations
Ok, just make it a one-person bathroom already, because we’d rather wait in line than butt-bump while we’re breaking the seal.

7. Natural performer
Some people love being the center of attention. We’re not sure what to make of this setup, but we pity anyone seated in this room.

22 Words
8. Least sexy mirrored ceilings ever
It’s a good thing there’s a no smoking sign on the door, otherwise anyone who looks up might see just how many cigarettes you can smoke in a bathroom stall.

Lein Design
9. What goes up…
All planes must land, but probably not at that angle. Turkish Airlines should think about hiring a new designer, or else stop all flights running through the Bermuda Triangle.

Peer Hatch
10. Mind your dog
Let people each children in peace. You don’t want your dog getting any cannibalistic ideas anyway.

22 Words
11. Dine and dash
Do not stop! Regardless of how much you enjoyed your meal, this restaurant seems to be encouraging you to keep your money, by “accident,” of course. How long before the health department shuts this place down because of an amnesia outbreak?

22 Words
12. Life is expensive
We’ve heard of Manhattanites having to enroll their chidren in posh preschools while they were still in the womb, but this is the first time we’ve seen a fee imposed on the unborn. No matter when you think life begins, I think we can all agree that you shouldn’t have to sign up for a credit card before you’re born.

13. Depressed designers
The perfect yoga mat for the deeply inflexible. Enough with those cheery instructors always telling us we need more practice. You’ll never be able to touch your toes – unless you’re already down there and can read the text in white.

Whisper & Trouble
14. Animal what now?!
If you have a pet, chances are you’ve had to deal with its butt at some point. Luckily, this new clinic is around to do the dirty work for you. At least, we think that’s what’s going on here.

Bored Panda
15. How about just don’t kill your wife.
Domestic abuse is no joke, but this designer’s skills are. He or she forgot the apostrophe in “don’t”!

16. Truth in advertising
Somtimes the truth hurts. And smells. But just let us eat our tacos in peace and deal with the consequences later.

17. Worst game ever
Did you think we were done with the bathroom humor? Think again.

18. Conservation fail
Maybe the occasional banana ends up in the landfill, but we don’t think monkeys are going to appreciate being offered your trash. And you better hope that lion doesn’t come looking for you after you try to feed it a can.

Peer Hatch
19. When life hands you lemons
We aren’t master chefs, but we’re pretty sure orange juice already has enough citrus in it without adding lemons.

20. What a tangled web we weave
The Spiderman movies were suspiciously quiet on the superhero’s bathroom habits, but even if he can produce webs from just about anywhere, we’re just gonna go with a 2-ply tissue.

Bored Panda
21. The perfect gift for the golfer you dislike
Dude, golf balls are hard enough to find. If you typically end up in the brush, you better hope this little guy is LoJacked.

22. Floor 28, please
This is precisely the kind of elevator you’d expect to see in your nightmares if you were running away from a monster.

Bored Panda
23. Embark at your own risk
At least the sign is accurate when it comes to the risks of smoking. We feel particularly bad for colorblind guests.

24. Designers who don’t have kids
Do you like getting up in the middle of the night when your child lets out a terrified scream? Then we know the perfect stocking-stuffer.

25. Frathouse chic
The color really drives home the design. We can only hope it comes with a built-in massage cushion.

Boing Boing
26. Clowns are all evil
Well, at least it’s better than comic sans.

Know Your Meme
27. Paperwork of the pearly gates
You’re never done taking surveys, even when you’re dead.

28. And you thought the couch was bad
Is no one paying attention to the importance of color in design? Or is everyone paying attention and just really demented?

Bored Panda
29. Please confirm
It’s like the checkout line at the Hotel California. Extra points to anyone who gets out on the first try.

30. When it rains, it floods
Can we forgive any student loans this engineer might have taken out before getting his or her degree? Because we think they should get a fresh start.

Bored Panda
31. Space is limited
Did you not pay for extra legroom? Your bad.

Indy 100
32. At least build a railing!
We bet this engineer got an A in Building Deathtraps 101.

Home Designing
33. It’s ok, we’ll wait
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be nice. Like when your building is on fire and you pull the fire alarm to save your hapless co-workers only to be detained until someone can confirm you’re all about to die.

34. There goes the bride
There’s such a thing as too much tulle. Like, when it streams out your backside.

35. A slimming design
Nope. No flesh-colored slimming designs. Lesson learned. Unless this is a pervy Halloween costume or an anatomy lesson, then rock on.

Bored Panda
36. Fashion over function
We get it, you don’t care if you’re warm as long as you look cool. Well, in this case you’re out of luck on both counts.

Bored Panda
37. Official mascot of your bowels
You know what doesn’t need to be anthropomorphized? Your bowels.

Bored Panda
38. We know women can seem complicated…
Listen, we get that lady stuff is hard, but we have two questions: 1) What did the woman on the left have for lunch? and 2) Can we all go in on a 360-degree mirror for the women on the right?

Sarcasm Society
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