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Dogs are usually happy if they have food to eat, someone to pet them, and a comfortable place to lay their head at night. Occasionally, though, a dog comes into a circumstance that is almost too good to be true. Finding themselves in a life of luxury, these dogs often live better than many humans.

Many of these lucky dogs are bought or adopted by a wealthy owner, a celebrity, or someone else who can give them what many of us can only dream about. In many instances, these pooches have access to a wide variety of amenities, such as special spa treatment, an expansive dog house, or even food normally relegated to the wealthy.

But you can’t blame these pets for their great circumstances, as they have only found themselves in their current situation by chance. And who could blame them for living their lives to the fullest. It’s not their fault that these dogs are living a life of luxury better than most of us ever will.