When you think of makeup, chances are you think of a clean look with enough makeup to highlight someone’s natural beauty. Sometimes, though, a bad makeup job can look totally over the top. A subreddit, called “Bad Makeup Artists,” has been highlighting some of the worst offenders.
Keep in mind that what is a bad makeup job to one person could be totally fine with another.
So, whether these looks are serious or intended as a joke, they certainly got the attention of the people around them.
1) All in the eyes
This is a perfect example of someone overdoing a look. Maybe it is okay for an ad or something, but in the case of day-to-day life is a little over-the-top.
2) Multi-color
Here is a multi-colored look that is more of a mess than anything else. The green lipstick is what seals the deal for this being an absolutely bad look.
3) Rainbow connection
If eyelids were meant to be rainbows, then this woman would have exactly what she needed. In this case, she needs a new look.
4) That ole smoky eye
When your eyeshadow is darker than the deepest shadows, then you know you have a problem. Bad enough that it looks like she got in a fight.
5) Going for the mannequin look
No idea what look this woman was going for, but she actually looked better before. She looks like a totally different person after the makeup is applied, and a fake one at that.
6) Highlights
Why someone would want to highlight their eyebrows like that is beyond reason. Maybe if they looked normal, but in this case, the answer would be don’t.
7) Laying it on thick
This woman almost looks like a caricature after her makeup is put on. Whatever happened to the subtle look?
8) Far-off look
Whoever led this woman to believe that this was a good look needs to go back to beauty school. Not only that, but it doesn’t look too comfortable.
9) Umm, no
This post, which was found on Instagram, shows that this woman has no idea what soft and subtle is. Good thing she advertises with pictures of her work so people can avoid using her services.
10) From good to bad
This woman looked better before the makeup was applied. In the after picture, she looks almost looks like a corpse. Yikes!
11) Caterpillar brows
This woman better watch out or her eyebrows will crawl away. Not the worst out there, but they definitely need to be toned down.
12) Thicker is not always better
Applying a thicker coat of makeup is definitely not the way to making someone more beautiful. In many cases, less is more when it comes to accentuating a woman’s natural beauty.
13) A lighter shade
Wearing a lighter shade of makeup on the face is fine as long as the rest of your body is covered so that your darker skin tone does not show as much. What was the makeup artist thinking in this case?
14) Too much is always too much
There is a lot wrong with this look. Bu8t the biggest thing is the pink on the lower eyelid. It makes this woman look like she has a case of pink eye.
15) Distraction
At least this model has a distraction from her bad makeup job. Makes you wonder if that was the intent. At least the distraction fits with the advertisement.
16) Collarbone highlights
Not only are her cheekbones shiny, but her collarbone is as well. That should be the first clue that she has too much makeup on.
17) Just no!
While initially this type of makeup might have seemed appropriate, in hindsight, the makeup artist should have just left well enough alone.
18) Eyes of blue
All this eye makeup does is make this poor woman appear like something out of the Tim Burton film “Corpse Bride.”
19) What?
Still trying to figure out what is going on in this picture. Sometimes makeup artists come up with the weirdest concepts.
20) Color mismatch
This woman’s makeup would be fine, except that the shade of the top half of her face is way lighter than the shade of the bottom part.
21) Overdone
While this model is just doing her job, her makeup does seem a little overdone. Not the worst out there, but could definitely be cleaned up a little.
22) That dirty cheek look
This woman’s makeup would be fine except for the dark makeup on her cheekbones. It almost looks like they have been bruised.
23) Blue shadows
Whoever thought of this look should be fired. It simply does not look right at all. And what is up with the weird shapes above her eyes?
24) Heavy-duty
When life calls for heavy-duty makeup. There is never an occasion that calls for this much makeup, though.
25) On point
It’s obvious the makeup artist was going for a specific look, but it makes her eyes look so tiny. What were they thinking?
26) The darkest of makeup
Some makeup color choices make you wonder what exactly was going through the makeup artist’s mind. This makeup color makes her look like she has a bad tan.
27) Highbrow
Ok, granted, the makeup artist herself posted this picture of herself all done up. Hopefully, it is just a bad joke on her part. Otherwise, she needs to find another line of work or at least go back to beauty school.
28) Fat Lip
One of the newest trends in makeup is large, beefy lips. No idea why it is a thing, but it can stop now.
29) A messy foundation
This woman looks like a wayward Hermione from “Harry Potter.” At least whoever applied the foundation could have done a better job of keeping it off of her shirt collar.
30) Brows to match her frown
This bride does not look happy at all with her situation. Perhaps it has something to do with her bad makeup job?
31) Ooh, shiny!
This woman’s makeup sure does make her shine. Other than that, it doesn’t look too bad.
32) Muddied look
This woman’s makeup gives her face a muddy look. Like many looks, the makeup does appear to be a little too thick.
33) The total package
And finally, the woman who has the total package when it comes to bad makeup. The eyebrows in particular tend to pull the whole bad makeup job together.
And there you have it, a variety of bad looks, all thanks to some of the worst makeup artists. It might make you think twice before agreeing to have your face made up by someone you don’t really know. And if you do, your face could always end up on Reddit.