This is what 30 years of smoking can do to your lungs
Patricia Lynn

The human body can take a lot of abuse. We put our bodies through extreme temperatures, drastic changes in our diets, varying degrees of strain and exercise, repetitive movements, terrible sleeping patterns, and stress-inducing workloads. The body is created to withstand a lot, but there are some things that are harmful to our bodies.

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And we do not often see the full effect, but when this surgeon shows us what 30 years of smoking does to our lungs, it is shocking and enough to make you think twice about smoking another cigarette.

The blackened lungs belonged to a heavy smoker.


The video was filmed by a surgeon, Doctor Chen Jingyu, at the Wuxi People’s Hospital in Jiangsu Province, China. Sadly, the patient had already passed away, but the surgeon holding up the blackened and stained lungs is a solemn reminder that the human body was not meant for the abuse of smoking.

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Healthy lungs are light pink in color and fully inflate whereas the smoker’s lungs are black and gray and can not fully expand.

The video has been noted to be the “best anti-smoking advertisement ever”.

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Some people have to see to believe and it is shocking to watch as the surgeon holds up the pair of lungs. They are stiff, rubbery, and terrible looking. Knowing that if a person smokes for a long period of time can end up with their own lungs looking so terrible is a great motivation to begin the cessation process. The doctor holds up the lungs and spins them around as he and another medical provider point out different areas affected by the smoke and nicotine.


Smoking has terrible side effects and consequences.

According to the CDC, smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and 1 in every 5 deaths is caused by smoking. Shocking statistics also state that smoking kills more people than HIV, illegal drug and alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries and firearm-related incidents combined. People who smoke are also more likely to develop heart disease, lung cancer and suffer from a stroke.

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The CDC also warns that there are “At least 28 cancer-causing chemicals have been found in smokeless tobacco.”

You can develop cancer in any area of the body, not just lung cancer, from smoking including kidney, stomach, bladder, esophageal, liver, and colon cancer. Smoking is also known to have effects in the progression of other diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The numbers are staggering.

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But there is good news as studies have shown that after quitting, your chances of having a heart attack and stroke are cut drastically. Quitting is hard, but the payoff is so worth the effort! Please speak with your physician if you need assistance quitting smoking.


There are wonderful resources available to help you and knowing what the future could look like, now is the perfect time to get healthy and get yourself back on the right track so that you can live a longer and happier life.

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