Sometimes, it seems like the world is a pretty dark place. If you turn on the news or even log onto the internet, youโ€™ll probably see some messed up stuff. Itโ€™s no wonder some of us feel like everythingโ€™s terrible.

Just take the average millennial. Their generation came of age with 9/11. Since then, theyโ€™ve experienced a housing crisis, student loan debt, a wild political arena, and a failing job market. Thatโ€™s not even to mention climate change, rising sea levels, and polluted oceans.

So, what do you do when it seems like everythingโ€™s bad and getting worse? You do exactly what humans have always done. You keep laughing.

People with a sense of humor are often the ones who keep everyone going. They know how to deal with crises big and small. Even when the situation appears hopeless, theyโ€™re ready with a joke.

Humor is one of those things that remind us everythingโ€™s going to be okay. They say every cloud has a silver lining. Here are 30 people who are funny enough to remind all of us of that. See? Things arenโ€™t so bad after all, especially if there are people like this around.

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