Some photos are worth a thousand words. Others are worth a couple question marks and maybe even an exclamation point.
These 30 photos capture some truly bizarre moments. From death-defying stunts (or everyday situations turned into potential disasters) to covering oneself in chickens, these people have proved that context matters when looking at a picture.
We often think that photographs are a truly objective representation of what’s going on in a certain place at a certain time, but these ones show us that there’s almost always more than meets the eye.
Can you guess what these people were thinking when these moments were captured?
1. The escalator unicyclist
We’re not sure what this stunt was supposed to prove, other than that some people should always be wearing helmets.
2. The tire extinguisher
That does not do what you think it does.
3. Hat leftovers
I guess that’s what happens when you order a bowl of noodles that big.
4. Two vehicles in one
Well that’s a creative way to use a convertible.
5. Watch out for the hole
A warning system for when it’s already too late.
6. Thief or airhead?
How do you leave a gas station without noticing you took part of it with you?
7. Safety violation
We’re not sure insurance covers this kind of risk. Is that furniture really so heavy that he couldn’t just move it first?
8. Moving day
Is this couch going in or out? We’re pretty sure this isn’t going to work out in anyone’s favor.
9. What the what?!
We’re not sure how this works, but we really don’t want to be around when this guy gets a cold.
10. Wet electrician
We really hope this guy has his own accident insurance.
11. Fire in the hole
Don’t safety classes teach you not to do this kind of thing?
12. Worst helmet ever
It seems clever until it’s melted to your face.
13. Don’t try this at home
That’s an awful lot of trust to put in a belt loop.
14. Creative hedge trimming
Ok, I guess that’s one way to do it.
15. That’s what friends are for
We really hope this was staged.
16. Kids will be kids
This is not the recommended use for a hammer.
17. Mission accomplished
Well, if the job was to paint the curb, I suppose that’s what they did.
18. Free shipping
What’s the recommended speed limit for something this risky?
19. Just don’t
We hope this guy’s insurance company never sees this photo.
20. Engineering fail
Well that worked out well.
21. You gotta do what you gotta do
Even if it’s climing over a bunch of fresh fish to fix a fuse. We just hope this guy hosed off his shoes afterwards.
22. Artistically challenged
Is this a handicapped spot or just reserved for people who use those bouncy ball office chairs?
23. Eating in privacy
A seat for the anti-social eaters.
24. We’re not even going to guess
We don’t even want to know how this came to be.
25. The freaks come out at night
This is what you can’t see when it’s dark outside.
26. Hey buddy, you alright?
We’re not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for this tiger (the real one).
27. Chicks dig me
We’re not sure what would motivate someone to do this, but it does make for good entertainment.
28. Sharing is caring
A very Lady and the Tramp moment.
29. R&R
Whose self care routine doesn’t involve bathing in a tub of carrots out in the garden?
30. Ok, we’re confused
To this day no one has been able to explain this one, but it appears to be a real photo.
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