There was a time when photoshop was only used in magazines and movies. Now, altering a photo is in common use, for everything from taking a new profile picture to creating a hilarious image. Here is a compilation of 30 of the best photoshopped images around. Enjoy!
The light from this stained glass window really brings out the cat’s fur.
This book cover looks like it was made for this woman…wait until you see it.
This caterpillar really completed the photo.
The hair really adds dimension to the portrait.
Even birds in America want to carry guns.
Seriously, how’s my hair?
This peacock is actually made of water.
Please, sir, can I have some more?
Now that would be one amazing firework display.
Anything to save the ice-cream!
I see you.
Meet Chewbarka.
Spider woman for the win.
Too glamorous?
So romantic!
If Alice in Wonderland were a horror story…
Oh yeah, work it girl!
You’ve heard about chimps in space, but you’ve probably never heard of this dog before.
This little guy is having way too much fun.
Try me now.
This takes wrestling to a whole new level.
Help! I’m in way over my head!
Good one, there, chap!
It’s alright, guys. I can take the heat.
Wait a minute – is that my outfit?!
I wonder if his ears help him fly.
Imagine the song this thing would sing.
Hey, you don’t belong to me.
Are you okay?! You’re looking a little red…
This frog is just a hollow rind of his former self.
In the age of ever-increasing technology, photo shop tools are thriving. These edited images are simply hilarious!
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