Nature is a beautiful thing. From the oceans to the deserts, there is an endless number of natural phenomena at which to marvel. But anyone who has ever been caught in a thunderstorm or experienced turbulence on an airplane can tell you that it can also be frightening.

After all, nature gives us tigers, lightning, tsunamis, and volcanoes — not to mention oceans so deep, we can’t reach the bottom. In fact, we’ve explored more of outer space than we have of the ocean. All of this just goes to show that nature is beautiful, but it can also be incredibly dangerous.

Weather is a prime example of this. From dust storms traveling thousands of miles to flaming tornadoes, extreme weather can be deadly. After looking at these pictures, you may feel grateful that you live in a time and place where you have shelter, heat, and other modern necessities. We can only imagine how our ancestors felt living out in the open at the mercy of storms, freezes, snow, and heat.

Here are 30 photos that show just how beautiful and scary Mother Nature can be.