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In our current age of political division, depressing news, and social media drama, it is a light in the dark when someone does a random act of kindness. Whether it’s helping the elderly cross the street, buying a homeless person a meal, or just being there for someone when they need it, we can all have a positive effect on those around us through our actions.

And it doesn’t take much. The main part is to make a connection with our fellow human beings and help lift them out of their current situation. Each act of kindness can lead to a renewed faith in humanity and lead to a lightening of the stress and anxiety that we all encounter from time to time.

These inspiring photos show that all is not lost and that humans still care for their fellow humans on a daily basis. So, if you feel you have lost faith in your fellow man or woman, then check out these photos for inspiration that not all is lost, and that kindness still lies at the heart of many of your fellow humans.