Our significant others and our spouses are our best friends. They are our companions in life. They are the person that we can turn to in the happiest of times and worst of times. They can also possess the capability of embarrassing you beyond belief.
Whether our partners are caught in the act of doing something they shouldn’t, or if they’re just being downright silly — you can’t help but love them.
We found 30 of the most awkward spousal moments caught on camera. Enjoy.
Hopefully, none of these look too familiar to you.
1. She walked into her room and caught her boyfriend like this.
2. His wife missed the ice cream truck, and she fell into full-despair mode.
3. She couldn’t find her husband in Babies R’ Us. It took her twenty minutes, but then found this.
4. This man’s significant other was just trying to vacuum in comfort here.
5. This woman’s husband works from home and found him in his office wearing this.
6. His wife is supposedly working on a novel. She didn’t know he was working from home that day and he found her outside tanning. Expected novel release date of 2052.
7. Just so everyone is clear on what happened last night.
8. I don’t think this wife is impressed with her husband’s attentive child-watching skills.
9. “I needed to borrow my wife’s phone…she said her password was our anniversary. I gave the phone back and said I didn’t know what happened.”
10. I have a feeling this man’s wife is praying that the neighbors don’t see this.
11. His wife was apparently upset because she “has nothing to wear.” #firstworldproblems
12. This man woke up to find his wife laughing due to his interesting choice of jammies and sleeping position.
13. She doesn’t want to ruin the new couch, so his wife was sitting here instead.
14. A man found this dirty secret in his wife’s underwear drawer.
15. Her husband promised to clean the house when she was out of town. He forgot to check the work before she came home.
16. It was a hot day; this guy caught his girlfriend trying to cool off her dogs.
17. Their dryer is broken, and this man’s girlfriend was hell bent on wearing this particular bra that night.
18. This girlfriend attempted to kill a spider with her boyfriend’s blow darts; he came home to find this.
19. While looking for a place to hide presents, this man discovered that his wife had not quit smoking.
20. She lost a game of Connect Four with her boyfriend. A couple of cocktails made her a bit emotional about it.
21. He thought his wife was having pregnancy cravings when he caught her eating this; turns out she had filled it with pudding. Phew.
22. Her boyfriend asked her to make him burritos — she walked in on him cuddling them.
23. His wife said it was just easier to take a picture of the picture.
24. She made a bet with her boyfriend that she could grill. We have a feeling he won’t be impressed.
25. She went to check on her son while he was napping and found her husband playing with the train set.
26. This couple had a 12-hour delay at the airport; she lost her boyfriend and found in him in the children’s entertainment area.
27. Their bedroom is very bright in the mornings, so she found her husband like this.
28. She thought her husband was exercising but…
29. This is how she knew her boyfriend had showered that day.
30. His wife went in for a snack and found his secret stash.
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