The longest I have ever worked in an office was two weeks. Two. Weeks. Why? Likely because I have ADHD and found that my inability to write, get up, do dishes, clean something, scrapbook and then get back to writing killed my spirit….and my ability to write. After two weeks, I put in my two weeks and was told that notice wasn’t necessary. I was free to go.
And omg, did it ever feel like freedom?!
Put nicely, office life was not for me. And I’m sure that for even those of you who enjoy working in an office, you get bored from time to time. The gray walls, the sitting, the having to stay on task for 8. Whole. Hours. (I applaud you all who can do it.) I’m sure plenty of you wish that you could switch things up every now and then, am I right? Well, some workers decided that they were tired of wishing that they could just shake things up and just went for it.
Here are 20 photos of people who decided that if it’s the office life they must live, they will do it with flair and with their sense of humor still intact:
1. The guy who decided that since he couldn’t beat the cubicle life, he’d embrace it.
2. There is only one guy who works in this office. Guess what his name is…
3. The group of coworkers who made “Office Safari” a thing.
4. This person who just said ‘No’ to the discrimination of Steve.
5. This person who is NOT Ed’s keeper.
6. This lady who always seems to arrive early and stay late…or does she?
7. When one office decided to get personal with their food.
8. When one co-worker couldn’t take the body-shaming of the coffee pot any longer.
9. The guy who thought this cruel joke was FUNNY.
10. “Paper towel, please.” “Towel!” “Dispense a towel now.” “Hello?…”
11. When programmers are tired of being the underdog, they don’t get mad, they get even.
12. When one guy turned his co-worker’s wine stain into a work of art. [Side note: if you work somewhere where you’re allowed to drink enough wine to the point where you’re SPILLING it, and where you can DRAW on the carpet, you don’t have it that rough. Just sayin’.]
13. When one employee decided to be brutally honest about his or her workday.
14. When the OP had no idea what was coming.
15. When one office banned together to let Debbie know what they thought of her food-stealing.
16. When one co-worker decided to put a positive spin on a broken printer.
17. When this office made it clear that they NEVER forget to flush.
18. When one co-worker just could not be found and everyone missed her dearly.
19. When these co-workers just couldn’t help touching their other co-worker’s mug.
20. And this guy who pretty much sums up my two weeks in an office…”I just want to go outside and play!”
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