Lady wants world to know about teen looking after her parents
Not many 15-year-olds are like this. In fact, this is pretty much the last thing on most teenager's minds when they get home.
Morgan Slimak

Part of being a good son or daughter means taking care of our aging parents. They cared for us while we were growing up, so it’s only right that we return the favor when they are in need.

However, due to busy lives and other commitments, it’s not always possible to be around 24/7.

It’s one of the main reasons why social connections are so important. When you’re a member of a tight-knit community, there is always someone around to chip in and help out. It’s something that Tiki Joyner Edwards and her family understand on a personal level.

Tiki Joyner Edwards
Tiki Joyner Edwards

Edwards’ parents are growing older and beginning to have health problems.

For them, their saving grace is a young boy that lives nearby in the neighborhood. Despite having no blood relation to the family, every day he heads over to check up on the parents and see if they need anything.

Tiki Joyner Edwards
Tiki Joyner Edwards

Edwards shared the story of the neighborly act of kindness in a beautiful Facebook post a few months ago and it immediately went viral for all the right reasons.

Her kind words and the accompanying images of the boy assisting her parents will warm your heart.

“I just want to take a moment and recognize this sweet fella that lives across the street from my parents. He checks on them every day and has grown to love and care for them deeply,” wrote Edwards.

Romemylion Mitchell
Romemylion Mitchell

The 15-year-old’s name is Romemylion Mitchell and he has been like an angel for the family.

He is always willing to help when the elderly parents are in need of assistance.

“He rides with Dad to the store, helps him shop and brings the groceries in.. he cuts the grass and whatever they may need. Not many 15 yr olds would take the time to care and be there for elderly neighbors.”

Cianne E Joyner
Cianne E Joyner

It’s so true. Between completing school work, hanging out with friends, and other social activities, doing a good deed for a neighbor is pretty much the last thing on most teenagers’ minds.

The majority of kids wouldn’t even consider doing what Romemylion does, at least not without being paid.

However, Romemylion is not your normal teen. Every day, he pops in to see how things are going with no expectation of any compensation at all. He helps out simply because he is a good person.

Tiki Joyner Edwards
Tiki Joyner Edwards

Edwards and her parents really appreciate it.

They love the boy just as much as he loves them, and over the years, he has become very close to the family. That’s why when Edwards’ mom Cianne was admitted to the hospital recently, Romemylion immediately went over to make sure she was okay.

“When he saw Mom today he busted out crying and just held her tight.. what a blessing and just wanted to pass on something heartwarming instead of the sad news we see and hear every day,” wrote Edwards.

Tiki Joyner Edwards
Tiki Joyner Edwards

It makes us so happy to see that there are still young people out there who respect their elders and are willing to assist others in their time of need. There are a million other things that Romemylion could be doing with his free time, but he chooses to use it to help people. For that, the Edwards family will be forever grateful.

Check out the Facebook post from Tiki Joyner Edwards describing the teen’s act of kindness below.

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