There’s an age-old debate about nature versus nurture and which one affects us more. Both forces play a pretty big role in shaping each of us uniquely.
However, there are certain traits that are definitely inherited from our parents, and some of them may surprise you.
Check out this list of 15 traits that you probably didn’t know you inherited from your parents and be sure to share it with a friend (or mom and dad)!
1. Athletic Ability
Genetics play a big role in how naturally athletic you are. Of course, effort also goes a long way!
But it appears that many great athletes start with a certain genetic predisposition to have stamina, power, and speed.

2. Musical Talent
If you lack the ability to sing or play an instrument, it may not be your fault. You just may not have inherited acute hearing.
This type of hearing is the opposite of tone-deafness – and it allows some people to hear certain notes better than others so they can stay in tune themselves.

3. Affinity for Cilantro
This is a weird one. Some people are actually predisposed to find a certain chemical within cilantro to be repulsive when they smell or taste it.
This is unfortunate because tacos are so much better with cilantro than without.

4. Being a Picky Eater
We’ve all got that one picky-eater friend. Or maybe it’s you!
But in either case, you can blame some of it on genes.
There is a certain gene responsible for taste receptors, and some taste receptors are more or less sensitive to bitter and sweet foods.

5. Super Taster…or Not
Speaking of tasting things, there is also a genetic disposition to whether or not you are a supertaster. These people are able to taste small amounts of bitterness in foods when others cannot.
This was discovered about 80 years ago when two scientists found the same chemical tasted bitter for one of them and not for the other. (Don’t try that experiment at home!)

6. The Need for Coffee in the Morning
Who doesn’t love a hot cup of coffee in the morning?
Well, as it turns out, a lot of people don’t. It all depends on what type of drug receptors we inherited from our parents and how those receptors react to caffeine and other stimulants.

7. Level of Aggression
Of course, we all have the capability to get mad. However, some people tend to become more aggressive more often than others.
It’s believed that this trait has survived since our hunter-gatherer days.

8. How Much You’re Affected by Exercise
Exercise is great for everyone. However, the way that it affects each person depends on their genetic disposition (among other things).
Two people doing the exact same exercise could have completely different results.

9. If You Can Smell Asparagus in your Pee
This is one of those genes that you can be thankful for if you didn’t inherit.
If you did, well, plug your nose and light a candle the next time you eat a bunch of asparagus and have to pee. It’s going to smell real funky.

10. If the Sun Makes You Sneeze
I’ve always been told that if you have to sneeze and you can’t, then look at the sun. I had no idea that this was actually a genetic trait.
It’s known as photic sneeze reflex and is also called Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-ophthalmic Outburst, or “Achoo” for short.

11. Level Of Popularity
Popularity can be dictated by a whole bunch of factors. However, one study found that many popular people shared a certain gene.
This gene is associated with mild rule-breaking and may have an effect on things like sneaking out with friends.

12. Intelligence Level
Your level of intelligence can be dependent on what genes you inherited from your parents.
Studies have found that even twins who were separated at birth and raised in completely different environments ended up with the same IQ.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re doomed if you don’t think your parents are all that smart. There are plenty of ways to measure “intelligence” and not everyone exhibits their full cognitive potential, even when they are quite smart. And that has a lot to do with one’s environment.

13. Political Stance
There’s a reason that our nation’s political parties have become so divided. The way that each side thinks is actually partially dictated by their genetics.
For example, Democrats are genetically predisposed to place more value on connectedness and societal well-being, There’s also a difference between the way that Republicans respond to threats and Democrats handle uncertainty.

14. When You Lose Your Virginity
Alright, the age at which you lose your virginity is highly dictated by circumstance.
However, scientists have found that about 25 percent of the variation in age can be accounted for in your DNA.

15. Level Of Self-Control
Have you ever met someone who seems to have superior control over their emotions? Well, some of that can be explained by genetics.
Scientists still debate this topic, but they’ve postulated that at least some of your ability to keep your cool comes down to inherited genes.

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