12-Year-Old Has Best Response To Girlfriend Telling Him She's Pregnant
When his girlfriend told him he got her pregnant, this 12-year-old had the best response. This is too funny!
Jonathan Maes

Some high school stories are just way too funny to not tell anyone. Twitter user Kiran the Nomad from Huntsville, Alabama, apparently thought the same thing when he decided to write a couple of tweets about a particularly funny story that happened to him when he was just twelve years old.

His girlfriend at the time told Kiran that she was pregnant. The 12-year-old Kiran then totally freaked out but reassured her that they would do everything they could to make it work and that he would support her to keep the baby.


There was only one small problem: the two never kissed before, let alone had intercourse.

At most, the two held hands together and were just two twelve-year-old kids with butterflies in their stomach.


Kiran decided to share this special story with the rest of the world on his Twitter-account @KiranADavid. Be warned, however, that there is some slight expletive language in the tweets displayed below.

One day, Kiran entered his math class when he noticed his girlfriend crying.

“So I go into boyfriend mode,” he recalls. He then asked her “Who hurt you bae?” to which she replied, “I’ll tell you later.”

Little did he know that she wanted to tell him that she was pregnant. Apparently, Kiran didn’t have sex education classes yet, as he thought he was the father simply because the two were holding hands.

“Baby I’m pregnant and I don’t know what I’m going to do,” his girlfriend then said. “BRUH. I FREEZE. What?! I start sharking mad hard. The world stood still,” Kiran remembers vividly. “MIND YOU. I’M SCARED to kiss girls so I ain’t ever even kissed her. We held hands and that was it.”

What followed was a hilarious conversation with his mom. When he came from school, he told her that his girl was pregnant and that they were keeping it. When Kiran’s mom brought up the topic of intercourse, the then twelve-year-old had no idea what she was talking about.

Kiran, his mom and his girlfriend and her mother then all gathered in the principal’s office for what was definitely a unique and surprising talk. You can see how the rest of the story went in the tweets below.

Kiran’s numerous tweets quickly went viral with thousands of retweets and likes on each post. One thing is for sure: the internet can’t stop laughing about this funny story!

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