Rednex’s “Cotton Eye Joe” is a classic song. It is one of those songs that you assume you will hear at every wedding, prom, and bar mitzvah and for good reason… It never fails to get the people up and moving and grooving! It is an especially perfect song for a group to line dance to.
Serge and Lucie Bédard have been creating a bunch of line dance videos to help others learn the moves via the Internet. Of course, if they are going to teach line dancing, they have got to do one to “Cotton Eye Joe.”

In addition to “Cotton Eye Joe,” they have done dances to “Love Me Some You,” “Down To The Honkytonk,” and “Mercury Blues” among others, which you can find on their YouTube channel.

Serge and Lucie have, “been passionate about country dance for many years,” according to their website. “They have traveled throughout Quebec and the United States to learn from the best teachers and live their passion on a daily basis. They dance to pure country and new-country music and the dances are taught according to the original choreography.”

At the beginning of the video, they let everyone know that “Cotton Eye Joe” is at a beginner level.

So it is the perfect dance to learn if you are a beginner or just looking to kick back and have a great time!

He goes on to let us know that there are 32 steps counts total in the dance. Even if you have never line danced in your whole entire life, you will still be able to nail these moves with no problem. It seems pretty stress-free, which is, of course, what we always want!

The best part is that these are seasoned country line dancers, to be more specific. So it may seem like they are wearing cowgirl hats just for fun, but it actually has to do with the type of style dance they usually do.
Before the song even kicks into full gear, the dancers are holding their beat.

It is no secret that they are great at what they do and clearly the rest of the world seems to think so too. Since being uploading in 2018, it has garnered over 2 million views! And all of the other videos on their channel have hundreds of thousands of views. People turn to this channel for line dancing-related help a lot and it shows.

Whether you are looking to get into dancing professionally or you just want to try something new with a loved one, this is a perfect thing to explore!

Their website even mapped down all 32 steps: “1-8 Heel, Heel, Point, Point, Point, Hook With Slap, Point, Back Hook With Slap. 9-16 Vine To Right, Touch, Rolling Vine To Left, Stomp Down. 17-24 Heel, Heel, Point, Point, Point, Hook With Slap, Point, Back Hook With Slap. 25-32 Vine To Left, Touch, Rollling Vine To Right, Stomp Down.”

Their website even mapped down all 32 steps: “1-8 Heel, Heel, Point, Point, Point, Hook With Slap, Point, Back Hook With Slap. 9-16 Vine To Right, Touch, Rolling Vine To Left, Stomp Down. 17-24 Heel, Heel, Point, Point, Point, Hook With Slap, Point, Back Hook With Slap. 25-32 Vine To Left, Touch, Rollling Vine To Right, Stomp Down.”
These ladies might be trying to teach the world how to dance but they are clearly just having a great time too. About a minute in, the backline switches with the frontline so that everyone has their own chance to shine.
Will you be next to try out the dance for yourself? Check it out below.
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