10 Habits That Could Be Putting You At Risk For Flu
You might think nothing of these daily habits, but they could be putting you at higher risk of catching a nasty bug.
Cheryl Knight

Getting the flu is a major bummer as a result of the symptoms that go with it, including fever, body aches, and a runny nose, among other discomforting symptoms. Plus, it can interrupt school, work, or other important life events. Short of locking yourself or your family away during flu season, there is little you can do to avoid coming into contact with others who have the flu. But, what you can do is minimize your exposure to the flu.

While flu season usually starts in November and lasts until March, you can get the flu any time of the year. If you are in line at the supermarket, in a crowded restaurant, around children, or exposed to people in other ways, you should take some steps to protect yourself. Just washing your hands may not be enough.

Fortunately, you can take a few simple steps to reduce your chances of getting the flu. These tips can keep you healthier and help you avoid the flu throughout the year.

Get a Flu Shot

Open Door Health Services
Open Door Health Services

The best and easiest way to cut down your chances of getting the flu is to get a flu shot at the start of flu season. Experts recommend that anyone over the age of six months get a flu shot, but it is especially important for children and the elderly to do so.

Keep in mind, flu shots do not mean you can’t get the flu. So, it is important that you take other precautions in addition to getting a flu shot.

Eat Yogurt

Yogurt in Nutrition
Yogurt in Nutrition

The probiotics found in yogurt are believed to help fight the flu, making it important to stock up on your favorite yogurt during flu season. In addition to the flu, probiotics also help fight off upper respiratory infections. And yogurt containing dark berries, such as blueberries, helps strengthen your immune system.

Remove Your Shoes

Unified Soul Theory
Unified Soul Theory

Removing your shoes when you get home helps to keep you from tracking germs throughout of the rest of your home. It is especially important to have your kids remove their shoes after school to avoid giving any germs they got from their fellow classmates to you, your spouse, their siblings, or others in your household.

Wipe Down Handles, Including Doorknobs and Drawers

House Cleaning by Custom Maid
House Cleaning by Custom Maid

It is important to wipe down all knobs and handles in your home regularly, especially when flu season is in full swing. You should wipe down any handles touched by others in your home every day using disinfectant wipes if somebody is sick and at least every other day when everyone is healthy.

Wash Your Hands, Including Your Thumbs

Make sure not to forget to wash your thumbs when washing your hands. Just think of all of the areas that your thumbs touch throughout your day, including your phone, your TV remote, or when opening doors, and you can see why it is considered one of the most germ-ridden places on your body.

Keep Backpacks and Purses Off of the Floor


To prevent picking up unwanted germs, avoid placing your backpack or purse on the floor. This is especially important in public places, such as restaurants or public restrooms, as those sick with or exposed to the flu can track germs into these areas on their shoes. If you do put items on the floor, make sure to wipe them down afterward.

Keep Toothbrushes Separated


If you live in a multi-person household, make sure to keep your toothbrushes separate. Toothbrushes are a prime area for germs, and keeping your toothbrush in close proximity to another person’s toothbrush in your household can expose you to any germs they come into contact with. At the very least keep your toothbrushes covered.

Avoid Eating Lunch at Your Desk

USA Today
USA Today

A sure way to pick up germs is to eat your lunch at your desk at work. Considered 100 times dirtier than a toilet seat, your desk is the last place you want to eat food. At the very least, disinfect the area where you plan on eating your lunch. Your best bet, though, is to eat your lunch in the break room.

Do Not Take Your Phone Into the Bathroom

Huffington Post
Huffington Post

Another way to avoid getting the flu is to not take your phone with you into the bathroom. Bathrooms are notorious for harboring germs, which can get on your phone and eventually make their way to you when you next use your phone. If you must take your phone into the bathroom, wipe it down before using it.

Change Your Sheets Regularly

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Mother Nature Network
Mother Nature Network

Believe it or not, your bed sheets can also harbor germs, especially if you sleep with a spouse or someone else. To avoid picking up germs, try to change your sheets at least once every two weeks, or even once a week if anyone who uses the bed has been sick recently. When washing your sheets, use hot water.

Source: Good Housekeeping
