Some pictures are created, by accident or on purpose, that will make you look twice. The first glance made you confused and the second look helps you understand what is really happening. These pictures are usually taken at the perfect timing of everyday items or situations but they are being seen in a new and humorous light. Here are 75 pictures that will make you do a double take each time and will give you a laugh once you realize what is really happening in the pictures.
1. Double Horse
Does this horse have two heads? It was the perfect angle of the horse leaning to munch on some grass that made this picture. The third horse in the background is looking on in complete judgement, that is for sure.
2. Dog Bus
This dog is happy as can be on the bus. He even has human legs and arms to trick the driver into letting him on. This happy boy loves a great bus ride around town.
3. Brave Little Toaster
Does anyone remember the movie Brave Little Toaster? This might not be a toaster but that smile was the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture. Instead this is the happy carburetor who looks to cheer on the person fixing it.
4. Ancient Artifact
At first it will seem as if this is a picture of a tourist site. It seems to be a historical site of some type but once you look a little closer you will realize what it really is. This leaves the biggest question, why was this left there?
5. Styling Dog?
Is a dog wearing sunglasses or does a woman have her sunglasses on her head? That counter cut off her hair at the perfect angle to make us question. I was hoping it would be have been a very stylish dog with sunglasses but maybe it will happen next time.
6. Always Watching
This house never sleeps, it is always watching. The house is tricky though because its eyes are squinting, as if it is watching in judgement over any person that dares walk too close. Are the tenants of the house aware of their roof of judgement?
7. Dementors
The ice has created its own terrifying Dementor, like in the Harry Potter series. This ice creation would be scary to run into at nighttime, it is already scary to see during the daytime. This ice creation guards that window with even a hand that is leaning against the windowsill.
8. Accidents Happen
This man is happy to show off that he peed his pants, or is he? The reflection of the chairs has created the optical illusion that he has peed himself. It takes a moment to see the reflection of the chairs but a great hint is focus on finding the legs of the chairs.
9. Zebra Lady
She is slowly turning into a zebra and she is halfway there. Once you realize that she is sitting on the zebra, it will bring another realization too. That is not even a real zebra, she is sitting on a fake zebra, nothing of this picture seems to be real.
10. Galaxy… Phone?
This is not a picture of a great star and planet, but it definitely could pull itself off as an outer space picture. This is actually a picture of a phone charger’s light and its light illuminating part of a stool. I would have never guessed the true nature of this picture, ever!
11.Dog Wood
Who could ever use or cut up this awesome piece of wood? It has created such an amazing dog on its own that it deserves to last. The shading even helps make the nose seem to pop out of the wood. What a good wood dog.
12. Birdie Happy Hour
Are these five birds having a social happy hour because it sure seems so. They are actually not birds but are a type of fruit. Do you know what kind of fruit they are? The fruit is called milkweed and will burst open to reveal seeds when it matures.
13. Tree Lights
This is one ominous intersection. The streetlights seem to blend into the trees, as if it is watching you with red eyes. It is a good thing that the trees are a dark green because when the light turns green it will still stand out.
14. Stormtrooper
The dishes have become angry while sitting in the dirty sink, so they have come together to create a Stormtrooper. They will start a war if the dish owners do not clean the dishes soon. Any fan of Star Wars knows that Stormtroopers do not mess around when it comes to fighting too.
15. Self Portrait
This bird not only left its mark, he left its signature mark. The droppings from this bird has created its own artwork of itself. People have painted with a lot of different materials, but birds are limited with their own supplies. So, they make do with what they have…doo-doo.
16. Cars on Trucks, Trucks on Cars
Which cars or trucks are even driving in this picture? It will take a moment to figure out how all these trucks and cars are put together because it looks like an insane street puzzle. In reality, the front truck is towing everything behind him. I would not want to drive behind this situation at all.
17. Anger
This is one angry trash can. It must need to be emptied because its shadow is bursting with rage. Who could blame a trashcan for being angry? Their name says it all, they are just a can full of smelly trash.
18. Turtle Man
Meet the world’s new superhero, Turtle Man. This man can turn into a turtle and … move very slow? Actually, it is just the reflection of this turtle that has created an image of a bearded man. Maybe, in a past life this turtle was a version of that man and he is lingering in the turtle.
19. Meat Blankets
Are these giant cases of meat or blankets that look like meat when they are folded? They are just blankets but they need a more enticing packaging because not many people will want a blanket that gives off meat vibes. After looking at the photograph for a bit, it does seem as if those blankets are really soft though.
20. Nap Time
This brother caught his sister napping at the best time. She was reading a magazine before her nap and used it as an eye mask. What she did not know is that the back of the magazine had the photo of a face, set perfectly against her own. Thankfully, her brother was there to catch the great moment and share it with the rest of the world.
21. Giant Bird or Tiny Human?
Perspective and depth is used for many optical illusions, such as this one. What looks like a giant bird and tiny human is created through perspective. After your second glance you will realize the bird is closer to the camera, while the man is far away and this creates the optical illusion.
22. Magician’s Dog
Is a magician the owner of this dog that seems to be cut in half? That would make some type of sense of this picture. During my second glance I realized what really was happening and what actually makes sense. The dog is sitting next to a piece of wood that has the same coloring as its fur, which creates the illusion that he is cut in half.
23. Yes, They Are Real
These cartoon backpacks look so much like a cartoon that the retailer has to put up a sign. I read the sign clarifying they are real, but my eyes still does not trust the sign. The backpacks still look like they are fake and in a cartoon.
24. Dog Woman
This dog-woman has an intense stare while riding on the train. What makes this picture so great is that the dog’s collar makes it look as if she is wearing a necklace instead. It gives this illusion an extra humorous touch.
25. Small Head
The dog’s body is large but its head is tiny. That would make sense as to why he seems so angry, he is self conscious about his head. He is used to fighting off other dogs to stick up for himself. In reality, it is obviously two separate dogs but the tiny dog is fierce.
26. Vampire Car
There is two separate ideas that people see in this photograph, which will you be? Do you see a vampire or Darth Vader? I saw the vampire, those fangs were just too perfect not to give it to the vampire.
27. Missing Head
This picture was taken at the perfect but accidental moment for this headless cat to be made. She was trying to get a picture of her cat and took it right when the cat sneezed. That is a quick sneeze to have her head go completely missing into her white fur.
28. Too Fast
This is a cartoon image come to life. The arrangement of the cloud and roller coaster makes it seem as if the coaster carts flew straight into the sky with its high speed. I do not know what is scarier, the drop from that coaster or the idea of getting sent into the sky.
29. Benjamin Button
This father/son combo has created their own Benjamin Button baby. A tiny body but the face of an adult. I have to be honest, I know that this picture is just an optical illusion but I still cannot figure out where the child’s head ends and the dad’s head starts. This is one optical illusion that has kept me stumped.
30. Sad Cucumbers
We understand that cucumbers cannot display or feel emotion but these are some sad cucumbers. These cucumbers have created mini faces and they are all shocked and sad. They did not like being cut up and forced to be away from each other.
31. Oh No!
You will never look at a power strip the same after viewing this picture. The four empty plugs looked scared about their future, such as the plug that is currently being used. They are giving the ultimate side-eye of fear.
32. Meat Shoes
These two cuts of meat look just like running shoes, with even a different color for the soles of the shoes. Their might only be one person that would wear these meat shoes: old school Lady Gaga. For the rest of us, we are going to take a strong pass on these meat shoes.
33. Sorting Cone
Hogwarts might have a Sorting Hat, but this parking lot has a Sorting Cone. The Sorting Cone will assign every person in this parking lot their correct spot. I wonder what the name of the different parking zones are for this Sorting Cone.
34. Tree Butt
This tree got tired of standing, so it decided to grow a butt onto the sidewalk and take a seat. A tree will grow around any manmade structures, even sidewalks. That is called adapting at its finest, especially when you can make a “seat.”
35. Toes as Fingers
They wanted to take a cute vacation photo, so they could always remember the vacation. They definitely took a vacation photo to remember, since the boyfriend now has a foot as a hand. Only the perfect angle, by accident, could this amazing photo have been taken.
36. All Good
When you ask how these good boys are doing, they will respond with a thumbs up. Wait? When did this dog grow a human hand? His doggie buddy is not impressed with the paw situation and is giving major side eye.
37. Teamwork
This is what I call a great friend. He is willing to get into an awkward situation, so his friend did not have to suffer through it alone. These two are fly-or-die type of friends and neither looks comfortable, at all, in their predicament.
38. Broken Chair
39. Fading Away
What is going on with this disappearing cabinet? The filing cabinet is not fading away, its shine and the lighting is just making it look that way. Just to be on the safe side, I would take any important files out of the cabinet before it completely disappears.
40. Floating Stage
She knew she needed to make an impression with her speech, but did she really have to bring a floating stage? Oh wait, she is not floating but the flag’s shadow really can trick the eyes into thinking so. The people in front of her do not know the funnier view they are missing out on, by being on the side.
41. Zen Dog
This dog knows the importance of meditation, it can completely transform your life. It seems as if the dog must be meditating about turning into a human because he is getting scary close. It does not hurt that the dog’s owner cannot pass up taking a funny picture.
42. Chocolate Sloths
Have you ever seen a more adorable chocolate croissant? These chocolate croissants look just like baby sloths. It would almost make me feel guilty for taking a bite out of it, almost.
43. Thinking Graduate
Graduation is usually a celebration but this shadow is here to remind all graduates that it is also a time for reflection. The shadow on this building has created a form of a graduate bowing his head and know we just need to find a shadow that creates a graduate tossing its cap in happiness. A graduate can only stay serious for so long.
44. Rock Concert of Cotton
This band has brought of tons of fans to watch their show. Oh wait, this is not a concert at all. Can you see what it really is? A night out in the cotton fields.
45. Water Elephant
What an amazing picture! While throwing water onto this elephant, the water has created a picture of an elephant. This has to be a good sign of a great day to come with the elephant.
46. Climbing Cactus
This cactus is feeling completely left out from the cactuses about the cliff. It is going to do anything to join its fellow cactuses. It will even start to grow as if it is climbing up the cliff itself. Good luck, cactus.
47. Ash Monster
There has to be a movie mad about volcanic ash turning into a giant monster to destroy the cities. If it has not been made, then this volcanic ash in Chile is pushing for it to be made. This volcanic ash cloud is coming for destruction.
48. UFO’s Have Landed
Have the UFO’s found us? I appreciate that the UFO’s are coming in with pink light if they are. What do you think is causing this optical illusion? It is the reflection of the restaurant’s lamp against the window.
49. Mom and Dad as One
This mom and dad duo are a strong team when it comes to raising their children. So much so that they are forming into one body too. That is a serious commitment if you ask me.
50. Worried Faucet
A plumber stumbled upon this faucet and could not resist taking a picture of it. He wrote,
“As a plumber, this is me walking into every job…”

51. Baby Knees
This woman has baby knees. No, not knees the size of babies, her knees form into the shapes of baby faces. Once you see the baby knees, there is no unseeing them. This one will be a little haunting for awhile.
52. The Chosen Kitten
Excalibur might have chosen King Arthur, but this kitten has grown its own powerful sword. This fur sword has chosen its owner and will stay with him forever, he is the chosen one. What name should this sword be given?
53. Drunk Olives
This olive is here to remind its owner that if they drink too many of these martinis, they are going to be just like the olive later that night. The martini is so strong it has made the olive drunk. The olive should be saved from the martini, by eating it as quick as possible.
54. Longest Legs
How long did it take you to figure out this picture? There was no possible way her thighs were that long, but it took me longer than I am willing to admit to figure it out. Once I realized the angle she took the picture from, that is when I figure it out.
55. Disappearing Dog
If the dog did not have any clothes on, he would completely disappear into the carpet. Do they make him wear clothes so they do not step on him? If so, that is probably a very smart move on their part.
56. Stairs on the Wall
When the rain dried against this building, it created the pattern of stairs. That is one way to walk down that building. Some viewers of the photograph have noted that the pattern on the entire building also looks like a massive game of Tetris. Which one did you see first?
57. Mega Legs
It must be hard riding on the back of a motorcycle with legs that long. It will take a moment for her boot to be seen in the picture. Thankfully, she has normal size legs for the size of her body, otherwise she might have the longest legs in the world.
58. Hybrid Fruit?
What type of food is this? Is it a watermelon? An apple? Nope, it is actually another type of fruit. It is a pumpkin. It might be a pumpkin but this is one pumpkin that wishes to be another fruit and cannot make up its mind.
59. Four or One?
This picture has not been photoshopped from four separate pictures. This is actually only one photograph, but it sure does not look like one on the first glance. The photographer behind this picture found a great location to shoot an awesome picture.
60. Eye of the Drain
This Reddit user got more than he bargained for when taking this photograph. He stated,
“Tried taking a picture of a sink draining, wound up with a picture of an eye instead.”
61. What is Happening?
Is he leaning up against the wall or laying down on a sofa? The angle of this photograph will leave many people confused. A hint to help you out is that he is on the third story in the building. Hope that helps you figure it all out.
62. Trump’s Dog Ear
This dog has been listening to President Trump speak for so long that his ear has turned into his profile. How the owner ever realized this will stay a mystery, but once she did, she made sure to take photographic proof. If only this dog knew his ear was on the internet for the world to see.
63. Life in Hawaii
64. Don’t Come Any Closer
These switches are staring out of the corner of their eyes. The addition of the switch looking like its nose too, these switches are looking as if they are in complete fear. They do not want any human getting close to them at all.
65. Car Judgement
These cars are completely snowed in. The car on the left looks as if it is looking for its owner. It does not like being left out in the snow. This car is going to give its owner some sort of punishment for leaving the snow all over it.
66. Real Life GTA
Grand Theft Auto has been one of the most popular video games for decades. While cruising down the street, this driver felt as if he had stepped into a real life version. The Maserati, palm trees, and perfect sunset has all came together and created a GTA vibe.
67. Cookie Monster on Wheels
Sesame Street must have run out of cookies because it seems as if a camouflaged Cookie Monster is on the run to find more cookies. The load of this truck has created its own Cookie Monster on wheels.
68. Hugs for All
The architect of this building must have been in need of a hug on the day he designed it. That is because it almost looks as if this is two separate buildings hugging and not just one building. I guess even buildings need hugs too.
69. Scrat Sink
Scrat is a wild squirrel in Ice Age. So, it is no surprise to see his crazy face even in a faucet. If someone did not point out that the faucet looks like Scrat, I might have never of seen it. Yet, once you see it, all you can see is Scrat.
70. Stairway to Confusion
I would not trust this staircase and would be holding onto the rail the entire way up. This staircase is just asking for people to trip over themselves or not find the correct step. Good luck walking up those stairs after a few alcoholic beverages.
71. Cerberus
This might look like a two-headed dog, just one head shy from being Cerberus, but it is not. These dogs are either really angry or rough play house, but, either way, this picture was taken at the best moment possible. It has formed one mega mouth for the dogs.
72. Crooked Door
In this picture, yes, you are seeing it right. This is a crooked door leading into the bookshop. When buildings are old, owners have to make do with what they have. This owner has a crooked doorway and needs a crooked door.
73. Swinging Raphael
The Ninja Turtles always love to have a fun time, so it is no surprise that this swing has a Raphael vibe. All a child needs is a piece of pizza, while sitting in the swing, and Raphael would be proud. There are no Ninja Turtles without pizza and masks.
74. It Becomes One
When this car was abandoned the trees took it in as one of their own. This picture could be a movie still from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. If only it was a blue Ford Anglia and it would have been perfect.
75. Car Race
There is not a toy car race happening in this subway station, it is just the lights reflecting off the shiny ground. The lights have created its own track and lit up cars with its reflection. If it was a race, the car in first place has a great lead.
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