Gang of adorable raccoons show up at wedding photoshoot
This group of raccoons crash the newlywed's photoshoot!
Bella Scotton

This couple had no intentions of inviting any guests to their photo shoot, especially these ones

Anything Can Happen Outdoors

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A lot of couples like to have their wedding photos taken in a natural setting

However nobody can ever predict who or what will show up to enjoy them. Obviously these raccoons didn’t need an invitation.

The Polite Audience

As the photos were being taken the raccoons seemed very relaxed and not the least bit nervous of the wedding couple.

Carrying On


The couple moved away from the path to give the racoons clearance

It doesn’t seem that the raccoons had any particular place to be as they continued to follow the bride and groom.

Enough Of That

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After a few photos had been snapped it seemed the group of raccoons had enough of the picture taking so they went about their business.

All In Stride

The bride and groom were not the least bit concerned about the raccoons becoming the center of attention. After all this happy couple have their whole life ahead of them.

In fact, the whole affair was considered by all to be a “good omen”.

The Invited Guest

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There are some raccoons that have received an invitation to a wedding and have accepted whole heartedly.

Being Realistic About Raccoons


In instances like this where raccoons and people can come together it still has to be remembered that raccoons are wild animals. Although it is true that many people do keep some as pets. Keeping your distance from those in the wild is always a wise thing to do. Especially if Mom has her babies with her.

They can be quite destructive, unpredictable and often like to travel in families.

Animal Wedding Crashers

Raccoons are not the only animal that has been known to infiltrate different parts of a wedding. There are several different animals that have been caught in the act. Both wild and domestic. Some prefer the photo shoots while others like the receptions.

This Pooch Arrives In Style

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Obviously planned for but at the same time it was a real hit at this wedding. Incidentally the dog was well dressed in his doggie tux.

Elephant Kisses

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Everyone wants to kiss the bride which in most cases she readily accepts. Except for perhaps this one.

The elephant obviously wanted to wish the bride well and show her feelings with a kiss.

Jethro Not Happy With His Tux

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Jethro who is one big dog was intended to be part of the wedding party. Naturally he had to be dressed for the part. Which he was in a tux. However, during the photo shoot he had enough of the get up and was intent on getting it off.

Not So Smooth of a Ride

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It is a wonderful experience for the bride and groom to arrive in horse and carriage….sometimes!

Obviously the horses delivering this happy couple were not so happy themselves and gave them quite a ride.

Whether cute, scary or unexpected, animals at a wedding can be a crowd pleaser.

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