84-year-old sinks amazing 93-foot putt with ease – has priceless response to winning new car
Who would've thought?
Kirsten Spruch

Sports are hard! All of the sports are honestly challenging… Soccer, football, basketball, you name it. But one sport, in particular, that is overlooked as one of the hardest, is golf!

Golf is such a hard sport because there is so much detail that goes into it. Essentially, the goal is to knock the little golf ball into the hole and while it sounds easy, it sure isn’t. It takes a lot of skill, practice, and knowledge. The force you use as well as the angle you hit on all play a very big part in the ball’s immediate future.


Recently, a truly astonishing moment took place when 84-year-old woman Mary Ann Wakfield was asked to do something out of the ordinary… She was challenged to sink a golf ball from across a basketball court.

For those who don’t know, this isn’t a necessarily easy task. One does not simply shoot a ball across a basketball court and make it into the hole. Except this time, it was different.

Wakfield was met with the opportunity to win a brand-new car. She had the chance to earn a 2020 Nissan Altima from a local dealership during the Ole Miss men’s basketball game at the University of Mississippi in Oxford. Like we said, all she had to do was sink a golf ball from across the court. No big deal.


Just so you have a better idea of what this challenge is — it’s about a 94-foot golf shot. No big deal for someone who is not only a beginner golf player but someone who is competing for something and can feel the intense pressure.


This all took place during the promotional segment of the game and it is no secret that the crowd absolutely loved every second of it.

“Let’s see what she’s got!” the host of the show said as Wakfield geared up to make her shot. It is unclear if he initially believed in her, but after she effortlessly cleaned the golf ball with zero problems, he did not do anything but show her some major love.


After concentrating for a second, Wakfield finally hit the ball. When you think something is about to go wrong, it doesn’t. The ball goes the long distance on its own and the whole crowd goes silent for a millisecond in eager anticipation.


“Tell you what, that’s looking good,” the host exclaimed as the ball rolled closer and closer to the hole.


Once the ball makes it in, the whole crowd is surprised yet joyous. They show their love by cheering as loud as they possibly can… But the cutest part is Wakfield. She obviously had major skill and totally earned the goal, yet she still came off as so humble and surprised. Whether she knew it or not, she was now seen as this cool, down-to-earth rocker chick grandma!

After the goal, the whole crowd began to dance (rightfully so). It is amazing that this 84-year-old woman is getting a new car because she had the smarts to answer these questions.

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