When you are a new parent, you want to capture your baby’s every move on camera. That’s why parents are always booking photo shoots for their babies. Most of the time, they end up with great photos; other times, their kiddos don’t want to cooperate.
A lot of children scream during photos or won’t wear their cute hats or the right shoes. However, some take things to the next level. They don’t just make the photo shoot difficult; they make the pictures a little strange, as well.
No parent will tell you that a photo of their child is bad. They don’t care if they catch that kid in mid-sneeze; they love it. Most of the parents in these photos feel the same way. Even when their babies have pooped or puked all over them, they want the photographer to keep snapping photos.
When you see these photos, you will wonder how the family continued on with the shoot. They might also make you wonder where people put these kinds of photos and why they even buy them. Once you are a parent, you will understand.
1. When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go
This little guy isn’t even old enough to know what’s going on. All he knows is that he is comfortable in his parent’s arms and needs to let go. Good thing the photographer was there to capture such a special moment for this family. That baby is cute no matter what.
2. He Doesn’t See It
So, this dad has no idea that his child is pooping all over him. The camera caught it and even his other child sees it. Dad is just completely oblivious and is still doing the perfect smile for the camera. At least they have this picture to look back and laugh on for years to come.
3. Sorry, Dad
This young couple is just getting started, and poor Dad is already getting puked on. It’s one thing to get puke on your shoulder, but it’s another to get it on your head. The mom can’t even handle it. It might be a gross photo, but it’s a funny one.
4. This Is Awkward
Being a parent means a lot of awkward moments. This mom was lucky enough to catch one of hers on camera. Is she sneezing? Is she about to drop the baby? Is the baby trying to rip the necklace off her neck? Who knows, but it’s funny.
5. Sister Problems
Being the older sibling means you have to take a lot of crap. In this case, this girl has to take a lot of puke, too. She might be smiling now, but she won’t be when she sees the picture or gets up and watches the puke drop off her. This is why siblings fight.
6. This Is Just Awful
There’s nothing like a nice day at the beach with the family. Dad tosses the kids on his shoulders for a walk down the beach, and Mom takes photos. I bet Dad is wishing he would have been the one with the camera instead of the one with poop down his back.
7. Way To Be Cool
This hip young dad really wants a good photo with his newborn. He looks pretty cool in that black shirt and with that trendy hairstyle. The only thing that is off is the poop on his shirt. That’s what happens when you try to photograph newborns.
8. That Poor Baby
What do you do when your baby has no diaper and starts to pee? You panic and freeze, of course. If you are a photographer, you snap a photo. These parents are getting wet hands, but this baby is peeing all over his own face. What a moment to capture.
9. Dad Seems Proud
This photo is a pretty good example of what life is like in most households. The child is misbehaving, the mother is embarrassed, and the dad is laughing in the background. To be fair, this little guy doesn’t even know what’s happening. Dad seems to be proud of him, though.
10. He Did It On Purpose
This baby didn’t want a photo with his dad’s hairy belly behind him. He tried his best to stop it. He even pooped on him. That wasn’t enough, though. Now, they have a photo that is awkward and gross. Parenting is fun.
11. You Can’t See It, But It’s There
You may be wondering why these parents are making these faces. Everything appears to be normal. What you can’t see is the pee that is now in the dad’s hands. Who wouldn’t make this face with a handful of pee?
12. Just In Time
This photographer was quick enough to capture this dad’s reaction as soon as he realized what had happened. Mom still doesn’t have a clue; she is just smiling and hoping for some good photos. Dad has to deal with a poopy shirt.
13. Look At The Smile
This dad is smiling because he thinks he is getting the perfect photo with his baby. He has no idea that his baby is pooping all over his stomach as he poses. He probably wouldn’t be smiling if he knew what had just happened.
14. Should Have Went With A Dark Color
Does it really matter what color shirt you wear for your photos when your child is just going to poop on it? This dad is getting a taste of parenthood, and he has just started. At least the baby looks cute. Maybe they can just crop Dad out of the photo.
15. Things Escalated Quickly
One minute you are holding your adorable baby and taking a photo, and the next, you are holding your adorable baby with poop on your arm. The baby didn’t know any better, but these parents should have. Just put a diaper on Junior.
16. Why Are They So Happy?
These parents are awfully happy considering their child is pooping everywhere. Dad is just holding her with a big smile, and Mom is cupping all the poo that comes out. It’s amazing they are still smiling in this photo.
17. Surprise, Dad!
The expressions on this dad’s face are amazing. He goes from loving to surprised and then back to loving again. Sometimes, when you are a parent, you just have to accept that your kid is going to do things like this. Nobody wants a photo of it, though.
18. Don’t Move
This dad is in a bad situation. If he gets up, he has to feel the poop drip down his back. If he just lies there, it will just stay puddled right there. Hopefully, someone was willing to grab the baby and wipe off Dad’s back for some new photos.
19. Have Some Milk, Mom
This baby is just giving back to his mom. She just fed him and did her part, but now, he wants to share. She should have known better than to put a newborn near her face after a feeding. Nothing good can come from it.
20. Those Eyes, Though
This baby is so cute and has such bright eyes that you almost don’t notice the stream of pee in the air. Her parents and the photographer noticed it, though. Sometimes, you just can’t help it. You just have to finish and move on.
21. All He Can Do Is Smile
This dad knows that there is nothing he can do to save this photo. All he can do is let the baby finish and laugh it off. At least he has a good smile and they are both photogenic. This one needs to go in the scrapbook.
22. No Color Is Safe
A dark-colored shirt may have seemed like the right choice for a photo shoot, but this baby made sure she marked it up. She wanted to add a little color to the photo. Too bad that color is poop yellow.
23. They Were No Match For The Poop
This baby might have two moms, but even they can’t stop him from pooping everywhere. They are trying their best, but it’s coming out no matter what. That face the one mom is making is one a lot of parents are familiar with.
24. He’s So Cute
This little cutie is peeing all over himself, but that’s not enough to wake him up. His parents probably have this photo displayed on their wall. Even the pee stream isn’t enough to take away from how cute this little guy is.
25. This Made For A Cute Photo
This photo looks pretty normal until you look at the ground. The woman is laughing because his daughter has just peed all over her feet. You can’t tell in the photo, but she can definitely feel it.
26. This Pose Is Never A Good Idea
You would think that parents would stop posing their babies this way. They never seem to work out. There is something about this pose that relaxes babies and makes them pee everywhere. This baby is no exception.
27. Great Timing
This baby knows that his spit is about to come back and hit him in the face. He’s mentally preparing for it. His dad knows it, too. They are both just staring at each other and waiting for it to happen. Luckily, the photographer was fast.
28. Just A Little Puke
There are certain things you don’t want to happen during a photo shoot with your baby, and this is one of them. It still beats being pooped on, though. That baby must feel better after puking because she has a cute little smile on her face.
29. Take That Dad
This baby is just trying to get his dad back for taking photos in front of a Crown Royal chair. It’s not exactly the best background for a family photo. Dad is clueless, though, and just smiles right through it. Too much alcohol, maybe?
30. Someone Has Gas
Either this baby has gas or one of his parents do. He can either smell someone else’s fart or is working up a good poop. His parents don’t have any clue that their baby is cross-eyed. They will figure it out when they get the photo prints.
31. Maybe They Won’t Notice
This baby was so startled by the flash of the camera that he just had to pee. He was hoping if he stayed really still, they wouldn’t notice. The camera sees everything, though.
32. Don’t Drop The Baby
This dad is taking a pee stream to the face, and it looks like he is thinking about dropping the baby. It’s hard to hold a baby and just get peed on, but it’s part of parenthood. He will probably be peed on many more times in his life.
33. He Doesn’t Even Care
Babies don’t know when they are peeing on their parents. This little guy doesn’t even know he is peeing on himself. Nothing like a photo of your child peeing in his own mouth. Such a beautiful shot.
34. He Doesn’t Like Photos
Everyone else in this photo looks great, and they are all posed nicely. At first glance, it looks like a nice family photo. Then, you see the crying baby in the corner. Couldn’t they just edit him out?
35. Things Didn’t Go So Well
Mom trusted Dad to take their son to get his photos. Things didn’t go so well for either of them. They both came back like this. Wait until Mom sees the photos she paid so much for. What a rough photo shoot.
36. Yeah, right.
They might be holding letters that spell out ‘joy’ but their faces are saying the complete opposite. It might not be what their parents had in mind for a Christmas card photo, but we thank them for sharing it on the internet.
37. Not excited about this.
When you’re the baby of the family, you want to stay the baby! All of that attention and doting on? Why would you ever want that to end? This toddler is making sure everyone knows about her displeasure.
38. The baby’s not the only one to blame here.
We’re used to seeing the baby be the one ‘ruining’ family photoshoots, but this time, they certainly aren’t the only ones to blame. The next oldest child is picking their nose and their oldest looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but there.
39. Back off, Mom and Dad!
These parents were trying to get a sweet moment captured kissing their son’s cheeks. But, it didn’t exactly go over very well with the little guy. He’s only 1-year-old and he already feels like he’s being smothered by his parents.
40. Here goes the baby again.
The littlest and youngest child always seems to be a bit more mischievous because they know they’re more likely to get away with it than her older siblings. Take this photoshoot for example.
41. What the heck is going on here?
Are these children in danger? Because it looks like all of them are actually scared and petrified of whatever is going on. Except for the third one from the left. He seems cool, calm, and collected. This photo is funny but…kind of not.
42. Is she okay?
Sweet little baby? Or tiny little demon disguised as a baby? By the looks of this photoshoot, we’ll never know. Don’t let the little red dress and headband with a giant bow fool you. She’s clearly dangerous.
43. Is that vomit?
Mom is half asleep. One daughter is about to topple off the rock, another daughter looks like she’s puked on her mom, and her son seems blissfully unaware. We’d love to hear the backstory to this photo.
44. He doesn’t seem into it.
Why do parents force their kids into doing things they don’t want to do? It’s clear that this little guy doesn’t exactly love being stuck in that wagon that’s far too small for his chubby body. How about we call it a day?
45. Mom lost her grip.
A photographer happened to catch this mega parenting fail in the midst of the chaos. Not only is the baby flying mid-air while mom is trying to catch him, but their toddler is about to be dropped because of it too! We hope everyone is okay.
46. This is what total fear looks like.
This baby photo from the ’80s shows a very frightened, very shocked, and very confused little girl. What on earth is happening behind the camera to scare this baby so much? We’re just glad the photographer captured this moment so we could laugh for years to come.
47. This pose never seems to work.
As we’ve seen time and time again in prior slides, this pose never seems to work out as mom and dad planned. Turns out babies don’t like a double-cheek kiss. It’s just too much. Maybe one at a time would work better?
48. Here she is again.
Remember that baby with the evil look in the earlier slide? Well, folks–she’s back (actually, we don’t know if that’s true but we’d like to think it is) with another one of her signature looks. It’s much like the previous one, but this time, she’s sitting up and looking at a slightly different angle.
49. “What is that thing?”
This newborn baby has only been on the planet for a few days, so everything is new, exciting, and quite confusing all at the same time. As this person was trying to get a close-up photo of the newborn’s face, the baby seemed very wary about it.
50. She’s lasered in on something.
This baby can’t look at her mom or the camera. She’s far too focused on something in the distance. We’re not quite sure what the expression means on her face, but it looks a bit like concern. Should we be concerned?
51. Not happy. Not happy at all.
It appears that despite being just a couple months old, this baby already has some serious pent up anger. He definitely doesn’t seem like a photo shoot is something he’s into. Maybe it’s time for a nap instead.
50+ cute newborns who hilariously messed up their parents’ photoshoots
Ashley Fike
When you are a new parent, you want to capture your baby’s every move on camera. That’s why parents are always booking photo shoots for their babies. Most of the time, they end up with great photos; other times, their kiddos don’t want to cooperate.
A lot of children scream during photos or won’t wear their cute hats or the right shoes. However, some take things to the next level. They don’t just make the photo shoot difficult; they make the pictures a little strange, as well.
No parent will tell you that a photo of their child is bad. They don’t care if they catch that kid in mid-sneeze; they love it. Most of the parents in these photos feel the same way. Even when their babies have pooped or puked all over them, they want the photographer to keep snapping photos.
When you see these photos, you will wonder how the family continued on with the shoot. They might also make you wonder where people put these kinds of photos and why they even buy them. Once you are a parent, you will understand.