Man plays piano at train station by himself. Suddenly, stranger joins in for stunning duet
D.G. Sciortino

Two strangers who’ve never met before came together in a Paris train station to put on an amazing performance that shocked everyone standing around them.

A piano player was perfectly content sitting and playing for the crowd by himself.

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That’s when an onlooker sneaks up and basically hovers over the piano player. The piano player almost looks annoyed at this stranger standing over him.

At first, you think the guy is some kind of a weirdo staring longingly at the piano.

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But then you realize that this guy is just dying to jump in and play along. He finally digs in and hops on the set of keys to the

He finally digs in and hops on the set of keys to the right of the piano player. The piano player doesn’t really seem happy about it, but he goes along with it.

The two start out playing a little clumsily, but then they really get going.

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The two start seamlessly jamming out together on the same piano as if they’ve been practicing for weeks. Not only that, but they keep switching up the sides they’re playing on and the tempo.

It’s truly incredible to see how two complete strangers can be so in sync.

At the end of their performance, the crowd cheers wildly and you can tell the piano player is glad he let the stranger in on the fun.

You just don’t see things like this every day. Watch this phenomenal performance in the video below.

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