Has the thought ever occurred to you, while you’re knitting, “how can I make this more extreme? I mean like SUPER extreme?!” ? The world of DIY’s always provides!
That’s right; now knitters can relax and live on the edge by knitting with jumbo sized needles that you have to make yourself and the largest yarn available! The result is a thickly, entwined blanket woven out of unspun wool roving, and you certainly will be walking away with quite the experience in addition to the fruit of your efforts!

Making giant corded items such as throws, scarfs, and rugs in addition to blankets has been growing quite popular in the DIY world for their iconic look and comfort. There are other “tighter” versions of giant corded blankets, which actually utilize giant knitting needles made out of wood, but today we are going completely DIY to a size in which you have to make the needles yourself as well!
Giant corded items make great gifts as they have to be made by hand as they are so big manufacturers just have no way of producing them themselves in an economically efficient manner! Therefore, the person you are gifting this too will truly have a handmade item by you to display in their home!

Of course, there is also the option of making an giant-corded item for yourself to as a symbol of your physical prowess over the knitting world!
The items you will need:
Many, many rolls of unspun wool roving (try 4 balls to start) slightly felted, unwashed (source used brown sheep’s wool)
Two long 1 ½ inch PVC tubes
Duct tape
Step 1) Firstly, create your knitting needles by using your duct tape to make the “buds” at the end of each PVC tube so that you have something to stick your loops over and grip the wool.

Step 2) Now, with your knitting needles, the technique is much the same as if you were using smaller versions of these utensils (knit one-Pearl two), just this time you will also get a workout! About 24 loops across makes a decent blanket size, and then you can begin working down to begin constructing your blanket!
Step 3) For extra durability, when you are finished you can “seal” the edges by using the end of the chord and weaving it in and out of the loops that make up the edge and seal it off when you run out by tying a loose knot, the weave should hold it in place! Enjoy!
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