“She ran back in the bedroom, jumped up on the bed, slid across her comforter, pounced on [my mom’s] head and let out the biggest roar to wake her up,” Brandy shared. “She said, ‘Shotzie roared like a mountain lion.’ She said it was an extremely loud and deep growl to get her up and get moving.”
People often joke about cats using their humans for food, thinking that these cunning creatures must be manipulating us all.
Compared to dogs, cats can be quite cold. They don’t show the same blind loyalty that their canine counterparts do, leading to the conception that cats do not love people like other pets. This cat is proof that all of that is completely wrong.
Shotzie is an 11-year-old cat who lives with her elderly owners, Kirk and Tammy Miller. Growing up, she was never fond of Brandy or the couple’s other kids. In fact, she flat out refused to spend time with them. The kids developed a nickname for Shotzie, “the mean cat.”

Of course, Shotzie was never cold to her parents, just every other human who entered the house.
“She’s not really a people cat,” Brandy explained to The Dodo. “She doesn’t like being around anyone except for my mom and my stepdad, Kirk. If anyone comes over, she usually hides. And if I’m around her, she’ll usually start hissing. She just doesn’t like me or my sisters.”
Because of this behavior, the Miller family never expected much from the cat. They left her alone to go about her day, having given up all hopes of her being a loving house pet. But when Kirk was in trouble, Shotzie proved that there is much more to her than meets the eye.

One morning, just as Kirk was about to head to work, something went horribly wrong.
The poor man had a heart attack and collapsed onto the floor. The only one who knew about it was the cat.
“My stepdad was getting ready to leave for work — he leaves for work at 4 o’clock in the morning,” Brandy said. “I think he had just fed [Shotzie], and he was going to the door and he had this massive heart attack. He fell back and hit the ground.”
During this time, Tammy was still fast asleep. She had no idea what had happened to her husband, and if it hadn’t been for Shotzie she would have lost him. The cat thought quickly and did everything she could to save her owner’s life.

Tammy had never heard the cat make that sort of sound before, so she immediately knew that something wasn’t right.

If it hadn’t been for Shotzie, Kirk wouldn’t have survived.

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Source: The Dodo